P. 17

LOCAL SPORTS                        Friday 10 November 2017

            The best of Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao meet in soccer

            Coca Cola Nacional takes third place in the Copa ABC

            ORANJESTAD,  Aruba  –  The                                                                                          the  result  of  Coca  Cola
            2016-17  soccer  champi-                                                                                            Nacional,  where  Di-Stefa-
            ons of the division of honor                                                                                        no  Wernet  stated,    “win-
            Coca Cola Nacional com-                                                                                             ning every game is not as
            peted  in  the  ABC  Cup  in                                                                                        important as fair play, and
            Bonaire.                                                                                                            the honor to  participate.”
            Friday,   November    2nd,                                                                                          “We  hope  next  year,
            2017    Coca  Cola  lost  its                                                                                       Arubaanse  Voetbal  Bond
            initial  game  against  Real                                                                                        will  approach  the  asso-
            Rincon,  but  Sunday  they                                                                                          ciations  of  Bonaire  and
            defeated  Uruguay  of  Bo-                                                                                          Curacao  to  organize  the
            naire    4-2  and  lifted  the                                                                                      tournament  in  Aruba”,  a
            third place trophy.                                                                                                 Di-Stefano Wernet added.
            Coach  of  Coca  Cola  Na-                                                                                          Frans  Dijkhoff,  a  member
            cional,  Dreyer  Bracho  in-                                                                                        of  the  Aruba  SoccerAsso-
            dicated  the  match  Sun-                                                                                           ciation,    was  also  present
            day was won due a better                                                                                            during the irst A-B-C Cup,
            team effort than that of Fri-                                                                                       where  Coca  Cola  Nacio-
            day. He said it’s a pity the                                                                                        nal represented Aruba.
            couldn’t bring the champi-                                                                                          He  elaboated  he  was
            ons tropy home to Aruba.                                                                                            proud  to  see  the  effort
            Within the irst 10 minutes of                                                                                       Real Rincon made to bring
            the game Coca Cola got                                                                                              the tournament to Rincon,
            a  red  card,  immediately   Although  they  didn’t  win  scored  tiwce,  with  Jorgue  team.                       Bonaire. “Aruba didn’t win
            changing their game plan.    it  all  Coca  Cola  Nacional,  Bedolla  y  Leo  Colmenares  Di-Stefano Wernet RA,  said   its irst match, but I’m hap-
              And  playing  against  a   this  team  will  be  a  force  adding the inishing touch-  from the moment  AVB ap-   py  with  Aruba  taking  3rd
            squad  like  Real  Rincon  it   to  be  reckoned    for  some  es  to  with  4-2  against  Uru-  proached them about help   place.
            was  virtually  impossible  to   time, according to  Dreyer  guay of Bonaire.          reviving the Antillian Cham-  President  of AVB, Richard
            win.                         Bracho.                      Representatives from Lotto  pionship  Lotto decided im-   Dijkhoff  said  this is the best
            Leo  Colmenares  scored  a     On  Sunday’s  third  place  of  Aruba  were  on  hand  mediately  they  wanted  to   way  to  bring  back    the
            goal for the Aruban side.    match     Devis    Oliveiro  in  Bonaire,  to  support  the  help.  FLpD  is  happy    with   Copa Antiallano.q
                                                                             Team Anglo Mago wins the

                                                                       Copa Aruba 2017 of table tennis

                                                                      Oranjestad  –  The  Jon  Tai
                                                                      team  of  Jeandry  Mathilda
                                                                      and  Chingho  Chung  were
                                                                      no  match  for  the  Anglo
                                                                      Mago team of Mario Lobo
                                                                      and  Andy  Gomes  in  the
                                                                      table  tennis  inals  of  the
              Aruba’s Kendo Delegation is on                          Copa Aruba 2017.
                                                                       After losing the irst match
               route to the VI Latin American                         of the best of three series,
                            Championship                              last  Tuesday  night,  the
                                                                      young  Jon  Tai  team  has
             Oranjestad  –  This  week-  which  has  been  dutifully   to win to force a champi-
             end will be the 6th edition  preparing  for the compe-   onship  third  match.    De-
             of the Latin American Ken-  tition, consists of the Men’s   spite an amazing effort by
             do championship in Corri-   Individual    kendoka  Pim   Mathilda  and  Chingho,      tion, Anglo Mago was sim-    (Jean  Claude  Hoek  and
             entes, Argentina.           Willems,  2-dan;    Angela   the  Anglo  Mago‘s  cham-    ply  too  experienced  for  Johnatan Paredes) walked
                Representatives   from  Lie-A-Lien and Saskia Kole,   pionship  mettle  showed,    Jon Tai handing them a 3-0  away  with  a  third  place
             Venezuela,  Uruguay,  Trini-  both  3-dan,  in  the  Wom-  and Mario Lobo and Andy    drubbing,  leaving  a  inal  trophy by defeating Mario
             dad  and  Tobago,  Peru,  ens  Individual,  Danbi  Ve-   Gomes     walked     away    score of 3-1.                Sportshop  (Franklin  Lopes,
             Panama, Uruguay, Domin-     lásquez, will compete as a   champions.                    Team Mazuga Table Tennis   Alfred Leong), 3-2.q
             ican  Republic,  Honduras,  Junior Individual.             The  hotly  contested  bat-
             Guatemala, Mexico, Cos-     And leader of the delega-    tle  started  with  the  singles
             ta  Rica,  Cuba,  Ecuador,  tion,  Sergio  Velásquez,    matches  Chingho  beat-
             El  Salvador,  Bolivia,  Brazil,  7-dan,  will  work  matches   ing  Gomes  3-0,  leaving
             Chile,  Colombia,  and  Ar-  as  an  international  refer-  the Team Anglo Mago in a
             gentina are all scheduled  ee.                           hole.
             to participate.               Kendo  (“sword  way”)  is   Lobo battled back defeat-
             A  few  renowned  senseis  a modern Japanese mar-        ing  Mathilda  3-1  to  even
             from the U.S. Canada and  tial art, which descended      up  the  series  1-1.    In  the
             Brazil  will  be  on  hand  to  from swordsmanship (ken-  tie-breaker,  Lobo  wasted
             give  demonstrations  and  jutsu)  and  uses  bamboo     no time in dispatching Ch-
             watch the championships.  swords  (shinai)  and  pro-    ingho, 3-0.
               The  Aruban  delegation,  tective armor (bōgu). q          In  the  doubles  competi-
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