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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 10 November 2017

            GOP leaders bolt from Senate candidate Moore after sex claim

            By STEVE PEOPLES             Moore, a former Alabama                                                                the horse.
            Associated Press             Supreme Court justice, has                                                             But I will have something to
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  made  his  name  in  Repub-                                                                 say about that. Let me do
            month  before  Alabama’s  lican  politics  through  his                                                             some  more  research,”  he
            special  election,  Republi-  public  devotion  to  hard-                                                           told  the  AP.  The  Alabama
            can Senate candidate Roy  line  Christian  conservative                                                             special election is to ill the
            Moore  abruptly  faced  lu-  positions. He was twice re-                                                            vacancy  created  when
            rid  allegations  Thursday  of  moved  from  his  Supreme                                                           Trump tapped Sen. Jeff Ses-
            sexual misconduct with mi-   Court  position,  once  for                                                            sions to serve as the U.S. at-
            nors  decades  ago  —  and  disobeying a federal court                                                              torney  general.  Then-Gov.
            an  immediate  backlash  order  to  remove  a  5,200                                                                Robert  Bentley  appointed
            from  party  leaders  who  pound  granite  Ten  Com-                                                                Strange  in  the  interim.  Re-
            demanded  he  get  out  of  mandments        monument                                                               action  after  the  Post  story
            the race if the accusations  from the lobby of the state                                                            was  published  online  was
            prove true.                  judicial  building,  and  later                                                        swift and severe.
            The instant fallout followed  for  urging  state  probate                                                           “The allegations against Al-
            a Washington Post report in  judges to defy the U.S. Su-                                                            abama  Senate  candidate
            which  an  Alabama  wom-     preme Court decision that                                                              Roy Moore are deeply trou-
            an said that Moore, then a  legalized gay marriage.                                                                 bling,”  said  Colorado  Sen.
            32-year-old assistant district  On  Thursday,  senior  Re-                                                          Chairman  Cory  Gardner,
            attorney,  had  sexual  con-  publicans  swiftly  called  for                                                       who leads the Senate GOP
            tact with her when she was  Moore  to  step  aside  from   Former  Alabama  Chief  Justice  and  U.S.  Senate  candidate   campaign arm. “If these al-
                                                                      Roy Moore speaks at a rally, in Fairhope, Ala. According to a
            14.  Three  other  women  in-  the  Senate  race  if  the  al-                                                      legations  are  found  to  be
                                                                      Washington Post story Nov. 9, an Alabama woman said Moore
            terviewed by the Post said  legations are shown to be                                                               true, Roy Moore must drop
                                                                      made inappropriate advances and had sexual contact with her
            Moore,  now  70,  also  ap-  true.  And  the  man  he  de-  when she was 14.                                        out of the Alabama special
            proached them when they  feated  in  the  Republican                                      (AP Photo/Brynn Anderson)  Senate election.”q
            were between the ages of  primary, current Sen. Luther
            16 and 18 and he was in his  Strange, left open the pos-
            early 30s. The Moore cam-    sibility he may re-enter the
            paign denied the report as  campaign.
            “the very deinition of fake  Moore’s  name  cannot  be
            news and intentional defa-   removed  from  the  ballot
            mation.”  Deiant  as  ever,  before the Dec. 12 special
            Moore  himself  issued  a  election  even  if  he  with-
            fundraising  appeal  asking  draws  from  the  race,  ac-
            for  emergency  donations  cording  to  John  Bennett,
            in a “spiritual battle.”     a  spokesman  for  the  Ala-
            “I believe you and I have a  bama secretary of state. A
            duty to stand up and ight  write-in campaign remains
            back against the forces of  possible, Bennett added.
            evil  waging  an  all-out  war  Strange  wouldn’t  immedi-
            on  our  conservative  val-  ately say whether he’d re-
            ues,” he wrote. “I will NEVER  enter the race. “Well, that’s
            GIVE UP the ight!”           getting  the  cart  ahead  of

            Senate GOP tax bill could delay

            business cut, undo deductions

            Continued from Front         proach  would  face  tough
            Democrats are strongly op-   sledding in his chamber.
            posed to the GOP rewrite,  As  for  the  hard-fought
            so  the  Republicans  must  compromise,  he  said,  “I
            ind  agreement  among  think it’d be dificult not to
            themselves  to  have  any  have it in the inal bill.”
            hope of passage.             On  the  other  hand,  the
            The  Senate  bill  would  fully  House bill would lower the
            repeal  the  state  and  lo-  cap on the mortgage inter-
            cal  deduction  claimed  by  est deduction, an idea that
            many  taxpayers,  an  idea  caused  intense  blowback
            that  has  drawn  vigorous  from the real estate lobby,
            opposition  from  House  Re-  but the Senate tax measure
            publicans in New York and  would leave it unchanged.
            New Jersey and resulted in  That  means  homebuyers
            a compromise in the House  would continue to be able
            version of the bill that would  to  deduct  interest  pay-
            allow property taxes to be  ments  on  loans  of  up  to
            deducted up to $10,000.      $1 million as permitted un-
            House    Majority   Leader  der current law; the House
            Kevin  McCarthy  told  The  bill  would  reduce  the  limit
            Associated  Press  that  the  to  $500,000  for  new  home
            Senate’s  total-repeal  ap-  purchases.q
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