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P. 4


U.S. NEWSTuesday 26 January 2016

US East Coast endures slippery start to work week

A plow truck and a pickup truck try to squeeze through a snowy side street in Towson, Md., Mon-  the school, as she stood       Cars parked in neighbor-
day, Jan. 25, 2016. East coast residents continued to dig themselves out after a massive week-   outside while maintenance      hoods were encased in
end snowstorm.                                                                                   workers spread salt and        snow, some of it pushed
                                                                                                 parents dropped off their      from the streets by plows.
                                           (Photo by Steve Ruark)                                children.                      Sidewalk entrances were
                                                                                                 Amtrak operated a re-          blocked by mounds of
Continued from front       Charter School called out, “A lot of teachers are tak-                duced number of trains on      snow.
                                                                                                 all its routes, serving many   New York Mayor Bill de Bla-
In Brooklyn, only one      despite more than two feet ing the train instead of driv-             people who couldn’t get        sio encouraged people to
teacher at the Bedford-                                                                          around otherwise, spokes-      leave their plowed-in cars
Stuyvesant New Beginnings  (60 centimeters) of snow in ing,” said Wanda Morales,                 man Marc Magliari said.        all week. Some didn’t have
                                                                                                 Bus and rail service was       a choice; plows clearing
                           New York City.  director of operations at                             expected to be limited         streets buried cars under a
                                                                                                 around the region into         mound of ice and snow.
                                                                                                 Monday.                        Broadway reopened after
                                                                                                 Flying remained particular-    going dark at the last min-
                                                                                                 ly messy after airlines can-   ute during the snowstorm,
                                                                                                 celed nearly 12,000 week-      but museums remained
                                                                                                 end flights and hundreds       closed in Washington, and
                                                                                                 more Monday. Airports          the U.S. House of Represen-
                                                                                                 resumed limited service in     tatives postponed votes
                                                                                                 New York City, Baltimore,      until February, citing the
                                                                                                 Philadelphia and in the        storm’s impact on travel.
                                                                                                 Washington area. But de-       Overall snowfall of 26.8
                                                                                                 lays reverberated around       inches (68 centimeters) in
                                                                                                 the country, with more         Central Park made it New
                                                                                                 than 2,500 flights delayed     York’s second biggest win-
                                                                                                 or canceled Monday.            ter storm since records be-
                                                                                                 Airports resumed limited       gan in 1869, and Saturday’s
                                                                                                 service in New York City,      26.6 inches (67.6 centime-
                                                                                                 Baltimore, and Philadel-       ters) made for a single-day
                                                                                                 phia, which said it got an     record in the city.
                                                                                                 entire winter’s snow in two    Washington’s records were
                                                                                                 days. In the Washington        less clear. The official three-
                                                                                                 area, Reagan National Air-     day total of 17.8 inches (45
                                                                                                 port tweeted that it saw       centimeters) measured at
                                                                                                 its first flights Monday, and  Reagan National Airport
                                                                                                 Dulles International Airport   was impossibly short of ac-
                                                                                                 expected to resume flights     cumulations recorded else-
                                                                                                 late in the day                where in the city. An official
                                                                                                 The snow began Friday,         total of 22.4 inches (56.9
                                                                                                 and the last flakes fell just  centimeters) landed at the
                                                                                                 before midnight Satur-         National Zoo, for example.
                                                                                                 day. In its aftermath, crews   The zoo remained closed
                                                                                                 raced all day Sunday to        through Monday but a vid-
                                                                                                 clear streets and sidewalks    eo of its giant panda Tian
                                                                                                 devoid of their usual bustle.  Tian making snow angels
                                                                                                 But one day wasn’t enough      got more than 54 million
                                                                                                 to clear many roads.           views.q

                                                                                                 Flight cancellations and delays
                                                                                                 persist in wake of U.S. blizzard

                                                                                                 NEW YORK (AP) — Airlines       Washington D.C. metro
                                                                                                 canceled around 1,600          areas suffered the highest
                                                                                                 flights Monday, and an-        number of cancellations.
                                                                                                 other 1,200 experienced        For some travelers in those
                                                                                                 delays, in the aftermath of    locations, getting home
                                                                                                 a massive weekend bliz-        continued to be an ad-
                                                                                                 zard that slammed into the     venture. Newark Liberty In-
                                                                                                 eastern U.S., wreaking hav-    ternational listed 260 can-
                                                                                                 oc on travel in the nation’s   celed flights and 48 delays
                                                                                                 busiest cities.                as of Monday afternoon,
                                                                                                 Even as the airlines resumed   the most of any U.S. airport,
                                                                                                 operations, the remnants of    according to the flight
                                                                                                 the storm posed problems.      tracking service FlightA-
                                                                                                 For instance, Delta said       ware. Meanwhile, LaGuar-
                                                                                                 snow continued to hamper       dia listed 177 canceled
                                                                                                 operations at LaGuardia        flights and 30 delays with
                                                                                                 and Newark airports.           John F. Kennedy airport list-
                                                                                                 On Monday, airports in the     ing 46 cancellations and 40
                                                                                                 New York City area and         delays. q
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