P. 23

                                                                                                       SPORTS Friday 10 November 2017

            Column: Russia should have no place in upcoming Olympics

            By TIM DAHLBERG
             AP Sports Columnist
            There’s a new series on the
            Olympic  Channel  called
            “Foul  Play,”  though  unfor-
            tunately it doesn’t address
            what is really foul about the
            modern  Olympic  move-
            ment.  For  that,  there’s  no
            reason to look to the past.
            There’s  plenty  of  foul  play
            on  display  as  the  count-
            down  begins  to  the  Win-
            ter Olympics in February in
            South Korea. Just this week
            the  International  Olympic
            Committee       suspended
            Namibia’s  Frank  Fredericks
            as a member after he was
            charged in a French investi-
            gation of suspected bribery
            in  the  2016  Olympic  host
            city vote. The former Olym-
            pian  allegedly  accepted
            a  $300,000  payment  eight
            years ago on the day Rio de
            Janeiro was chosen as the
            host. No surprise there, be-
            cause the Olympic city se-    In this Sunday, Jan. 19, 2014 ile photo, second placed Russia’s Yulia Tchekaleva, left, winner Poland’s Justyna Kowalczyk, center,
                                         and third placed Russia’s Yulia Ivanova pose for photographers after the women’s Cross Country skiing 10km Mass Start Classic
            lections have long been an   World Cup event in Szklarska Poreba, Poland.
            exercise  in  corruption  and   Four  more  Russian  cross-country  skiers  have  been  found  guilty  of  doping  at  the  2014  Sochi  Olympics,  it  was  announced  on
            vote buying. Not just for Rio,   Thursday, Nov. 9, 2017. The Russian Cross-Country Ski Federation says the four have been disqualiied by the International Olympic
            but for Salt Lake City in 2002   Committee and banned from all future Olympics. The other three skiers found guilty are Alexei Petukhov, Yulia Ivanova and Evgenia
            and assorted Olympics be-    Shapovalova. Vylegzhanin won three silver medals in Sochi, but none of the others won a medal.
            fore  and  in  between.  But                                                                                                    Associated Press
            what’s really foul is the way  before the 2014 Games.     the  individual  sports  feder-  Korea.  Indeed,  there’s  ev-  Putin said the dependency
            Olympic  oficials  have  re-  Not  so  commendable  is  ations to determine wheth-     ery  reason  to  suspect  just  of the Olympic movement
            sponded to the state spon-   how the IOC is dealing with  er Russian athletes were eli-  the opposite as Russia tries  on  U.S.  television  money
            sored doping scheme that  the Russians themselves.        gible to compete.            to replicate its place on top  has  created  “relationships
            Russia employed to top the  Less  than  100  days  before  The  truth  is,  Russia  should  of  the  medal  standings  in  and  dependencies”  be-
            medal standings four years  the  Games  begin  in  Py-    have  been  banned  then,  the upcoming Games.            tween  international  sports
            ago in Sochi. On Thursday,  eongchang,  there  has  still  and  it  should  be  banned  Any  other  country,  it’s  an  organizations  that  unfairly
            four  Russian  cross-country  been no decision on what  now. The country still refus-  easy  call.  But  IOC  leader  target  Russia.  That’s  ab-
            skiers  were  found  guilty  to do with the Russian team  es to turn over stored urine  Thomas Bach seems deter-    surd, of course. Though U.S.
            by  an  IOC  commission  of  scheduled to attend. Olym-   samples  from  a  Moscow  mined  not  to  antagonize  TV  money  does  wield  out-
            doping  in  Sochi,  includ-  pic  oficials  are  expected  laboratory,  as  demanded  Russia  too  much,  despite  sized  inluence,  McLaren’s
            ing  silver  medalist  Maxim  to  consider  some  sort  of  by  anti-doping  authorities.  its  documented  misdeeds.  report  provides  damning
            Vylegzhanin.  That  brought  punishment  when  the  IOC  It still refuses to accept the  This  is  a  country,  after  all,  evidence — and plenty of
            to six the number of Russian  executive board meets on  indings  of  a  World  Anti-   that spent untold billions on  it  —  that  Russia  systemati-
            athletes disqualiied by the  Dec.  5,  though  any  sanc-  Doping  Agency  investi-    behalf  of  the  IOC  to  pres-  cally engaged in a doping
            IOC, with at least 20 cases  tions  are  expected  to  fall  gation  led  by  Canadian  ent  the  Sochi  Olympics  to  scheme to help its athletes
            remaining to be judged.      well  short  of  the  outright  lawyer  Richard  McLaren,  the world.                  win  medals  and  cover  up
            That the IOC is inally deal-  Russian  ban  sought  by  a  who  found  that  1,000  Rus-  Russian  President  Vladimir  their  doping  at  the  same
            ing  out  some  punishment  number  of  doping  watch-    sian  athletes  in  30  sports  Putin — who was the face  time. Despite that, the Rus-
            is  commendable,  at  least  dogs, including the U.S. An-  would have been involved  of  the  Sochi  Olympics  —  sians will almost surely be in
            in  some  fashion.  The  So-  ti-Doping Agency.           in  doping  cover-ups  from  suggested  Thursday  that  Pyeongchang.
            chi  Olympics  will  forever  If it seems familiar, it is. The  2011 to 2015.          the  recent  doping  allega-  And  every  athlete  com-
            be  tainted  by  a  Russian  same kind of situation that  There’s  no  way  to  really  tions  could  be  part  of  an  peting  against  them  will
            scheme to switch out urine  played  out  before  the  know if Russian athletes will  American  attempt  to  in-     have  to  wonder  just  how
            samples, and for other dop-  Olympics  last  year  in  Rio,  compete  clean  and  on  a  terfere  in  next  year’s  Rus-  level the playing ield in this
            ing schemes run in the years  where  oficials  left  it  up  to  level  playing  ield  in  South  sian  presidential  election.  Olympics will be.q
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