P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 10 November 2017

            Sri Lanka says it will investigate alleged torture of Tamils

                                                                                                   against  relatives  or  friends  gations,”  said  the  letter,
                                                                                                   in the Tamil minority who re-  signed  by  Foreign  Affairs
                                                                                                   main in Sri Lanka.           Ministry oficial Prasad Kari-
                                                                                                   The men, now seeking po-     yawasam.
                                                                                                   litical  asylum  in  Europe,  Human  rights  groups  have
                                                                                                   said their captors accused  cautioned     that    many
                                                                                                   them  of  working  to  revive  would  be  reluctant  to
                                                                                                   the separatist Liberation Ti-  come  forward,  given  that
                                                                                                   gers of Tamil Eelam, which  there  is  a  large  degree  of
                                                                                                   battled  Sri  Lankan  govern-  distrust  from  asylum  seek-
                                                                                                   ment  forces  for  decades  ers who fear for the families
                                                                                                   until  their  defeat  in  2009.  they left behind.
                                                                                                   The Sri Lankan government  The government noted in its
                                                                                                   has  said  repeatedly,  how-  letter that some allegations
                                                                                                   ever, that the rebel group is  were  already  being  dealt
                                                                                                   no longer a threat.          with.  This  year,  authorities
                                                                                                   In  a  letter  sent  to  the  AP  have  disciplined  33  mem-
                                                                                                   on Thursday, the Sinhalese-  bers  of  the  police  force
                                                                                                   dominated     government  and  dismissed  one,  it  said,
                                                                                                   said  it  “strongly  condemns  with another 100 cases still
                                                                                                   any  act  of  torture”  and  pending.  Also  this  year,  it
                                                                                                   would ensure that any such  has received 28 new com-
                                                                                                   allegations are “investigat-  plaints of alleged torture or
            Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayake the Commander of the Sri Lankan Army speaks during   ed  and  prosecuted  to  the  abuse.  It’s  unclear  if  any
            an interview in Colombo, Sri Lanka on Oct. 31, 2017. Senanayake denied that Sri Lankan soldiers or   full extent of the law.”  of those relate to the Tamil
            members of the Criminal Investigations Department, a police unit that investigates serious crimes,   It  urged  those  with  evi-  men  who  spoke  with  the
            could have been involved in interrogating or abusing Tamils after the war.             dence  of  abuse  to  come  AP.  Sri  Lanka  has  faced
                                                                         (AP Photo/Shonal Ganguly)
                                                                                                   forward and report it.       years of criticism for dismiss-
            By KATY DAIGLE               police or army soldiers long  along  with  photographs  “The  government  seeks  ing calls by the United Na-
            Associated Press             after the end of the island  of  injuries  they  said  were  the  assistance  and  coop-  tions  and  foreign  govern-
            NEW DELHI (AP) — Sri Lanka  nation’s civil war.           sustained  when  they  were  eration of all those relevant  ments  for  an  independent
            says  it  will  investigate  al-  An Associated Press investi-  raped, branded or beaten  parties  in  this  endeavor  in-  inquiry  into  alleged  war
            legations  by  more  than  50  gation  published  Wednes-  repeatedly  in  custody.  All  cluding parties outside the  crimes  and  other  abuses
            ethnic Tamils that they were  day  offered  detailed  testi-  spoke on condition of ano-  country, as evidence is key  committed  by  both  sides
            abducted and tortured by  mony  from  20  of  the  men,  nymity  for  fear  of  reprisals  in  the  conduct  of  investi-  during the 26-year war.q

            International court opens probe into Burundi deadly violence

            By MIKE CORDER               Judges said evidence pro-    third term that he ultimately  tween April 2015 and May  uncovered  evidence  that
            Associated Press             vided by prosecutors offers  won.                         2017.”                       suggested  police  and  se-
            THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands  “a reasonable basis to pro-     “According  to  estimates,  Judges  issued  the  authori-  curity forces, “acting pursu-
            (AP) — International Crimi-  ceed with an investigation”  at  least  1,200  persons  zation  under  seal  on  Oct.  ant  to  a  state  policy,  car-
            nal Court judges have au-    into   crimes   committed  were allegedly killed, thou-   25,  two  days  before  Bu-  ried out a deliberate attack
            thorized  an  investigation  since  April  26,  2015,  alleg-  sands  illegally  detained,  rundi’s withdrawal from the  against the civilian popula-
            into  allegations  of  state-  edly by “State agents and  thousands  reportedly  tor-  ICC. It is the 11th full-scale  tion, entailing multiple acts
            sponsored crimes in Burundi  other groups implementing  tured and hundreds disap-      investigation  by  the  court  of  murder,  imprisonment,
            including murder, rape and  State policies.”              peared,” the court said in a  that  prosecutes  some  of  torture,  rape  and  other
            torture,  announcing  the  Burundi  descended  into  statement.                        the world’s worst atrocities.  forms  of  sexual  violence,
            decision  Thursday  shortly  violence that left hundreds  “The  alleged  acts  of  vio-  All but one of the investiga-  enforced  disappearance
            after  the  East  African  na-  dead  in  2015  after  Presi-  lence  have  reportedly  re-  tions are in Africa.   and persecution, constitut-
            tion became the irst to for-  dent  Pierre  Nkurunziza  an-  sulted in the displacement  Prosecutor  Fatou  Bensou-  ing crimes against human-
            mally quit the court.        nounced plans to run for a  of  413,490  persons  be-     da  said  her  investigation  ity.” q
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