P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
                Friday 10 November 2017

            1 person dead, 1 injured in police shootout on busy I-95

            PROVIDENCE,  R.I.  (AP)  —                                                                                          Route 146, police said.
            A  midmorning  chase  and                                                                                           Authorities  still  are  search-
            shootout  involving  several                                                                                        ing  for  Donald  Morgan,
            police  oficers  on  busy  In-                                                                                      who  is  wanted  for  stealing
            terstate  95  in  Providence                                                                                        the  cruiser,  said  State  Po-
            left  one  person  dead  and                                                                                        lice  Col.  Ann  Assumpico.
            one injured Thursday.                                                                                               He  was  being  transported
            The  shootout  came  less                                                                                           to court and was left alone
            than two hours after a sus-                                                                                         and  handcuffed  in  the
            pect  being  taken  to  court                                                                                       vehicle  when  the  trooper
            was  left  in  a  state  police                                                                                     stepped  out  to  check  on
            cruiser  alone  and  stole  it,                                                                                     an accident, she said.
            driving  it  to  a  Providence                                                                                      “I  know  the  trooper  did
            neighborhood  and  aban-                                                                                            leave the vehicle for a short
            doning  it.  Police  initially                                                                                      time,” she told reporters. “I
            said the shooting and theft                                                                                         want  to  sort  through  it.  ...
            were related, but then said                                                                                         You  have  to  understand,
            later Thursday that the man                                                                                         when  we  come  upon  an
            who stole the police cruiser                                                                                        accident on the highway, it
            is  not  the  same  man  who                                                                                        is our duty to check on the
            got  into  the  shootout  less                                                                                      welfare of the people.”
            than two hours later.                                                                                               Morgan,    a   35-year-old
            One man was killed and a                                                                                            Providence  resident,  was
            woman  was  injured  in  the                                                                                        arrested  Wednesday  on
                                         A Rhode Island State policeman walks past a white pickup truck with multiple bullet holes in the
            shootout  that  happened     windows and right side at the scene of a shooting on Interstate 95 in Providence, R.I., Thursday,   charges of obstruction and
            around  10:45  a.m.  Police   Nov. 9, 2017.                                                                         possession  of  a  stolen  mo-
            have not identiied them.                                                 (Bob Breidenbach /Providence Journal via AP)  tor vehicle, Assumpico said.
            Police  said  several  oficers  condition, Providence Pub-  shooting, and we have one  police  swarmed  over  the  The cruiser was found with-
            were chasing a white pick-   lic  Safety  Commissioner  person  that  is  deceased,”  highway  looking  for  shell  in  the  hour  abandoned  in
            up  truck  with  two  people  Steven Pare said. Pare said  Pare said.                  casings.  Senior  prosecu-   Providence  after  police
            inside  when  the  shooting  they’re  reviewing  footage  Video  posted  online  from  tors from the state attorney  tracked  it  there  with  the
            happened  on  a  stretch  of  from  body  cameras  the  witnesses show the driver of  general’s  ofice  were  also  car’s  GPS  system,  but  the
            the interstate that skirts the  responding  oficers  were  a white pickup trading gun-  on  scene,  which  is  proto-  thief was not located.
            city’s  downtown  and  the  wearing.  No  oficers  were  ire  with  numerous  police  col for any oficer-involved  Police  launched  a  search
            Providence Place mall.       hurt.  “We  are  actively  in-  oficers as it was trapped in  shooting,   according   to  throughout   the   neigh-
            A woman in the truck was  vestigating  all  the  circum-  by other cars. The truck sat  the  ofice.  The  cruiser  was  borhood  and  were  seen
            injured and taken to Rhode  stances. There are multiple  riddled  with  bullets  on  the  taken around 9 a.m. Thurs-  searching  house-to-house
            Island  Hospital  in  serious  oficers  involved  in  the  road Thursday afternoon as  day during a trafic stop on  with riles and dogs. q


                                                                      Court Employee Charged With Leaking Info

                                                                      By DAN SEWELL                gations”  and  pass  along  “The  charges  ...  are  grave
                                                                      Associated Press             speciics  from  the  search  and  serious,”  Pureval  said
                                                                      CINCINNATI (AP) — A veter-   warrants.  Authorities  didn’t  in a statement. “If true, her
                                                                      an Hamilton County clerk of  specify  Bryant’s  role  in  the  actions  are  criminal  and
                                                                      courts employee has been  leaks.  Other  details  of  the  a  violation  of  the  public
                                                                      charged with leaking con-    allegations  weren’t  made  trust.”  He  also  said  his  of-
                                                                      idential  information  from  public  immediately,  and  ice  is  taking  immediate
                                                                      search  warrants,  allowing  the  sheriff’s  ofice  said  a  action to make sure all em-
                                                                      potential law enforcement  “lengthy” probe is continu-    ployees  are  trained  about
                                                                      targets  to  be  warned,  au-  ing. Spokesman Jim Knapp  handling  sensitive  informa-
                                                                      thorities   said   Thursday.  said  the  impacts  of  the  tion  and  said  there  will  be
                                                                      Hamilton County Sheriff Jim  leaks on cases and possible  “zero  tolerance”  for  viola-
                                                                      Neil said the employee, Ya-  danger  caused  for  police  tions of the policy. Pureval,
                                                                      kyma Boyd, 45, was arrest-   are under investigation.     a Democrat , ended long-
                                                                      ed on two felony counts of  Attorney  Clyde  Bennett  time Republican leadership
                                                                      tampering with records af-   II  said  Boyd  will  ight  the  of  the  clerk’s  ofice  with  a
                                                                      ter an investigation by the  charges against her.         November 2016 upset elec-
                                                                      sheriff’s  organized  crime  “Based  on  what  I  know  tion victory.q
                                                                      division.  Ernest  Bryant,  49,  about the case, I don’t be-
                                                                      was charged with tamper-     lieve she is guilty,” Bennett
                                                                      ing with records, and drug  said.  Court  records  didn’t
                                                                      traficking,  drug  possession  list an attorney for Bryant.
                                                                      and  weapons  counts.  The  Clerk  of  Courts  Aftab  Pu-
                                                                      sheriff’s statement said the  reval  said  his  ofice  in  Cin-
                                                                      clerk  employee  provided  cinnati is cooperating with
                                                                      information “to another in-  police  and  also  is  investi-
                                                                      dividual  who  would  then  gating. He said Boyd, a 22-
                                                                      warn  the  potential  targets  year  employee,  has  been
                                                                      of  these  criminal  investi-  suspended without pay.
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