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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Friday 10 November 2017

            Jackson Galaxy the TV cat guy is out with a new book

            By LEANNE ITALIE                                                                                                    consider two over just one.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    “I  don’t  even  think  you
            NEW YORK (AP) — Jackson                                                                                             should be allowed to adopt
            Galaxy the cat ixer of Ani-                                                                                         a  single,”  he  said.  “They
            mal Planet fame is out with                                                                                         learn  so  much  from  each
            a new book that urges hu-                                                                                           other. I think folks think that
            mans  to  meet  their  felines                                                                                      it’s  twice  the  work  when
            halfway.                                                                                                            I  think  it’s  half.  They  take
            The  host  of  “My  Cat  from                                                                                       care  of  themselves,  they
            Hell” and co-host of a new                                                                                          play  together,  they  teach
            show  premiering  Saturday,                                                                                         each  other,  like  what  are
            “Cat  vs.  Dog,”  Galaxy  of-                                                                                       appropriate   body    lan-
            fers  up  the  A-to-Z  of  what                                                                                     guages,  especially  around
            it takes to truly understand                                                                                        humans. I think so many of
            the cat-human relationship                                                                                          the behavioral conidence
            in  “Total  Cat  Mojo:  The  Ul-                                                                                    issues  we  see  later  on  in
            timate  Guide  to  Life  with                                                                                       life these kittens aren’t go-
            Your Cat.”                                                                                                          ing  to  have  because  they
            So  what,  exactly,  is  cat                                                                                        have each other.”
            mojo,  and  how  can  their                                                                                         He  speciically  urged  the
            humans help out with that?                                                                                          adoption  of  black  cats,
            “It’s  that  inner  conidence                                                                                       which he said often linger in
            thing,” Galaxy told The As-                                                                                         shelters due to their blend-
                                         In this Nov. 7, 2017 photo, TV personality Jackson Galaxy, from the Animal Planet series, “My
            sociated  Press  in  a  recent                                                                                      ing  in  while  caged,  along
                                         Cat From Hell,” poses for a portrait in New York to promote his latest book, “Total Cat Mojo: The
            interview. “You don’t have   Ultimate Guide To Life With Your Cat.”                                                 with  long-standing  stigma
            a cat. You are in a relation-                                                                      Associated Press  and superstition.
            ship with an animal. That’s  at  cats  through  dog-col-  prey  animal,  an  animal  your  inger  with  the  rest  of  “I think it’s just really impor-
            important to remember.”      ored  glasses,”  Galaxy  ex-  that  is  conditioned  to  kill  the digits on the hand semi-  tant  that  folks  just  check
            The  book  covers  how  cat  plained.  “It’s  the  concept  or  be  killed,  to  always  be  extended,  a  la  the  Sistine  out  their  own  biases,”  he
            owners  can  establish  rou-  that  you  want  cats  to  act  on guard of possible friend  Chapel.  That,  he  said,  the  said.   “Remember   that
            tines  and  rituals,  track  like dogs, to come and seek  or  foe,”  Galaxy  said.  “You  best  way  is  to  allow  a  cat  black  cats  are  not  bad
            patterns  of  behavior  and  your approval, to treat you  have to present yourself as  “to then pet you, to just rub  luck.  The  rap  they  got
            act  accordingly,  such  as  like  you’re  the  moon  and  a non-threat.”              up against you.”             against  them  during  the
            how  many  and  where  to  the  stars.  That’s  not  who  Among his tricks is the slow  Taking  such  things  on  the  Salem witch trials really fol-
            place  litter  boxes,  and  cats are. If we expect cer-   blink, which is pretty much  animal’s terms, he said, “re-  lows them to this day. One
            how  to  help  cats  get  their  tain things from cats we’re  how  it  sounds.  “Watching  ally goes a long way.”   kind of curious thing is that
            mojo back when things go  going  to  be  disappointed.  them  return  that  gaze  to  Remember,  Galaxy  said,  a true, totally black cat al-
            wrong.                       If we look at them on their  you  is  that  Rosetta  Stone,  be patient and “know that  most doesn’t exist anymore
            A good place to start, Gal-  own terms we won’t be.”      it’s that in, that way of say-  you’re  learning  a  brand-  because  most  of  them
            axy said, is with the biggest  Those  terms,  he  said,  in-  ing wait a minute, we can  new language.”             were  burned  at  the  stake,
            mistake he sees among cat  volve      recognizing   the  speak together,” he said.     Galaxy  is  a  strong  advo-  so  now  they’ve  got  little
            owners, the idea that cats  “raw” in your cat.            And then there’s what Gal-   cate  of  animal  adoption.  pieces  of  white  because
            aren’t cats at all.          “The key is to see them as  axy  calls  “the  Michelan-   He  urges  cat  owners  with  that pure black was pretty
            “It’s the concept of looking  what  they  are,  which  is  a  gelo,”  which  is  extending  their hearts set on kittens to  much snuffed out.”q

            Study: More LGBTQ characters

            on TV series, fewer women

            By LYNN ELBER                “The Deuce” on HBO.          That’s the biggest percent-
             AP Television Writer        “While  we’re  pleased  to  age  on  network  shows
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — TV se-    see  numbers  on  the  rise,  found  in  the  study’s  22
            ries are including more LG-  consideration  of  how  LG-  years,  topping  last  year’s
            BTQ  characters  and  add-   BTQ characters are woven  record-high of 4.8 percent.
            ing gender-nonconforming  into  story  lines  and  whose  The numbers also are up on
            ones, but there’s a need for  stories  are  making  it  to  cable  and  streaming  plat-
            richer,  more  complex  sto-  screen  is  crucial  for  judg-  form  series,  although  the
            ries about them, according  ing progress of the industry.  study  found  fewer  depic-
            to  the  media  advocacy  And there is still work to be  tions  of  LGBTQ  characters
            group GLAAD.                 done,”  Megan  Townsend,  of  color  on  streaming  as
            LGBTQ      depictions   in-  GLAAD’s entertainment re-    well as broadcast.           This image released by NBC shows, from left, Eric McCormack,
            creased  in  the  current  search  and  analysis  direc-  For  the  irst  time,  GLAAD   Debra  Messing,  Sean  Hayes  and  Megan  Mullally  in  “Will  &
            season  across  broadcast,  tor, said in a statement.     counted       “non-binary”   Grace.”
            cable  and  streaming  plat-  Of the 901 characters set to  characters  —  those  that                                          Associated Press
            forms,  the  group’s  annual  appear regularly on prime-  don’t  identify  strictly  as   Showtime’s “Billions.”    the U.S. population, they’re
            Where We Are on TV study  time  network  series  in  the  male  or  female.  It  found   The  study  also  looked  at  43 percent of the regularly
            released Thursday found.     2017-18  season,  6.4  per-  four  non-binary  charac-    how women fare on TV and  appearing  characters  on
            Shows  contributing  to  the  cent are identiied as gay,  ters across all TV platforms,   found it wanting.         broadcast  TV  —  a  1  per-
            change  include  NBC’s  re-  lesbian, bisexual and trans-  including  actor  Asia  Kate   While women make up an  cent drop from last season,
            boot of “Will & Grace” and  gender or queer.              Dillon’s  Taylor  Mason  on   estimated  51  percent  of  GLAAD said. q
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