P. 8

A8    world news
                Friday 10 November 2017

            Welsh leader defends conduct after politician dies                                                                  UK leader ills

            LONDON (AP) — The leader  Jones sacked him from his  “common  courtesy,  de-           eral British politicians facing  Cabinet post:
            of  Wales  said  Thursday  he  Welsh  Cabinet  post.  He  cency or natural justice.”   allegations  of  sexual  ha-
            had  no  choice  but  to  ire  is  believed  to  have  killed  Speaking at Welsh govern-  rassment  or  abuse.  Jones   2nd in a week
            a  politician  facing  allega-  himself.  Sargeant’s  family  ment headquarters in Car-  said his death had caused   By JILL LAWLESS
            tions  of  sexual  misconduct  says he was not given de-  diff,  Jones  said  he  “had  “great hurt, anger and be-
            who was later found dead.    tails  of  the  allegations  but  no  alternative  but  to  take  wilderment”  for  those  who   Associated Press
            First  Minister  Carwyn  Jones  they dealt with “unwanted  the  action  that  I  did,  and  knew him.               LONDON (AP) — Prime Min-
            said  he  did  everything  attention,     inappropriate  I hope that people will un-   “These are the darkest days   ister  Theresa  May  named
            “by  the  book”  in  handling  touching or groping.”      derstand that.”              any of us can remember in    a  strong  proponent  of
            abuse claims against Welsh  Sargeant     had     denied  He  said  he  would  “wel-    this institution,” he said. “But   Brexit  as  Britain’s  new  in-
                                                                                                                                ternational  development
            Assembly  member  Carl  wrongdoing. His family said  come  any  scrutiny  of  my  they  are  darkest  of  all  for
            Sargeant.                    his distress at being unable  actions” in an independent  the family, and we must re-  secretary  on  Thursday,  re-
                                                                                                                                placing a Cabinet minister
            Sargeant,  49,  was  found  to  defend  himself  properly  investigation.              spect their right to grieve in
                                                                                                                                forced out over unauthor-
            dead  Tuesday,  days  after  meant he was not afforded  Sargeant  was  one  of  sev-   peace at this time.”q
                                                                                                                                ized  meetings  with  Israeli
                                                                                                                                oficials.  Penny  Mordaunt
            Brexit talks resume amid warnings time is running out                                                               was  promoted  from  the
                                                                                                                                work and pensions depart-
            By LORNE COOK                                                                                                       ment  to  the  job  oversee-
            JILL LAWLESS                                                                                                        ing  Britain’s  foreign  aid  as
            Associated Press                                                                                                    secretary of state for inter-
            BRUSSELS (AP) — The Euro-                                                                                           national  development,  as
            pean  Union’s  chief  Brexit                                                                                        May  was  forced  to  make
            negotiator  warned  Britain                                                                                         the  second  change  in
            again  that  time  is  running                                                                                      days to her fractious Cabi-
            out  to  reach  an  agree-                                                                                          net lineup.
            ment,  as  oficials  from  the                                                                                      Mordaunt’s  predecessor,
            two sides met Thursday for                                                                                          Priti Patel, quit Wednesday
            an  abbreviated  round  of                                                                                          after  revelations  she  had
            divorce talks.                                                                                                      held  meetings  with  Israeli
            While  EU  oficials  watch                                                                                          oficials,  including  Prime
            with concern as crises over                                                                                         Minister  Benjamin  Netan-
            Brexit,  sexual  harassment                                                                                         yahu, without informing her
            and  other  issues  rattle  the                                                                                     colleagues  or  the  prime
            U.K. government, EU nego-                                                                                           minister. Patel was the sec-
            tiator  Michel  Barnier  said                                                                                       ond  Cabinet  member  in
            “time is pressing.”                                                                                                 a  week  to  depart  May’s
            In a speech in Rome, Barni-                                                                                         embattled     government,
            er  said  EU  leaders  wanted                                                                                       which faces multiple crises
            to keep up the dynamic of    In  this  Thursday,  Aug.  31,  2017  photo,  British  Secretary  of  State  for  Exiting  the  European  Union   that  include  divisions  over
            talks “and I’m in the same   David Davis speaks during a media conference at EU headquarters in Brussels. Britain is promising   Brexit  and  allegations  of
                                         European Union citizens the right to appeal if they are denied permission to live in the U.K. after   sexual  misbehavior  in  poli-
            frame of mind. But the mo-
            ment of real clariication is   Brexit, it was reported Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2017.              (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)  tics.
            coming.”                     But the 27 other EU leaders  are close to a deal on the  nority  Conservative  gov-    Defense    Secretary   Mi-
            Technical  talks  were  be-  refuse  to  address  that  un-  status of 3 million EU citizens  ernment.              chael  Fallon  quit  Nov.  1
            ing held on the irst day of   til  “suficient  progress”  has  in  Britain  and  1  million  Brit-  It  is  deeply  divided  over   after women made sexual
            the  two-day  round,  as  the   been made on the divorce  ons  in  other  EU  countries.  what kind of deal it is seek-  harassment   allegations
            sides look to move forward   terms.  They  will  decide  in  Brexit  Secretary  David  Da-  ing with the EU, faces strong   against him. May’s choices
            on the key issues of Britain’s   mid-December whether to  vis  —  who  is  due  to  meet  opposition in Parliament to   for  replacing  Patel  were
            inancial commitments, the    move forward.                Barnier in Brussels on Friday  key  Brexit  legislation  and   restricted  by  her  desire  to
            status  of  Irish  borders  and                                                        has  been  shaken  by  two   maintain  balance  in  her
                                         EU  leaders  agreed  last  — said this week that “safe-
            the future of citizens hit by   month  to  speed  up  the  guarding  the  rights  of  EU  Cabinet  departures  in  the   government between pro-
            Britain’s departure from the                                                                                        ponents and opponents of
                                         Brexit  talks,  but  this  new  citizens is our top priority in  past week — one over un-  Britain’s  decision  to  leave
            bloc.EU leaders are increas-  round  has  taken  time  to  negotiations.”  But  the  Eu-  authorized  talks  with  Israeli
            ingly frustrated with Britain’s   organize  and  is  scheduled  ropean  Parliament’s  Brexit  oficials, the other over sex-  the European Union.
            reluctance  to  signal  how   to last just two days, as op-  steering  group  says  “there  ual harassment allegations.  Mordaunt,  44,  is  a  former
            much it is willing to pay to   posed  to  the  usual  four.  are  still  major  issues  that  More  suspensions  or  res-  magician’s  assistant  and
            settle  its  commitments  to   Few expect a major break-  have  to  be  resolved”  on  ignations  could  follow  as   communications   profes-
            the 28-nation bloc.          through.  U.K.  oficials  insist  citizens’  rights.  Britain’s  po-  claims of sexual impropriety   sional  who  represents  the
            The  Brexit  bill—  estimated   progress is being made be-  sition is complicated by the  in U.K. politics spread in the   port  city  of  Portsmouth  in
            by  the  EU  at  somewhere   hind the scenes, saying re-  multiple crises facing Prime  wake  of  the  Harvey  Wein-  the  House  of  Commons
            around 60 billion euros ($70   peatedly that the two sides  Minister  Theresa  May’s  mi-  stein revelations.q      and serves as a Royal Navy
            billion)  —    is  a  key  sticking                                                                                 reservist.
            point  preventing  the  EU                                                                                          Making  changes  in  the
            from allowing talks to move                                                                                         government  lineup  is  a
            on  to  trade  and  future  re-                                                                                     fraught  business  for  May.
            lations.  With  Britain  due  to                                                                                    Her position as leader was
            leave the EU in March 2019,                                                                                         undermined  by  the  Con-
            the  U.K.  is  eager  to  start                                                                                     servatives’ poor showing in
            discussing  future  relations,                                                                                      a  snap  June  election  she
            including  a  hoped-for  free                                                                                       called in a bid to strength-
            trade deal and a two-year                                                                                           en her hand in the divorce
            transition period after Brexit.                                                                                     talks with the EU. q
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