P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 10 November 2017

            Judge jails, sets bail for top lawmaker in Catalonia probe

                                                                                                   under Spanish law.           lawyers familiar with her tes-
                                                                                                   Spain Supreme Court mag-     timony.The  lawyers  asked
                                                                                                   istrate Pablo Llarena ques-  not to be named because
                                                                                                   tioned  Forcadell  and  ive  they weren’t authorized to
                                                                                                   other members of the Cat-    speak  publicly  about  the
                                                                                                   alan  parliament’s  govern-  court proceedings.
                                                                                                   ing  body  on  Thursday  for  Catalonia’s  deposed  re-
                                                                                                   more than 10 hours before  gional  president,  Carles
                                                                                                   deciding  whether  to  jail  Puigdemont, and four of his
                                                                                                   them.                        former  Cabinet  members
                                                                                                   The judge set a 25,000-euro  led to Brussels, where they
                                                                                                   ($29,000)  bail  to  be  paid  are  ighting  Spanish  arrest
                                                                                                   in one week for four of the  and extradition orders.
                                                                                                   lawmakers,  and  released  In a letter posted on social
                                                                                                   from custody another who  media  Thursday,  the  ive
                                                                                                   had  made  the  Oct.  27  in-  called  on  voters  to  sup-
                                                                                                   dependence vote possible  port  pro-secession  parties
                                                                                                   by  allowing  a  debate  on  in  Catalonia’s  upcoming
                                                                                                   secession but opposed the  regional election
                                                                                                   declaration  of  a  separate  “It’s time to drive away from
                                                                                                   republic.                    the  (Catalan)  institutions
                                                                                                   While  appearing  in  court  those  who  want  to  own
            Ex-speaker of the Catalonia parliament Carme Forcadell, front right, arrives at the Spain’s Supreme   for  questioning,  Forcadell  them with a coup d’etat,”
            Court in Madrid, Thursday, Nov. 9, 2017.                                               sought  to  avoid  detention  Puigdemont  tweeted,  re-
                                                                         (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)  by  describing  the  inde-  ferring  to  Spain’s  decision
            By ARITZ PARRA               ers.                         that  are  punishable  by  up  pendence  declaration  as  to  assume  control  of  the
            Associated Press             The  Spanish  government     to 30 years of imprisonment  “symbolic,”  according  to  region.q
            MADRID  (AP)  —  A  Spanish  immediately seized control
            judge  jailed  Catalonia’s  of the wealthy northeastern
            top lawmaker Thursday in a  region, the irst time in the
            rebellion  probe  stemming  four  decades  since  Gen.
            from  an  independence  Francisco  Franco’s  dicta-
            declaration, but set Carme  torship ended that Madrid
            Forcadell’s  bail  at  150,000  removed powers from any
            euros  ($175,000)  and  or-  of the country’s 17 regions.
            dered  her  passport  to  be  Central   authorities   also
            coniscated  as  the  investi-  dismissed  the  Catalonia’s
            gation continues.            regional  president  and  his
            Forcadell  is  speaker  of  government, who are now
            the  regional  parliament  also  jailed  on  preliminary
            where  separatist  lawmak-   rebellion  charges  or  ight-
            ers  passed  a  declaration  ing  extradition  to  Spain
            to  proclaim  a  new  Cata-  from  Belgium.  Spain  also
            lan  republic  on  Oct.  27,  dissolved  the  parliament
            disregarding  Constitutional  and called a new regional
            Court warnings that such a  election for Dec. 21.
            move was illegal.            Prosecutors  are  pursuing
            The vote was boycotted by  charges  of  rebellion,  sedi-
            most  opposition  lawmak-    tion  and  embezzlement

            Putin: Russian doping scandals

            could be US election meddling

            MOSCOW (AP) — President  have  a  complex  skein  of
            Vladimir Putin is suggesting  “relationships  and  depen-
            that  a  recent  lurry  of  Rus-  dencies.”    He  said  “and
            sian  sports  doping  allega-  the  controlling  stake  is  in
            tions  could  be  an  Ameri-  the  United  States,”  where
            can  attempt  to  interfere  sponsors   and   television
            in next year’s Russian presi-  broadcasters  are  concen-
            dential election.            trated.
            On  Thursday,  four  Russian  “In response to our alleged
            cross-country  skiers  were  interference  in  their  elec-
            found  guilty  of  doping  at  tions,  they  want  to  create
            the  2014  Sochi  Olympics.  problems  during  the  elec-
            In all, six Russian skiers have  tion of the president of Rus-
            been found guilty by an In-  sia,” he said Thursday.
            ternational Olympics Com-    Putin  has  not  announced
            mittee commission.           whether he will run for an-
            Putin  noted  that  interna-  other term in the March 18
            tional  sports  organizations  election. q
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