P. 14
Friday 10 November 2017
Opinion Column: The Caribbean needs Think Tanks
My vision of a ‘Think & Do Of course, the process must mined topics?
Tank’ is not a committee be handled by persons. So, How about reinventing Ca-
of some kind or other. It is who are they? Individuals ribbean tourism that is so
an interdisciplinary com- who can typically develop unique that it can outdo
munication process for in- independent thinking pat- any other offering of tour-
depth consideration of is- terns, which is my personal ism products anywhere
sues and challenges, which deinition of intelligence! else in the world. How
relevance reaches beyond New ideas are more imagi- about reinventing Carib-
individual persons, gov- native, original and cre- bean economies that are
ernments, businesses, op- ative when “hatched” in healthy, lourishing, and
erations, associations, and the company of a group are a showcase of a pros-
time frames. A ‘Think& Do of people who are willing perous society?
Tank’ must intensively con- to take on the challenge of The conclusions and results
sider how a future genera- being instrumental in mak- of the ‘Think& Do Tank’ will
tion of professionals, opera- ing signiicant changes. We become benchmarks or
tions and authorities may need to ind leadership for role models after which po-
handle interdisciplinary change. We are not look- litical players or captains of
matters in an ideal manner. ing for leadership in the the industry may remodel
It will suggest a pragmatic political sense of the word. and improve their future
By CDR. BUD SLABBAERT spare you the futile seman- framework to improve syn- Innovation is the number operations, activities, or
tics and just come to point ergy, enhance knowledge one contributor to growth. policies.
ORANJESTAD - As an intro- of what is needed from my sharing and collabora- How does one ind new The outcome may become
duction, I could give you perspective. The Caribbe- tion. It will foster innovation ideas, new ways; how to a referral or focus point for
one of the many deinitions an needs ‘Think & Do Tanks’ and offer solutions. And be innovative? Respond- other communication plat-
of a Think Tank, a Brain-Box that are characterized by inally…, it will actually be ing to change and a need forms in politics or industries
or what Brainstorming is. I’ll ‘Leadership of Thought’. implemented. to innovate requires an ap- locally, in the region, or
proach that goes beyond even abroad. It is a move-
conventional thinking and ment towards a culture
discussion. If we continue of action and responsibil-
to think and act the way ity that enables channel-
we always do, we would ing entrepreneurial ideas
not come up with anything into actions that improve
new, would we? Leaders of the lives of people. It can
Change usually break the also improve the quality of
rules of traditional thinking; public policies that directly
fearlessly challenging con- and indirectly affect the
ventional wisdom, unthink- functioning of markets and
ing and rethinking ideas therefore the possibilities of
and solutions. the territories in the region
The ‘Think & Do Tank’ will to develop.
have a predetermined An action-oriented ‘Think &
topic as starting point and Do Tank’ is a most desired
from there on it is all open process in the Caribbean.
to the dynamics of ex- It could even become a
changes of experiences building block in develop-
and ideas of the partici- ing a knowledge industry in
pants in a climate of toler- the region since it would al-
ance to different opinions. low the educational institu-
Any trick of the trade will tions to attract, retain, build
be used to move forward and motivate local talent,
from that starting point develop an independent
of the Tank by bringing in research program, invest in
suggestions which will be public outreach programs
pushed as far to the edge and ensure that research
as possible by challeng- results inform and inluence
ing, redeining, adapting, policy debates. It is a fact
modifying, magnifying, that Think Tanks are in a
minifying, substituting, rear- unique position to effect
ranging, reversing, combin- positive change in their so-
ing, infusing, reining, etc. It cieties. A ‘Think & Do Tank’
will result in sparking posi- shall be conceived to
tive changes. Emphasis will make those changes actu-
be put on innovation and ally happen. q
creativity. There is a need
to have the courage to do *The views, opinions and
things in a new and better positions expressed by the
way to make a difference. author do not necessarily
There will be a quest for relect the views, opinions
generating benchmarks or positions of The Aruba
and developing new best today Newspaper, Carib-
practices. bean Speed Printers, or any
My favorite two predeter- employee thereof.