P. 22
Friday 10 November 2017
Cowboys’ Elliott mum amid more legal limbo over 6-game ban
By SCHUYLER DIXON part it’s about coming in
AP Pro Football Writer and controlling the things
FRISCO, Texas (AP) — that we can control, giv-
Ezekiel Elliott skipped his ing a great effort and just
weekly media session studying the game plan for
Wednesday because of any running back or any
more legal limbo in the star receiver, being ready to
Dallas Cowboys running go for Sunday.”
back’s fight over the NFL’s If Elliott loses the latest rul-
six-game suspension on al- ing, his legal options are
leged domestic violence. likely to be near an end. He
The difference this week is would miss all but the last
that Elliott, the NFL’s sec- two games of the regular
ond-leading rusher, was season, just as the Cow-
with his teammates. That boys were emerging as a
wasn’t the case early last playoff contender a year
week when the 22-year- after the surprising rookie
old was suspended until Fri- duo carried them to the
day after a judge rejected top seed in the NFC at 13-
his request for a second in- 3.
junction. “It’s just doing whatever I
The third legal reprieve can to get the best out of
came in an emergency these other guys,” Prescott
stay two days before the said. “For the situation with
In this Sunday, Nov. 5, 2017, file photo, Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott (21) carries the
Cowboys beat the Kan- ball after taking a hand off from quarterback Dak Prescott (4) during an NFL football game against Zeke, it’s exactly that. I’m
sas City Chiefs. Now El- the Kansas City Chiefs in Arlington, Texas. going to do the best I can
liott seeks a longer-lasting Associated Press to get the most out of him
injunction from a three- rejected all the arguments accordingly.” has climbed the NFL rush- when he’s here and make
judge panel that will hear of his legal team in reinstat- Elliott, who led the NFL in ing chart and now trails sure he’s in a good place
his case Thursday in New ing the suspension levied rushing as a rookie last sea- this year’s dynamic rookie, and (has) a good attitude
York. by Commissioner Roger son, has been suspended Kansas City’s Kareem Hunt, when he’s not.”
A ruling could come before Goodell in August. briefly twice as the case by 7 yards. Elliott has 793 NOTES: The Cowboys
Sunday, when Dallas (5-3), The suspension followed has taken twists and turns yards and is tied with Todd placed DT Brian Price on
on a three-game winning the NFL’s yearlong inves- in courtrooms from Texas to Gurley of the Los Angeles injured reserve following
streak with significant con- tigation after prosecutors Louisiana to New York. He Rams for the league lead a knee injury against the
tributions from Elliott, visits in Columbus, Ohio, cited missed a day at the facility in touchdowns rushing with Chiefs and activated un-
defending NFC champion conflicting evidence when in mid-October, and three seven. drafted free agent Lewis
Atlanta (4-4). declining to pursue the more last week. “I’ve continued to say, Neal from the practice
Cowboys owner and gen- case in the city where Elliott The saga hasn’t affected we’re going to run our of- squad.
eral manager Jerry Jones starred for Ohio State. The Elliott on the field lately. fense regardless of who’s The former LSU standout
said on his radio show allegations stemmed from He had three straight 100- in,” said quarterback Dak is a strong candidate to
Wednesday he believed incidents in the summer of yard games, the latter Prescott, who shared a re- make the game-day roster
Elliott was planning to at- 2016. pair starting a two-game markable debut season in his first week. ... The Cow-
tend the hearing. If so, it “Again, we’re going to fo- winning streak. In a 28-17 with Elliott and was the NFL boys signed former Mary-
will be with the blessing of cus on what we can control win against the Chiefs on Offensive Rookie of the land DT Joe Vellano to the
coach Jason Garrett. in that situation,” Garrett Sunday, he scored the go- Year. practice squad.
Elliott attended the hear- said earlier this week. “Zeke ahead touchdown in the “I’m sure if the quarterback ___
ing in New York last week has done a really good job second half and finished changes we’re going to More AP NFL: http://www.
after which U.S. District of that. Until someone tells with 93 yards. run the exact same offense and http://
Judge Katherine Polk Failla us otherwise, we’ll proceed Over the past month, Elliott that we run. So for the most
Hernandez Boston and just hours be- trial.CTE, which can only be
fore his former teammates diagnosed in an autopsy,
Continued from Page 18 visited the White House to has been found in former
celebrate their latest Super members of the military,
“We can say collectively, in Bowl victory. football players and boxers
our collective experience, Prosecutors contended and others who suffered re-
that individuals with CTE — he gunned the two men peated head trauma.
and CTE of this severity — down after one acciden- BU researchers conirmed
have dificulty with impulse tally spilled a drink on him in September that Hernan-
control, decision-making, in a nightclub — and then dez was diagnosed with
inhibition of impulses or ag- got a tattoo of a handgun Stage 3, out of 4, of the dis-
gression, often emotional and the words “God For- ease. But McKee had not
volatility and rage behav- gives” to commemorate publicly discussed her ind-
iors,” said McKee, who has the crime. ings until a conference at
studied hundreds of brains He had been serving a life the university on Thursday.
from football players, col- sentence without parole After Hernandez’s CTE di-
lege athletes and even in the 2013 killing of semi- agnosis, his attorneys iled
younger players, donated professional football player a lawsuit against the NFL
after their deaths. Odin Lloyd when he killed and football helmet mak-
Hernandez hanged himself himself. er Riddell, accusing them
In this Oct. 17, 2010, file photo, New England Patriots tight end
Aaron Hernandez reacts during the second half of an NFL foot- in prison days after he was Hernandez, who said he of failing to warn Hernan-
ball game against the Baltimore Ravens in Foxborough, Mass. acquitted in the 2012 drive- was innocent, did not raise dez about the dangers of
Associated Press by shootings of two men in CTE in his defense at either football.q