Page 12 - Aruba Today
P. 12


WORLD NEWSTuesday 26 January 2016

Dominican economy lures Puerto Ricans in crisis 

DANICA COTO                     Puerto Ricans have moved       gest in the Latin American        rate and a $72 billion pub-                                     “What’s surprising about
EZEQUIEL LOPEZ                  to the Dominican Republic      and Caribbean region. The         lic debt load the governor                                      this trend is that up until
Associated Press                in recent years because        government has credited           has said is unpayable and                                       now, the migration had
SANTO DOMINGO, Domini-          they fall under the general    vigorous performances in          needs restructuring. About                                      been from the Dominican
can Republic (AP) — Car-        category of U.S. citizens,     banking, construction and         a third of people born in                                       Republic to Puerto Rico,
los Gonzalez already had        but they say the trend is un-  tourism, noting that a re-        Puerto Rico now live on the                                     and the main motive was
noticed the growing num-        deniable.                      cord 5.6 million tourists visit-  U.S. mainland, seeking to                                       a difference in salary and
ber of empty chairs and         “It used to be extremely       ed the Dominican Republic         escape tax increases, high-                                     more jobs,” said Jorge
increasingly quiet slot ma-     rare for a Puerto Rican to     last year.                        er utility bills and dwindling                                  Duany, an anthropology
chines at the Puerto Rico       stop by and seek a work        There’s also been a big           job opportunities.                                              professor at Florida Inter-
casino where he worked as                                                                                                                                        national University who has
he mulled a job offer in the    Workers measure luggage size as passengers wait to board a ferry headed for the Dominican                                        long studied migration pat-
Dominican Republic.             Republic, in San Juan, Puerto Rico. A growing number of financially strapped Puerto Ricans are                                   terns between the two.
It was 2013, and Puerto         moving to the neighboring Caribbean country to open businesses and escape economic chaos                                         In the early 1900s, Puerto
Rico’s economy had been         that has scared away even many Dominican migrants.                                                                               Ricans were moving to the
in a downward slide for                                                                                                                                          Dominican Republic to
nearly a decade. Gonzalez                                                                                                                (AP Photo/Danica Coto)  work in the country’s thriv-
didn’t know it at the time,                                                                                                                                      ing sugar industry until the
but the once-popular ca-        visa,” said Franklin Grullon,  increase in Puerto Rican          “Puerto Rico became very,                                       Great Depression hit. Then
sino where he worked as a       the Dominican consul in        professionals such as ar-         very difficult for the casino                                   Dominican migrants began
marketing manager would         the Puerto Rican capital of    chitects and engineers            sector,” the 48-year-old                                        moving to Puerto Rico in
soon close.                     San Juan. “There’s been a      traveling to the Dominican        Gonzalez said. “I left just in                                  the 1960s and 70s because
He thought of his family        surge in all types of visas,   Republic to work because          time. ... All my friends tell                                   of the island’s booming
and friends and the rea-        and we believe this flow will  of that country’s booming         me that the best thing I did                                    industrial sector. Roughly
sons he moved back to           only increase.”                construction sector, said         was to leave, that Puerto                                       200,000 Dominicans are
Puerto Rico in the first place  The majority of Puerto Ri-     German Monroig, execu-            Rico’s situation is crazy.”                                     now estimated to live in the
after spending more than        cans seeking business visas    tive director of the office of    Puerto Ricans aren’t the                                        U.S. territory, though there
20 years in New Jersey. It      are young to middle-aged       Puerto Rican affairs.             only ones leaving.                                              are no precise figures be-
took him several months to      men, and many request          “There’s been a consider-         Grullon said Dominicans                                         cause many live on the is-
make a decision — “It’s not     permission to work in the      able change in the last two       are increasingly moving                                         land illegally.
easy to leave your land,”       tourism sector because         years,” he said.                  back to their country, and                                      Now, it’s the lure of more
the Puerto Rico native said     they speak English and find    It’s hard for Puerto Rican        he noted that the flow of                                       jobs and a powerful econ-
— but he finally did.           it easy to get a job, Grul-    professionals to find steady      Dominicans entering the                                         omy in the Dominican Re-
“I never imagined it. Nev-      lon said. They are drawn by    jobs given the island’s           U.S. territory illegally also                                   public that is attracting
er!” Gonzalez said with a       the Dominican Republic’s       economy, which has stag-          has decreased dramati-                                          Puerto Ricans, including
laugh. “I even asked myself     robust economy, which          nated for nine years as the       cally: The U.S. Coast Guard                                     51-year-old Francisco Per-
2,000 times whether I really    grew 7 percent in 2015 for     U.S. territory of 3.5 million     detained 1,565 Dominicans                                       ez.
was moving to the Domini-       the second consecutive         people struggles with a 12        in 2004, compared with 133                                      He worked more than 20
can Republic. I told myself     year, making it the stron-     percent unemployment              in 2014.                                                        years for an insurance com-
it was crazy.”                                                                                                                                                   pany in Puerto Rico, but
The flow of migrants through                                                                                                                                     began to see his income
the 80 miles (130 kilometers)                                                                                                                                    shrink as car sales on the
of churning waters that                                                                                                                                          island plummeted. When a
separate Puerto Rico and                                                                                                                                         job opportunity presented
the Dominican Republic                                                                                                                                           itself in late 2014 to work for
has typically moved in one                                                                                                                                       a Puerto Rican company
direction for more than half                                                                                                                                     in the Dominican Republic
a century: toward the U.S.                                                                                                                                       that paid in U.S. dollars, he
territory. But the island’s                                                                                                                                      took it.
deep economic crisis is re-                                                                                                                                      “I told myself I had to do
versing this trend, with a                                                                                                                                       what I had to do given the
growing number of finan-                                                                                                                                         importance I have as my
cially strapped Puerto Ri-                                                                                                                                       family’s provider,” said the
cans moving to the neigh-                                                                                                                                        father of four. “When I got
boring Caribbean country                                                                                                                                         here and saw that it was
to open businesses and                                                                                                                                           like Puerto Rico back in the
escape economic chaos                                                                                                                                            90s, that the economy was
that has scared away even                                                                                                                                        doing well, I stayed. I know
many Dominican migrants.                                                                                                                                         there are a lot of Puerto Ri-
Officials say it’s hard to                                                                                                                                       cans looking over this way
quantify exactly how many                                                                                                                                        to grow their businesses.”q
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