P. 27

                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Friday 10 November 2017

             Sheriff:                                                                                                              DOCTOR ON DUTY
             Wildfires point to usefulness of old tech                                                                                    Dr. Vogel
                                                                                                                                          Tel. 583 3777
                                                                                                                                           San Nicolas
                                                                                                                                          Dr. Vis
                                                                      cific  Gas  &  Electric,  cut   TIME SHARE FOR SALE                 Tel. 584 9700
                                                                      power  in  the  first  hours  of   Divi  Phoenix Resort      EMERGENCIA 911
                                                                      the  fires,  out  of  concern   1 bdrm Unit # 633 sleeps up to 6
                                                                      that sparks would ignite still   peoples week 1 and 2. Have 37
                                                                      more blazes, Allman said.    weeks left. deed
                                                                      Cell  phones  and  internet   Price $37,000 for 2 weeks.
                                                                      service  failed  for  many              POLICE            100
                                                                      and  CalFire  lost  “a  good   215 9067397                ORANJESTAD     527-3140
                                                                      portion  of  its  phone  lines”   _________________________________208098  NOORD       527-3200
                                                                      in Mendocino County, the     TIME SHARE FOR RENT          STA. CRUZ         527-2900
                                                                      sheriff said.                Divi Phoenix                 SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
                                                                      Instead,  emergency  work-   one bedroom 2 full bath room #   POLICE TIPLINE    11141
                                                                      ers  drove  through  neigh-  633 price $4500 for 2 weeks   FIRE DEPT.       115
                                                                                                                                FIRE DEPT.
                                                                      borhoods  ordering  resi-    call or text 215 9067397     HOSPITAL          527-4000
                                                                      dents  out  over  bullhorns,   e-mail     DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
                                                                      and knocking on doors.        ________________________________208196  AMBULANCE      582-1234
            In this Oct. 18, 2017, file photo, a Pacific Gas & Electric worker   Ham   radio   operators,                       IMSAN             524-8833
            replaces power poles destroyed by wildfires in Glen Ellen, Calif.   meanwhile,   volunteered   TIME SHARE FOR SALE  RED CROSS         582-2219
            The wildfires that damaged much of remote Northern California   for  work  in  the  disaster,   Divi Phoenix
            areas, crippling cell phones, landlines and internet leads some                        one bedroom unit # 633 sleeps   Women in Dificulties
            to believe that old-fashioned sirens and ham radios might be   helping  to  coordinate  the   up to 6 people week 1 and 2   PHARMACY
            more reliable in a disaster.                              transportation of victims to
                                               (AP Photo/Ben Margot)  hospitals, he said.          have 37 weeks left price $37000   Oranjestad:
                                                                                                   for 2 weeks                  Eagle Tel. 587 9011
                                                                      Allman pledged to stream-                                 San Nicolas
            UKIAH,  Calif.  (AP)  —  Wild-  day  or  whether  the  com-  line the chain of command            Centro Medico Tel. 584 5794
            fires that killed nine people   munications failures slowed   for  ordering  automated   or call 215 9067397 mrs Lydia
            in a remote Northern Cali-   evacuation efforts.          cell-phone  alerts,  or  re-   ________________________________208196
            fornia  county  last  month   However,  he  described     verse-911  calls,  to  make  it   For Rent                INFORMATION   118
            also crippled land lines, cell   the hectic first hours of the   easier for individual law of-  1 br ,2 br,3 br     TAXI-TAS       587-5900
            phones  and  internet  ser-  wildfires, when dispatchers   ficers to order them.       Holiday's Special Time Share   PROF. TAXI   588-0035
            vice,  the  local  sheriff  said   struggled to field countless   The  sheriff  also  urged  au-  rentals , all Prime resorts   TAXI D.T.S.   587-2300
                                                                                                                                SERVICE AUA   583-3232
            Thursday, saying the disas-  emergency  calls  and  law   thorities to reconsider civil-  51 and 52 Prime Weeks     A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
            ter  shows  old-fashioned  si-  enforcement officers strug-  defense  sirens,  staples  of   Call;(297)630-1307                         280-2828
            rens and ham radios have     gled to grasp the scale of   the World War II area that           CrUiSe SHiP
            a place in emergencies.      fires  surging  around  the   have  fallen  into  disuse  in
            Failures  of  modern  tech-  area,  as  dry  gusts  drove   recent decades.            Invest opportunity
            nology  can  cost  “all  con-  embers  and  flames  for   Many  areas  have  taken     7  1 br apartment With
            nectivity  to  the  world,”   miles.“They’ve never taken   down  the  sirens  because   a bar and a Swimming Pool
            Mendocino  County  Sheriff   this many calls before,” All-  of  complaints  from  resi-  Near the  5 miN From The           November 10
            Tom Allman said at a news    man said of local dispatch-  dents  about  the  noise  as-  ocean                               mS insignia
            conference.                  ers.  It  was  “the  largest  fire   sociated  with  testing  the   and the airport $550,000  Celebrity equinox
            When  lives  are  at  stake,   situation ... in California his-  devices.              Call:(297)630-1307
            “we need to notify people    tory,”  he  said  referring  to   At  a  minimum,  “I  hope   Aruba Airport   524-2424
            immediately  that  this  is  a   the fires that encompassed   Mendocino  County  can   _________________________________208391  American Airlines 582-2700
            real  disaster,  we  need  to   several counties.         take  a  step  back  and  re-                             Avianca        588-0059
                                                                                                                                Aruba Airlines  583-8300
            get out of here.”            At  the  request  of  authori-  position air raid sirens,” All-                        Jet Blue       588-2244
            Nine of the 43 people who    ties,  the  area’s  utility,  Pa-  man said.q                                          Surinam        582-7896
            died  in  the  devastating                                                                                          Venezolana     583-7674
            Northern California wildfires                                                                                       Aruba Foundation
            that  began  Oct.  8  were                                                                                          For those Visually Incapasitated
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582-5051
            in  Mendocino  County,  in
            an  area  called  Redwood                                                                                           AL-ANON group
            Valley, although other val-                                                                                         Sabana Liber #8, Noord
                                                                                                                                Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
            leys and areas also burned
            in the county at the same                                                                                           FUNDACIONS
            time.                                                                                                               Respetami
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582-4433
            The Los Angeles Times, cit-
            ing interviews and a review                                                                                         Centro Diabetic Arubano
            of dispatch calls, reported                                                                                         Tel. 524-8888
            Monday  that  the  county
            appears  to  have  waited                                                                                           Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583-8989
            more  than  an  hour  after
            fire  was  first  reported  in                                                                                      QUOTA Club
            Redwood  Valley  to  order                                                                                          Tel. 525-2672
            evacuations there.
            The  report  said  numer-                                                                                           Women in Dificulties
            ous  residents  called  911                                                                                         Tel. 583-5400
            to  report  that  they  were
            trapped.                                                                                                            Bloodbank Aruba
            Allman did not specifically                                                                                         Tel. 587-0002
            address  the  report  Thurs-
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