P. 13
Friday 10 November 2017
Table Games Rafle Promotion:
Win More in November at the Tropicana Aruba Casino!
Black Jack Same Suited; for
Roulette - Number of the
Day; for Three Card Poker -
3 of a kind or Straight Flush;
and for Craps - Roll of 4, 5,
9, or 10.
For every winning combi-
nation players will receive
1 (ONE) ticket to partici-
pate in the weekly rafle,
which will be on Fridays,
November 10 and 17, 2017
at 10:30PM. Rafle prizes in-
clude $50 Match Plays, $50
Gas Vouchers, $50 Dinner
Vouchers and Weekend
All non winning tickets will
roll over for the inal draw-
ing on Friday November 24,
EAGLE BEACH - The Tropi- ber, the Tropicana Aruba 2017 at 10:30PM. Rafle priz-
cana Aruba Casino is at Casino is rewarding players es for the inal drawing in-
it again, giving you MORE with an exciting new Table clude $50 Match Play, $75
promotions, MORE chanc- Games Rafle Promotion! Gas Voucher, $75 Dinner
es to win, and making the Each time you hit a winning Voucher, and a Week Stay!
most of your gaming expe- combination you earn a So put on your poker face
rience! chance to win MORE! and make it a November to
The winning combinations Remember – Visit the Tropi-
To make sure players have for each table game are cana Aruba Casino and
a November to Remem- as follows: for Black Jack - enjoy winning MORE!q