P. 21
SPORTS Friday 10 November 2017
Judge, Sabathia, Astros honored
by New York baseball writers
AP Baseball Writer
Yankees slugger Aaron
Judge and the World Series
champion Houston Astros
were big winners Wednes-
day in voting by the New
York chapter of the Base-
ball Writers’ Association of Houston Astros’ Jose Altuve warms up before Game 7 of base-
America. ball’s World Series against the Los Angeles Dodgers Wednes-
Judge was selected New day, Nov. 1, 2017, in Los Angeles.
Associated Press
York player of the year and
the rookie outfielder also Jose Altuve voted best by
will receive the Joe DiMag-
gio Toast of the Town players for 2nd year in a row
award at the chapter’s In this Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2017 file photo, New York Yankees’
95th annual dinner on Jan. Aaron Judge follows through on a two-run home run during the NEW YORK (AP) — Houston leading the major leagues
28 in Manhattan. third inning of a baseball game against the Minnesota Twins at second baseman Jose Al- with 59 home runs and 132
Yankee Stadium in New York. tuve was voted outstand- RBIs.
Astros ace Justin Verland-
Associated Press ing player for the second Washington right-hander
er and second baseman
Jose Altuve shared the award for community ser- That dominant team — straight season in Players Max Scherzer was picked
Babe Ruth award as post- vice after leading hurri- led by Derek Jeter, Maria- Choice Awards balloting as the outstanding NL
season MVP. cane relief efforts in his na- no Rivera, Bernie Williams by the Major League Base- pitcher, going 16-6 with a
Houston center fielder tive Puerto Rico. and others — compiled ball Players Association. 2.51 ERA and an NL-leading
George Springer, the World New York Yankees pitcher an incredible 125-50 re- Chicago Cubs first base- 268 strikeouts. Cleveland
Series MVP, was honored CC Sabathia got the Ben cord, including postsea- man Anthony Rizzo was right-hander Corey Kluber
with the Arthur and Milton Epstein/Dan Castellano son games. selected Marvin Miller Man was the AL’s outstanding
Richman You Gotta Have Good Guy award. The Casey Stengel You of the Year, given to the pitcher with an 18-4 record
Heart award for overcom- The Willie, Mickey & The Could Look It Up award player who most inspires and big league-best 2.25
ing a severe stutter. Duke award will go to the went to former New York other players through on- ERA.New York outfielder
Astros shortstop Carlos Cor- 1998 Yankees on the 20th Mets first baseman John field performances and Aaron Judge was the top
rea will receive the Joan anniversary of their cham- Olerud, who batted .354 contributions to his com- AL rookie, setting a ma-
Payson/Shannon Forde pionship season. in 1998. munity. Rizzo was treated jor league rookie record
That remains the highest for limited state classical with 52 homers. Los Ange-
single-season mark in fran- Hodgkin’s lymphoma in les Dodgers first baseman
chise history. 2008 and in 2012 founded Cody Bellinger was the
The chapter also paid trib- the Anthony Rizzo Family top NL rookie, hitting an NL
ute to late Major League Foundation, which funds rookie record 39 homers af-
Baseball executive Katy pediatric cancer research ter his late April debut.
Feeney with the William and supports the families of Washington first baseman
J. Slocum and Jack Lang children with cancer. Ryan Zimmerman and Kan-
Award for Long and Meri- Altuve, who led the Astros sas City third baseman Mike
torious Service. to their first World Series Moustakas were the top
Feeney, among the most championship, also was comeback players. After
prominent women in voted outstanding AL play- shoulder, wrist, thumb, foot,
baseball during her four- er for the second straight hamstring and oblique in-
decade career, died April year. He hit .346 and won juries, the 33-year-old Zim-
1 at age 68. She retired his third AL batting title in merman hit .303 with 36
last December after work- four years. Miami outfield- homers and 108 RBIs, earn-
ing her final postseason.q er Giancarlo Stanton was ing his first All-Star Game
___ the outstanding NL player, selection since 2009.q