Page 9 - Aruba Today
P. 9

                                                                                                               Tuesday 26 January 2016

UN envoy lowers expectations                                Putin denounces Soviet founder Lenin 
ahead of Syrian talks on Friday 
                                                            Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses a regional meeting of          destructive legacy, Putin
JAMEY KEATEN                                                pro-Kremlin United Peoples’ Front in Stavropol, on Monday, Jan.           pointed at Donbass, the
Associated Press                                            25, 2016. Putin has criticized Soviet founder Vladimir Lenin for          industrial region in eastern
GENEVA (AP) — Lowering expectations about his abil-         placing a “time bomb” under the state and denounced brutal                Ukraine where a pro-Russia
ity to help end Syria’s civil war, the U.N. special envoy   repressions by the Bolshevik government.                                  separatist rebellion flared
announced talks between government and opposi-                                                                                        up weeks after Russia’s
tion representatives will start on Friday to embark on a                                 (Alexei Druzhinin/Sputnik, Kremlin Pool/AP)  March 2014 annexation of
six-month process that he hopes will include civil soci-                                                                              Ukraine’s Crimean Penin-
ety and women’s groups.                                     V. ISACHENKOV                  ment has no intention of                   sula. More than 9,000 peo-
Staffan de Mistura raised nearly as many questions          Associated Press               taking Lenin’s body out of                 ple have been killed in the
as he answered in a news conference in Geneva on            MOSCOW (AP) — Russian          his Red Square tomb, warn-                 conflict since April 2014,
Monday, the day when talks had originally been set          President Vladimir Putin       ing against “any steps that                and clashes have contin-
to begin before tensions over who would be invited,         on Monday criticized So-       would divide the society.”                 ued despite a February
involving countries like Russia and Turkey, forced a de-    viet founder Vladimir Lenin,   Putin’s assessment of Len-                 2015 peace deal.
lay. He also confirmed comments from U.S. Secretary         accusing him of placing        in’s role in Russian history               He said that Lenin and his
of State John Kerry last week that the two main sides       a “time bomb” under the        during Monday’s meeting                    government whimsically
won’t meet face-to-face initially in the “proximity”        state, and sharply de-         with pro-Kremlin activists in              drew borders between
talks.                                                      nouncing brutal repressions    the southern city of Stav-                 parts of the U.S.S.R., placing
De Mistura insisted he was sticking to Security Council     by the Bolshevik govern-       ropol was markedly more                    Donbass under the Ukrai-
decisions to shun some groups like the Islamic State        ment.                          negative than in the past.                 nian jurisdiction in order to
group and al-Qaida-affiliate Nusra Front, but refused       The harsh criticism of Lenin,  Putin denounced Lenin                      “increase the percentage
any clarification beyond that. He said invitations          who is still revered by com-   and his government for                     of proletariat” in a move
would go out Tuesday, but declined to specify his cri-      munists and many others in     brutally executing Russia’s                Putin called “delirious.” Pu-
teria about deciding who receives them.                     Russia, is unusual for Putin,  last czar along with all his               tin’s criticism of Lenin could
“We want to make sure that when and if we start, to         who in the past carefully      family and servants, killing               be part of his attempts to
start at least on the right foot,” said de Mistura, who     weighed his comments           thousands of priests and                   justify Moscow’s policy in
succeeded Kofi Annan and Lakhdar Brahimi as the             about the nation’s history     placing a “time bomb”                      the Ukrainian crisis, but it
top U.N. envoy for Syria. “It will be uphill anyway.”       to avoid alienating some       under the Russian state                    also may reflect the Krem-
The step-by-step approach testifies to the immense          voters.                        by drawing administrative                  lin’s concern about pos-
difficulties that many diplomats and world powers           At the same time, he sig-      borders along ethnic lines.                sible separatist sentiments
have faced in efforts to end the nearly five-year war       naled that the govern-         As an example of Lenin’s                   in some Russian provinces.
that has cost more than 250,000 lives, forced millions                                                                                Putin was particularly criti-
to flee their homes to places like Europe, and opened                                                                                 cal of Lenin’s concept of
the way for IS to seize vast territory in Syria and Iraq.                                                                             a federative state with its
“The first priority will be the focus of the talks of what                                                                            entities having the right
most Syrians — if not all — want to hear: The possibility                                                                             to secede, saying it heav-
of a broad cease-fire, and the possibility of stopping                                                                                ily contributed to the 1991
the threat of ISIL, and therefore, thanks to a broader                                                                                breakup of the Soviet
cease-fire, an increase of humanitarian aid,” he said,                                                                                Union. “It was a time bomb
using another acronym for IS.                                                                                                         under our state,” he said,
Learning from past failures and missteps, de Mistura                                                                                  adding that Lenin’s was
jettisoned an initiative of four “working groups” on var-                                                                             wrong in a dispute with Jo-
ious aspects of Syria’s crisis led by Europeans which he                                                                              sef Stalin who advocated
launched last summer. q                                                                                                               a unitary state model.q
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