P. 24

                Friday 10 November 2017 TECHNOLOGY

             Waymo rolls out autonomous vans without human drivers

             By TOM KRISHER                                                                                                     a  small  area  at  first,  then
              AP Auto Writer                                                                                                    spread  to  portions  of  five
             DETROIT (AP) — A self-driv-                                                                                        cities and 100 square miles
             ing  car  company  created                                                                                         in the Phoenix area. Even-
             by  Google  is  pulling  the                                                                                       tually  it  will  go  to  whole
             human backup driver from                                                                                           metro area.
             behind  the  steering  wheel                                                                                       The company also wouldn't
             and  will  test  vehicles  on                                                                                      say  how  many  minivans
             public  roads  with  only  an                                                                                      are taking part in the initial
             employee in the back seat.                                                                                         testing. It has a fleet of 100
             The  move  by  Waymo,                                                                                              autonomous vans in Phoe-
             which started Oct. 19 with                                                                                         nix, with plans to add 500.
             an automated Chrysler Pa-                                                                                          Waymo  says  it  has  an  op-
             cifica minivan in the Phoe-                                                                                        erations  team  that  can
             nix suburb of Chandler, Ari-                                                                                       answer  questions  from  the
             zona, is a major step toward                                                                                       cars'  computers,  but  the
             vehicles driving themselves                                                                                        cars will make driving deci-
             without human backups on                                                                                           sions.
             public roads.                                                                                                      The  company  said  it  has
             Waymo, which is owned by                                                                                           been  testing  its  autono-
             Google's  parent  company                                                                                          mous  systems  for  the  past
             Alphabet, is in a race with                                                                                        eight years with more than
             other  companies  such  as                                                                                         5  million  miles  logged  on
                                          In this Sunday, Jan. 8, 2017, file photo, a Chrysler Pacifica hybrid outfitted with Waymo's suite of
             Delphi, General Motors, In-  sensors and radar is shown at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit.  public roads.
             tel, Uber, Apple and Lyft to                                                                      Associated Press  Self-driving  car  competi-
             bring autonomous vehicles                                                                                          tion  between  the  auto  in-
             to the public. The compa-   Waymo  CEO  John  Krafcik,  second. With these checks,  inclement  weather  even  dustry  and  tech  compa-
             nies say the robot cars are  who  was  to  make  the  an-  our systems can instantly di-  with camera, radar and la-  nies is fierce.
             safer  than  human  drivers  nouncement  Tuesday  at  agnose any problems and  ser sensors.                        The stakes are so high that
             because  they  don't  get  a  conference  in  Portugal,  pull over or come to a safe  "This  demonstrates  Way-    Waymo  is  currently  su-
             drowsy, distracted or drunk.  said  the  company  intends  stop if needed."           mo's  confidence  in  the  ing  ride-hailing  company
             Google has long stated its  to  expand  the  testing  to  The  company  also  says  it  ability  of  these  vehicles  to  Uber,  alleging  that  one  of
             intent  to  skip  driver-assist  the  entire  600-square-mile  has  redundant  braking,  function at least in this envi-  its  former  managers  stole
             systems and go directly to  Phoenix  area  and  eventu-  steering,  power  and  com-  ronment," Abuelsamid said.   its  trade  secrets  and  took
             fully  autonomous  driving.  ally  bring  the  technology  puting  systems  so  it  never  He expects General Motors  them  with  him  when  he
             The  Waymo  employee  in  to  more  cities  around  the  has  to  rely  on  a  human  and  its  Cruise  Automation  joined Uber in 2016 as part
             the  back  seat  won't  be  world. It's confident that its  driver.                   autonomous vehicle unit to  of  an  elaborate  scheme.
             able  to  steer  the  minivan,  system can handle all situ-  Sam  Abuelsamid,  senior  be  the  next  to  announce  The trial in that high-profile
             but  like  all  passengers,  will  ations on public roads with-  analyst  for  Navigant  Re-  testing   without   human  case is scheduled to begin
             be  able  to  press  a  button  out human intervention, he  search, says Waymo's tests  backups, followed by auto  in early December.
             to bring the van safely to a  said.                      without  a  human  backup  parts  maker  Delphi,  which  Waymo is hoping to infuse
             stop  if  necessary,  Waymo  "To have a vehicle on pub-  are  the  first  to  his  knowl-  recently  acquired  Massa-  its  technology  into  ride-
             said.                       lic  roads  without  a  person  edge  on  public  roads  at  chusetts  Institute  of  Tech-  hailing  services  such  as  its
             Within  a  "few  months,"  the  at  the  wheel,  we've  built  normal  speeds.  The  com-  nology self-driving software  current  partner,  Lyft,  and
             fully  autonomous  vans  will  some  unique  safety  fea-  pany  picked  Phoenix  be-  startup nuTonomy.           big-rig trucking companies.
             begin  carrying  volunteer  tures  into  this  minivan,"  cause  weather  conditions  Waymo  wouldn't  say  how  It also intends to license its
             passengers  who  are  now  Krafcik said in remarks pre-  are ideal for testing with no  many vehicles will be in the  automated system to auto-
             taking  part  in  a  Phoenix-  pared  for  the  conference.  snow and little rain, he said,  initial  test  or  exactly  how  makers such as Fiat Chrysler
             area test that includes use  "Our system runs thousands  adding that Waymo knows  wide  an  area  it  will  cover.  Automobiles, which makes
             of backup drivers.          of  checks  on  itself  every  its system isn't ready yet for  The  test  will  take  place  in  the Pacifica minivan.q

             Uber reaches for the skies with plan for sleek flying taxi

            By BARRY HATTON                                                                        The  vehicle  is  intended  to  Holden  said  that  Uber  is
             Associated Press                                                                      soar  over  traffic  conges-  joining  NASA's  project  to
            LISBON,  Portugal  (AP)  —                                                             tion,  sharply  reducing  city  expand  air  traffic  systems,
            Commuters  of  the  future                                                             travel  times.  Uber  hopes  it  which scores of other com-
            could get some relief from                                                             will  eventually  become  a  panies already belong to.
            congested  roads  if  Uber's                                                           form of mass transport and  He  told  The  Associated
            plans  for  flying  taxis  work                                                        cost  commuters  less  than  Press  in  an  interview  that
            out.                                                                                   using their own car, though  he  has  no  dollar  figure  for
            The ride-hailing service un-                                                           initially  it  will  be  more  ex-  the  total  investment.  He
            veiled  Wednesday  an  art-                                                            pensive  than  that,  Uber's  said  Uber  is  putting  some
            ist's impression of the sleek,                                                         Chief  Product  Officer  Jeff  of  its  own  money  into  the
            futuristic  machine  it  hopes                                                         Holden said.                project,  developing  soft-
            to  start  using  for  demon-                                                          The scheme still faces plen-  ware,  while  other  investors
                                         This computer generated image provided by Uber Technolo-
            stration  flights  in  2020.  The                                                      ty  of  challenges,  including  are  also  involved,  such  as
                                         gies on Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2017 shows a flying taxi by Uber.
            company  aims  to  have  its                                                           certification  of  the  new  aircraft manufacturers that
                                                                                  Associated Press
            first  paying  passengers  in                                                          vehicle by authorities, pilot  are developing the vehicle
            various  cities  around  the  The  battery-powered  air-  and rotors. It was presented  training  and  conceiving  and real estate companies
            world  by  2023,  though  the  craft  looks  like  a  cross  be-  at an international technol-  urban  air  traffic  manage-  that are providing so-called
            plan  still  faces  major  hur-  tween a small plane and a  ogy  conference  in  Lisbon,  ment systems that prevent  'skyports' where people will
            dles.                        helicopter, with fixed wings  Portugal.                   collisions.                 catch their airborne taxi.q
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