P. 10
Friday 10 November 2017
IS militants evacuate last stronghold in Syria to government
By SARAH EL DEEB small towns in the desert. cause it is a declaration of Syrian pro-government the town, joyfully breaking
Associated Press The Syrian military declared the fall of this group’s proj- media said Syrian troops out on camera: “Daesh is
BEIRUT (AP) — the town liberated after in- ect in the region generally had clashed with remnants inished. Live.”
Islamic State militants with- tense battles that killed a and the collapse of its sup- of IS militants in the town The Britain-based Syr-
drew Thursday from their large number of militants, porters’ illusions to divide after they entered it late ian Observatory for Human
last stronghold in Syria, a including leaders. The mili- it, control large parts of Wednesday. Rights said government
strategic town near the tary said they are still chas- the Syria-Iraq borders and On Thursday, they reported forces and allied troops,
border with Iraq, following ing other IS militants in dif- secure supply routes be- the town clear of IS ighters. including Iraqi forces who
a government offensive ferent directions in the des- tween the two countries,” Pro-Syrian media reported linked from across the bor-
that has effectively left the ert. said Army spokesman Gen. the town was liberated. der, are combing through
extremist group’s ighters “The liberation of Boukamal Ali Mayhoub in a televised Al-Ikhbariya TV’s journalist Boukamal after IS militants
dispersed in villages and is of great importance be- statement. reported from the road to withdrew. q
Scores more Saudis detained in $100 billion corruption sweep
By A. AL-SHIHRI to identify the individuals
AYA BATRAWY being questioned, saying
Associated Press it is respecting their privacy
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) during this phase of the in-
— Dozens more people vestigation.
have been taken into cus- An estimated 1,700 individ-
tody by Saudi authorities, ual bank accounts have
the kingdom said Thursday, been frozen.
bringing to 201 the number “The potential scale of cor-
detained in a sweep that rupt practices which have
investigators say has un- been uncovered is very
covered at least $100 bil- large,” al-Mojeb said, add-
lion in corruption. ing that based on investi-
Saudi critics and experts gations in the past three
have called the unprece- years, at least $100 billion
dented purge of top princ- has been misused through
es and businessmen a bold corruption and embezzle-
and risky move by Crown ment. Al-Mojeb conirmed
Prince Mohammed bin that action was taken to
Salman aimed at consoli- suspend personal bank ac-
dating power as he casts counts, but he did not dis-
his eye toward the throne, close any igures. The gov-
sidelining potential rivals ernment stressed that only
and dismantling alliances personal accounts have
built with other branches of King Salman, left, speaks with his son, now Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, (MBS) in Riyadh, been frozen, leaving busi-
the royal family. Saudi Arabia. Dozens more people have been taken into custody by Saudi authorities, the nesses untouched.
The sweep comes at a time kingdom said Thursday, bringing to 201 the number detained. Saudis have complained
of increased tensions be- (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar) for years of rampant cor-
tween Saudi Arabia and 201 in custody.The igure are being held at ive-star bin Talal and two sons of ruption and misuse of pub-
its main regional rival, Iran, is the irst reported by the hotels, including the Ritz- the late King Abdullah, in- lic funds by top oficials in
over the ongoing conlict government and far larg- Carlton in Riyadh. cluding Prince Miteb, who a system where nepotism is
and suffering in Yemen and er than what was previ- The 32-year-old crown until Saturday had head- also widespread.
a newly erupting political ously known, relecting a prince, who is the son of ed the powerful National In recent years, Saudi fami-
crisis in Lebanon. continuing series of arrests King Salman and is popular- Guard. Several years ago, lies have also had to con-
Saudi Attorney General throughout the week. ly known by his initials MBS, he was considered a con- tend with austerity mea-
Saud al-Mojeb said 208 The stunning purge began is leading the investigation tender for the throne and sures that have driven up
people had been called overnight Saturday, initially as head of a newly formed was recently believed to costs while simultaneously
in for questioning, and catching 11 princes and anti-corruption committee. be opposed to MBS be- being told they can no lon-
that seven were released 38 oficials, military oficers Among those detained are coming crown prince. ger count on cushy gov-
without charge, leaving and business leaders. They billionaire Prince Alwaleed The government declined ernment jobs. q
Egypt fears inlux of militants after Islamic State defeat
By HAMZA HENDAWI northeastern Sinai Peninsula than $10 billion since 2014 recover from years of un- was only “natural” that IS
Associated Press for the last three years, and on a wide array of weap- rest since the 2011 uprising. militants would lee to Lib-
SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt has recently seen an uptick onry, including French- Egypt secured a $12 billion ya, which has been mired
(AP) — Egyptian President in attacks in its vast western made Rafale ighter jets loan from the International in chaos since its own 2011
Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi says desert region, which bor- and helicopter carriers, Monetary Fund last year to uprising.
Islamic State militants are ders chaotic Libya. MiG-29 ighter jets and as- bolster reform efforts, and it “We must have the military
making their way to his El-Sissi said a “strategic im- sault helicopters from Rus- receives some $1.3 billion a capabilities that compen-
country via Libya after the balance” caused by the sia, and submarines from year in U.S. military aid. sate for that imbalance in
defeat of the extremist regional turmoil had forced Germany. Speaking at a news con- the region and to counter
group in Syria and Iraq. Egypt to build up its military The shopping spree comes ference at the Red Sea re- terrorism,” he said. “This is a
Egypt has been battling in recent years. at a time when Egypt’s sort of Sharm el-Sheikh late threat not just faced by us,
a powerful IS afiliate in its The country has spent more economy is struggling to Wednesday, el-Sissi said it but also by Europe.”q