Page 7 - Aruba Today
P. 7

                                                                                                         Tuesday 26 January 2016

US Financial Front:

Business economists expect slower sales, economic growth 

C. S. RUGABER                   the economy at the start of       An iron worker works on a building under construction in Phila-                   big stock market drops
AP Economics Writer             2016. Fewer than half the         delphia. Business economists are more pessimistic about their                     that have occurred since
WASHINGTON (AP) —  Busi-        economists expect sales at        firms’ future sales and profits than they were in the fall of 2015,               the year began, and 148
ness  economists are more       their firms to rise in the first  and more predict slower economic growth at the start of 2016,                     economists responded.
pessimistic about their         quarter, the smallest pro-        a survey found.                                                                   There were some positive
firms’ future sales and prof-   portion since January 2015.                                                                                         signs in the results. In addi-
its than they were last fall,   And nearly 20 percent ex-                                                                   (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)  tion to the planned wage
and more predict slower         pect profits to fall, the most                                                                                      increases for the first quar-
economic growth, a survey       in more than a year.              ed from Dec. 17 through Jan. 5, mostly before the                                 ter, nearly half of the econ-
found.                          For the first time in three                                                                                         omists said their firms had
At the same time, a major-      years, more than 25 per-                                                                                            already raised pay in the
ity of economists surveyed      cent of the economists                                                                                              final three months of 2015.
by the National Association     forecast that growth will                                                                                           That’s the highest percent-
for Business Economics said     slip below 2 percent over                                                                                           age in more than a de-
their firms plan to raise wag-  the next year. As recently                                                                                          cade.
es in the January-March         as April, 30 percent ex-                                                                                            And one-third of respon-
quarter. That is the largest    pected growth would top                                                                                             dents said their firms
proportion that expects to      3 percent in the following                                                                                          planned to add jobs in
raise pay since mid-2014.       12 months. That figure fell to                                                                                      the next three months,
Aside from the planned          just 4 percent in the current                                                                                       up from 29 percent in the
pay rise, the survey paints     survey.                                                                                                             fall. The number planning
a mostly gloomy view of         The survey was conduct-                                                                                             to cut jobs also rose, to 15

Ford cites market conditions,
pulls out of Japan, Indonesia 

TOM KRISHER                     government of protect-
AP Auto Writer
DETROIT (AP) — Ford Motor       ing domestic brands. The
Co. is pulling out of Japan
and Indonesia, saying that      company in an emailed
market conditions in each
country have made it dif-       statement said that the de-
ficult to grow sales or make    cision was communicated
sustained profits.              to employees and dealers
“Japan is the most closed,      on Monday. Ford will exit
developed auto economy          the countries before the
in the world, with all im-      end of the year and plans
ported brands accounting        to explain to customers its
for less than 6% of Japan’s     commitment to servicing
annual new car market,”         cars, providing parts and
spokesman Neal McCarthy         making warranty repairs.
wrote in an email message.      McCarthy said auto sales
The 12-nation Trans Pacific     are expected to decline in
Partnership trade agree-        Japan in the coming years.
ment in its current form will   Analysts have said that’s
not improve Ford’s ability      due to an aging popula-
to complete there, he said.     tion and declining interest
Congress could vote on          in cars among younger
the pact this year.             people in urban areas. In
Neither market is large         Indonesia, it was difficult
for the Dearborn, Michi-        for Ford to compete with-
gan, automaker. Last year       out local manufacturing
Ford sold only 6,100 cars       and vehicles to sell in key
and trucks in Indonesia         market segments, McCar-
and only 5,000 in Japan,        thy said. Ford has restruc-
where it has accused the        tured its  business  there but
                                still has less than 1 percent
                                of the market with “no rea-

                                sonable path to sustained
                                profitability,” he said.q
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