P. 25

                                                                                                  BUSINESS                 Friday 10 November 2017

              Department stores: Macy’s
              sales fall, Kohl’s proit drops

              By ANNE D’INNOCENZIO
              AP Retail Writer
              NEW YORK (AP) — Macy’s sales fell as it had a hard
              time pulling shoppers through its doors and Kohl’s re-
              ported a drop in quarterly proit Thursday, underscor-
              ing just how challenging the holiday shopping season
              will be for department store chains.
              Like many retailers, Macy’s and Kohl’s have wrestled
              with weak sales as customers go online. Department
              stores,  which  are  heavily  dependent  on  clothing
              sales, are seeing more competition there as Amazon
              expands further into fashion and so-called off price
              chains like T.J. Maxx add more stores.
              Macy’s  Inc.  reported  that  its  third-quarter  earnings
              more  than  doubled  as  it  cut  costs,  which  include
              eliminating jobs, scaling back on inventory and clos-
              ing some locations. It’s been expanding into off-price
              stores  and  launched  a  loyalty  program  last  month
              that it hopes will attract more shoppers.  Still, revenue   Sogou  Inc.  CEO  Xiaochuan  Wang,  left,  and  company  Chairman  Charles  Zhang,  right,  ring  a
              at stores open at least a year fell for the 11th straight   ceremonial bell as their IPO begins trading, on the loor of the New York Stock Exchange, Thursday,
              quarter. The drop of 4 percent was worse than the 2.9   Nov. 9, 2017. New York Stock Exchange President Tom Farley is at center.
              percent analysts expected.                                                                                             (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
              At Kohl’s Corp., hurricanes and unseasonal weather
              weighed on sales, but it did have a strong back-to-     Industrials, techs fall on tax law uncertainty
              school shopping season and it raised its outlook for
                                                                      By MARLEY JAY                gest  loss  in  months,  as  the  day. The Russell 2000 index
              the  year.  Same-store  sales  edged  up  0.1  percent,   AP Markets Writer          Dow  Jones  industrial  aver-  of smaller-company stocks
              better than the 0.6 percent decline analysts had ex-
                                                                      NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  U.S.     age  fell  as  much  as  253  fell  6.71  points,  or  0.5  per-
              pected. And it said business was helped by picking      stocks  skidded  Thursday    points,  but  they  made  up  cent, to 1,475.02, its lowest
              up market share from store closures of rivals in certain
                                                                      after  Senate  Republicans   some of that ground in the  level since late September.
              regions.                                                surprised  Wall  Street  by   afternoon.                  Google’s parent company
              Upscale department store Nordstrom is set to release
                                                                      proposing  a  delay  in  cut-  The  stock  sectors  that  fell  Alphabet  tumbled  $157,
              third-quarter  results  after  the  stock  market  closes   ting  corporate  taxes.  In-  Thursday  include  some  of  or  1  percent,  to  $1,047.22
              Thursday, while J.C. Penney is scheduled to report Fri-
                                                                      dustrial  and  technology    the  best-performing  stocks  while  payment  company
              day. Penney announced late last month that it had       companies  fell  the  most,   on  the  market  this  year,  eBay lost $1.32, or 3.6 per-
              to liquidate poor-selling merchandise, primarily wom-
              en’s clothing, a move that it said will hurt proits.    but  stocks  regained  some   and  investors  reacted  to  cent, to $35.69.
              It’s been a tough year for retail overall, with store clos-  of  their  losses  before  the   the potentially delayed tax  Warne  added  that  some-
                                                                      closing bell. Senate Repub-  cut by taking some proits.   thing else worried investors
              ings on pace to top the worst year of the recession
              and  several  well-known  chains  iling  for  bankruptcy   licans introduced a tax bill   “Most investors knew there  Thursday:  reports  over  the
                                                                      a  week  after  their  House   was   uncertainty   about  last two days that the Jus-
              protection  because  of  their  debts.  Mall  shopping  is   counterparts did the same.   the  speciic  provisions,  but  tice  Department  has  ob-
              down, and that hits department store chains particu-
                                                                      While  both  bills  would  ulti-  thought  that  the  House  jections to AT&T’s purchase
              larly hard. So the holiday season, always important, is   mately  reduce  the  corpo-  and  the  Senate  would  at  of  Time  Warner  Cable.
              even more critical.
                                                                      rate tax rate to 20 percent   least agree there would be  Donald Trump’s administra-
              Stores  are  planning  early  holiday  promotions  and   from  35  percent,  the  Sen-  some kind of cut in corpo-  tion  has  emphasized  cut-
              some  are  opening  earlier  on  Thanksgiving  than  last
              year to try to scoop up some trafic. Kohl’s and J.C.    ate  legislation  doesn’t  do   rate tax rates in 2018,” said  ting  regulations,  and  she
              Penney are both opening an hour earlier on Thanks-      that  until  2019.  However   Kate Warne, an investment  said investors are surprised
                                                                      the  worst  results  Thursday   strategist at Edward Jones.  the government is taking is-
              giving than a year ago, but Penney is trying to out-    came  not  from  the  small-  The Standard & Poor’s 500  sue with the $85 billion deal
              do its department store rivals. J.C. Penney said it will
                                                                      er,  U.S.-focused  compa-    index dropped 9.76 points,  — and that the Justice De-
              open at 2 p.m. on Thanksgiving and stay open until 10   nies that might beneit the   or 0.4 percent, to 2,584.62.  partment and the compa-
              p.m. on Friday. Kohl’s is opening at 5 p.m. and will be
                                                                      most  from  a  domestic  tax   The  Dow  Jones  industrial  nies are arguing about it in
              open straight through midnight on Black Friday.         cut,  but  from  larger  multi-  average  fell  101.42  points,  public.  After  a  steep  loss
              Most Macy’s stores will open at 5 p.m. local time on
                                                                      national  companies  like    or 0.4 percent, to 23,461.94.  Wednesday,  Time  Warner
              Thanksgiving and close at 2 a.m., similar to last year.   industrial  and  technology   The Nasdaq composite slid  Cable fell a further $1.45, or
              They will reopen 6 a.m. local time on Black Friday. Ma-  irms  and  basic  materials
              cy’s is increasing the number of temporary workers it’s   makers.  Industrial  compa-  39.07 points, or 0.6 percent,  1.6 percent, to $87.05 and
                                                                                                   to 6,750.05. Each closed at  AT&T  rose  56  cents,  or  1.7
              hiring for distribution and warehouses for the holiday
                                                                      nies had their worst day in   an all-time high on Wednes-  percent, to $34. q
              season as it chases fast-growing e-commerce sales.      almost three months. Weak
              Kohl’s, meanwhile, has expanded its partnership with
                                                                      reports  from  aircraft  parts
              Amazon to sell devices like the Echo and Fire tablets   maker    TransDigm    and
              at some stores. It also will pack and ship eligible Ama-
                                                                      medical  waste  processor
              zon return items for free at stores offering the service.  Stericycle  were  partly  to
              “We believe both of these tests have the potential to
              drive incremental trafic to our stores, which as you    blame, while a weak fore-
              know is our No. 1 priority,” CEO Kevin Mansell said dur-  cast from Johnson Controls
                                                                      also hurt the sector. Media
              ing the call with analysts Thursday.                    companies  traded  higher
              Analyst Neil Saunders, managing director of manag-
                                                                      after  a  solid  report  from
              ing  director  of  GlobalData  Retail,  said  he  was  en-  Twenty-First  Century  Fox
              couraged  that  Kohl’s  “is  innovating  with  both  new
                                                                      and  energy  companies
              products and services,” but criticized Macy’s for “the   also rose. At midday stocks
              patchiness of its turnaround program.”q
                                                                      were on track for their big-
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