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P. 5

                                                                                                        Tuesday 26 January 2016

US court won’t let North Dakota enforce tough abortion law 

JAMES MacPHERSON               cuit Court of Appeals. “We        Pro-abortion rights signs are seen during the March for Life 2016, in front of the U.S. Supreme Court
Associated Press               knew it was unlikely and it       in Washington. The Supreme Court will not allow North Dakota to enforce a law banning abortions
BISMARCK, North Dakota         came as no surprise,” North       when a fetal heartbeat is detected as early as six weeks into a pregnancy.
(AP) — The  U.S. Supreme       Dakota Attorney General
Court refused on Monday        Wayne Stenehjem said of                                                                                                                   (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
to review lower court rul-     the high court’s refusal to
ings overturning North Da-     review the case.
kota’s ban on abortion at      The Supreme Court gets
six weeks of pregnancy —       about 7,500 requests each
before many women know         year but takes on fewer
they’re pregnant.              than 100 cases.
The justices turned away       “It was a long shot,” Stene-
the state’s appeal of de-      hjem said. “And it’s the end
cisions striking down the      of our litigation on this issue.
2013 fetal heartbeat law       Even some of staunchest
as unconstitutional. The       pro-life groups agree there
law never took effect, and     isn’t much more we can do
abortion-rights support-       at this point.”
ers said it was the strictest  The appeals panel judges
anti-abortion measure in       said the laws were incon-
the country. The high court    sistent with the standard
last week rejected Arkan-      set by the Supreme Court
sas’ bid to enforce its own    that generally ties abor-
fetal heartbeat law, ban-      tion restrictions to the vi-
ning some abortions at 12      ability of the fetus. But they
weeks. Both measures had       urged the Supreme Court
been struck down by a          to re-evaluate its abortion
unanimous panel of three       cases to take account of
judges appointed by Presi-     changes in medicine and
dent George W. Bush to the     science, and the wishes of
St. Louis-based 8th U.S. Cir-  elected state lawmakers.q

Grand jury indicts leader behind
Planned Parenthood videos 

PAUL J. WEBER                  ernmental record.
Associated Press               The Center for Medical
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A         Progress is the anti-abor-
Houston grand jury inves-      tion group that released
tigating undercover foot-      covertly shot videos of
age of women’s health          Planned Parenthood of-
care provider Planned          ficials discussing the sale
Parenthood found no            of aborted fetuses for re-
wrongdoing Monday by           search. A phone message
the abortion provider          left with the group wasn’t
but instead indicted anti-     immediately returned.
abortion activists involved    Planned Parenthood of-
in making the videos that      ficials swiftly hailed the in-
provoked outrage among         dictment as just.
Republican leaders.            “This is absolutely great
David Daleiden, founder        news because it is a dem-
of the Center for Medical      onstration of what Planned
Progress, was indicted on      Parenthood has said from
a felony charge of tamper-     the very beginning, we fol-
ing with a governmental re-    low every law and regula-
cord and a misdemeanor         tion and these anti-abor-
count related to purchas-      tion activists broke multiple
ing human organs. Another      laws to try and spread lies,”
activist, Sandra Merritt, was  said spokeswoman Ro-
also indicted on a charge      chelle Tafolla of Planned
of tampering with a gov-       Parenthood Gulf Coast.q
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