P. 4
Friday 10 November 2017
House elections bring new diversity to Virginia
By SARAH RANKIN local newspapers in Vir-
Associated Press ginia. Working as a reporter
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — taught her how to listen
Danica Roem, a transgen- and understand people
der woman whose defeat and complicated issues,
of an outspoken, socially she has said.
conservative lawmaker has Her opponent, Del. Bob
made news around the Marshall, was a lightning
world, is just one of several rod for controversy, spon-
women making history in soring a bill this year that
this week’s Virginia elec- would have restricted
tions. which bathrooms transgen-
The state House is also get- der people could use. He
ting its irst Latina mem- also authored a now-void
bers, its irst Asian-American constitutional amendment
woman delegate and its that deined marriage as
irst openly lesbian mem- between a man and wom-
ber. an, and sponsored a bill
Altogether, at least 11 new banning gay people from
Democratic women will openly serving in the Virgin-
be joining the 100-person ia National Guard. On the
House, which previously campaign trail, Marshall
had only 17 female mem- and other Republicans re-
bers. With three races still Danica Roem, who ran for house of delegates against GOP incumbent Robert Marshall, is greeted peatedly misidentiied Ro-
too close to call Thursday, by supporters as she prepares to give her victory speech with Prince William County Democratic em’s gender.
that number could still in- Committee at Water’s End Brewery on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2017, in Manassas, Va. Roem will be the Roem’s win was the most
crease by one. Observers irst openly transgender person elected and seated in a state legislature in the United States. high proile of what the Hu-
say the new diversity could (Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post/AP) man Rights Campaign says
represent a sea change which helps prepare Dem- ern Virginia districts. Though no-Smoak to win an open was at least seven trans-
for the chamber, control of ocratic women to run for the state’s population is northern Virginia seat, will gender candidates nation-
which was still up in the air ofice and trained nine of about 9 percent Hispanic, be the irst Asian-American wide Tuesday.
Thursday. the winners. the House currently has woman delegate. Dawn “2017 will be remembered
“The General Assembly will Among Emerge’s trainees only one Latino delegate. Adams became the irst as the year of the trans
truly look more like this state are Elizabeth Guzman and Both Guzman and Ayala openly lesbian state law- candidate — and Danica’s
than ever before,” said Ju- Hala Ayala, who will be the unseated incumbents. maker Thursday after she heroic run for ofice the
lie Copeland, executive irst Latina members of the Kathy Tran, who defeated was declared the winner centerpiece of that nation-
director of Emerge Virginia, House, representing north- Republican Lolita Manche- of a Richmond-area dis- al movement,” Aisha C.
trict over the Republican Moodie-Mills, president and
incumbent, G.M. “Manoli” CEO of the Victory Fund, a
Loupassi. Loupassi conced- political action committee
ed defeat Tuesday, but The that works to get openly
Associated Press did not LGBTQ people elected,
declare Adams the winner said in a statement. At least
until Thursday. two transgender people
Charniele Herring, chair- have been elected to state
woman of the House Dem- legislatures in the past, but
ocratic Caucus, said the Roem will be the irst open-
diversity will play out during ly transgender person to
the legislative session on is- campaign and be seated.
sues like health care and One transgender woman
paid family leave. was elected to the New
“We’re looking forward to Hampshire Legislature but
making progress on these resigned before the term
issues with a more diverse started. And in Massachu-
chamber,” she said. setts, a transgender wom-
Roem said that with Demo- an served in the Legislature
crat Ralph Northam in the but did not campaign as
governor’s mansion and an openly transgender per-
what may be a Democrat- son. She came out while
ic majority in the House, in ofice but didn’t win re-
lawmakers shouldn’t even election. “It is so important
think about introducing dis- for young trans people to
criminatory legislation. look up and see that they
“Don’t bother,” she said. can do that and they can
“Don’t even try. It will be be that, and her win is a big
dead on arrival.” win for the trans communi-
Roem graduated from St. ty,” he said in an interview
Bonaventure University in Wednesday. Hope Vella,
New York and spent about another Roem supporter,
a decade working for the called the diversity of can-
Prince William Times and didates who got elected
the Gainesville Times, both Tuesday amazing.q