P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Friday 10 November 2017
             Andersen makes

             35 saves, Maple

             Leafs beat Wild 4-2

            By The Associated Press      his  Calder  Trophy-winning
            TORONTO  (AP)  —  Frederik  campaign.
            Andersen  made  35  saves  RANGERS 4, BRUINS 2
            to help the Toronto Maple  NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Jimmy
            Leafs  beat  the  Minnesota  Vesey scored two first-peri-
            Wild  4-2  on  Wednesday  od goals 29 seconds apart,
            night.                       Henrik  Lundqvist  made  31
            Nazem  Kadri,  Patrick  Mar-  saves  and  New  York  beat
            leau,  Connor  Carrick  and  Boston  for  its  fifth  straight
            Connor  Brown  scored  for  victory.
            Toronto.  Playing  with  star  Pavel Buchnevich and Rick
            center  Auston  Matthews  Nash  also  scored  for  the
            out day to day due to an  resurgent  Rangers.  They
            upper-body  injury,  Toronto  improved to 8-7-2 after los-
            improved to 10-7-0.          ing seven of their first eight
            Jason Zucker scored twice  games.
            for  Minnesota,  and  Devan  David Pastrnak and Patrice   Minnesota Wild left wing Jason Zucker (16) looks for a rebound on a save by Toronto Maple Leafs
            Dubnyk  stopped  15  shots.  Bergeron scored for Boston.  goalie Frederik Andersen (31) during the third period of an NHL hockey game Wednesday, Nov.
                                                                      8, 2017, in Toronto.
            The Wild have lost three in  LIGHTNING 5, SHARKS 1
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
            a row to fall to 5-7-2.      SAN  JOSE,  Calif.  (AP)  —
            Toronto  coach  Mike  Bab-   Vladislav Namestnikov had    Koekkoek  also  scored  for  with  three  points.  Stamkos  They gave up a total of six
            cock shifted Marleau to the  two goals, Nikita Kucherov   the Lightning (12-2-2), who  (28  points)  and  Kucherov  during their winning streak.
            middle with Matthews out.  scored his 15th of the sea-    lead the NHL standings with  (26) rank 1-2 in the league  Andrei  Vasilevskiy  made
            Matthews  was  scratched  son and Tampa Bay ended         26  points.Steven  Stamkos  in scoring.                   32  saves  for  the  win.  San
            for the first time since being  San  Jose’s  four-game  win-  had three assists for Tampa  Joonas  Donskoi  scored  25  Jose  starter  Martin  Jones
            drafted in 2016. He played  ning streak.                  Bay.  Kucherov  added  two  seconds  in  for  the  Sharks,  allowed  four  goals  on  21
            in 98 straight games, includ-  Jake  Dotchin  got  his  first   and Namestnikov had one  who allowed five goals for  shots and was pulled after
            ing all 82 last season during  career  goal  and  Slater   as all three players finished  the  third  time  this  season.  two periods.q

              U.S. hockey women beat Canada 4-2 in Four Nations Cup

            By TERESA M. WALKER          Jennifer  Wakefield,  who                                                              against Finland, made it a
            AP Sports Writer             had a hat trick and an as-                                                             2-0 lead with a slap shot at
            WESLEY  CHAPEL,  Fla.  (AP)  sist  Tuesday  night  in  a  9-0                                                       17:50 of the first.
            —  The  Americans  showed  win  over  Sweden.  Coach                                                                The  Canadians  answered
            off their special teams skills  Laura  Schuler  said  Wake-                                                         by  taking  the  first  seven
            in  beating  Canada  for  field usually is a part of the                                                            shots  and  outshooting  the
            the  second  time  in  three  power  play,  but  Canada                                                             United  States  15-9  in  the
            games as part of their pre-  still is busy evaluating play-                                                         second. Johnston got Can-
            Olympic exhibition tour.     ers  before  roster  cuts  for                                                         ada  on  the  board  with  a
            Kendall Coyne and Megan  the 2018 Winter Games.                                                                     power-play  goal  3:07  into
            Bozek  each  had  a  goal  “Our  special  teams  didn’t                                                             the second.
            and an assist and the Unit-  get the job done tonight,”                                                               That  was  the  only  time
            ed States women’s hockey  Schuler  said.  “Our  power                                                               Canada made the Ameri-
            team  beat  Canada  4-2  play  didn’t  produce  like                                                                cans  pay  for  being  short-
            on  Wednesday  night  in  a  how we would like them to,                                                             handed in a game with lots
            physical game at the Four  and  our  penalty  kill  at  the                                                         of shoving between teams
            Nations Cup.                 same  time  wasn’t  as  suc-                                                           that  know  each  other  so
            Cayla  Barnes  and  Alex  cessful as we have been in                                                                well.
            Carpenter each had pow-      the past. I think we need to                                                           The United States went up
            er-play goals as the Ameri-  shoot  more  and  get  more                                                            3-1 when Coyne scored a
            cans  went  3  of  5  with  the  pucks through.”          U.S. goaltender Maddie Rooney makes a save against Canada   power-play  goal  off  a  re-
            advantage. Brianna Deck-     The  Americans  took  the    during the second period of a Four Nations Cup hockey game   bound 50 seconds into the
            er  had  two  assists,  and  first  game  5-2  in  Quebec   in Wesley Chapel, Fla., Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2017.        third. Agosta pulled Cana-
            goalie  Maddie  Rooney  City,  and  Barnes  was  in                                                Associated Press  da within 3-2 with 4:29 left
            made 20 saves for her sec-   the stands watching when     onship.                      on the U.S. roster at 18, was   on  a  short-handed  goal,
            ond win in two nights with  Canada evened it up with      Rooney from Andover, Min-    only called up Oct. 28 and   but  Carpenter  answered
            the Americans trying to win  a 5-1 win in Boston on Oct.   nesota, has been in net for  withdrew from Boston Col-   with  the  Americans’  third
            this event for a third straight  25.                      both wins over Canada.       lege to chase an Olympic     power-play  goal  from  the
            time and eighth overall.     Since the Canadians rallied   “Maddie played really well  berth. She scored in the first   left circle 36 seconds later.
            “We  did  so  many  things  to  win  the  2014  Olympic   for them I thought,” Schuler  period  of  Tuesday  night’s   In the other game Wednes-
            right,  it’s  a  great  thing  to  gold medal 3-2 in overtime,   said.  “At  the  same  time,  I  8-2  win  over  Finland  and   day, Linda Valimaki scored
            build  off  of,”  U.S.  coach  the  Americans  have  been   thought we missed a lot of  scored her second goal in   the  game-winner  as  Fin-
            Robb Stauber said.           on a tear winning five of six   opportunities,  missed  the  as many nights at 15:03 of   land rallied with three goals
            Rebecca  Johnston  and  international  events  and        net  when  we  had  some  the first skating into the left   in the third period to beat
            Meghan Agosta scored for  now 10 of 13 games over-        pretty good chances. Ob-     edge  of  the  right  circle  to   Sweden  3-1.  Finland  will
            Canada,  which  went  1  of  all against their rivals. They   viously,  that  affected  the  beat  goalie  Ann-Renee   play Canada on Friday fol-
            9  on  the  power  play.  The  are  poised  to  meet  again   outcome of the game.”    Desbiens for a 1-0 lead.     lowed by the United States
            Canadians  did  not  dress  Sunday in the cup champi-     Barnes, the youngest player  Bozek,  who  didn’t  dress   and Sweden.q
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