Page 15 - Aruba Today
P. 15

                                                                                                Tuesday 26 January 2016

Loyal Visitors Honored by ATA at La Cabana Resort

EAGLE BEACH - Recently         like a second home where is truly their ‘home-away- sented by Mr. Jonathan together with friends and
the Aruba Tourism Authority
had the great pleasure of      the people are like family from-home.’  Boekhoudt representing family from La Cabana
honoring a group of loyal
and friendly visitors of Aru-  to them, and La Cabana The certificates were pre- the Aruba Tourism Authority Beach Resort. q
ba at La Cabana Beach
Resort as Distinguished Visi-
tors and Goodwill Ambas-
The symbolic honorary titles
are presented in the name
of the Minister of Tourism as
tokens of appreciation for
guests who visit Aruba for
10-to-19 and 20-to-34 con-
secutive years.
The honorees were Mr.
Steven and Mrs. Sarabeth
Lemoine as Distinguished
Visitors, and Mr. Leo and
Mrs. Shirley Wcisel as Good-
will Ambassadors.

 Sarabeth, Leo and Shir-
ley are regular guests of
La Cabana and they love
Aruba very much because
of the friendly people, the
weather, the beaches, the
restaurants, the Casinos,
and just about everything
else! They say Aruba feels
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