P. 12
Friday 10 November 2017
Hurricane sets off ierce debate about leaving Puerto Rico
By DANICA COTO cause I don’t give up.” the Hispanic Family Coun- even higher than it already able to help my family,”
Associated Press The drive to stay in Puerto seling center in Orlando, is.” People who have left Rodriguez said by phone
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) Rico and help rebuild has Florida, recently played bridle at the criticism. from Providence. “I’m here
— The disaster wrought by become a sociocultural “The Blessed Island” by a Carlos Rodriguez, an un- trying to do that.”
Hurricane Maria has set Maria downed trees,
off an anguished debate homes and power lines in
across Puerto Rico, where a 12-hour rampage with
friends, family and co- winds of up to 154 mph (247
workers are arguing iercely kph). Much of Puerto Rico
over the morality of leav- remains without power and
ing the blacked-out island 15 percent has no running
for the U.S. mainland versus water more than a month
fulilling a patriotic duty to after the hurricane. It is the
rebuild. More than 140,000 longest blackout in U.S. his-
Puerto Ricans have left tory, and oficials have said
since the storm hit Sept. 20 the overall hurricane dam-
and some experts estimate age could range from $45
more than 300,000 more billion to $95 billion on an
could leave in the next two island already mired in an
years. That’s on top of a 11-year-long recession.
similar-size exodus over the The post-hurricane exodus
last decade of economic will have its own econom-
crisis, creating a massive ic impact, said economist
population loss for the U.S. Joaquin Villamil, chairman
territory of 3.4 million. and CEO of Estudios Tec-
Most of those who have nicos, an economic con-
left went on their own. Aid sulting irm. “It is having a
groups and the U.S. gov- Waritza Alejandro embraces her mother-in-law Maritza Ortiz, before boarding a light to Tampa terrible effect,” he said,
ernment helped evacuate with her husband Christian Vega and their daughter Tiana, in Carolina, Puerto Rico, Wednesday, noting that retail sales are
large numbers of the el- Nov. 8, 2017. The couple lost their home to Hurricane Maria. The disaster wrought by Maria has set already down, and that
derly and sick. The Federal off an anguished debate across Puerto Rico, where friends, family and co-workers are arguing the shrinking population will
Emergency Management iercely over the morality of leaving the blacked-out island vs. staying to fulill a patriotic duty to lead to a drop in tax col-
Agency said it has offered (AP Photo/Carlos Giusti) lections and affect multiple
to help relocate those still in sectors including housing.
temporary shelters, about movement with its own slo- singer who included those employed security guard “Not only are you going to
2,400 people as of Friday, gan echoing Montes: “Yo four words in its lyrics, she and volunteer paramedic, have an older population,
to temporary housing on no me quito,” or “I’m not provoked an unexpected moved with his wife and but it will be poorer.”
the mainland. giving up.” Those four words reaction from clients. two young girls to the U.S. Professionals are leaving
Many of those leaving are have become a popular “People who had come mainland on Nov. 2 from at alarming rates, and the
facing recriminations from hashtag posted next to from Puerto Rico were cry- their hometown of Cayey, island could see an overall
fellow Puerto Ricans who pictures on social media ing with a horrible feeling of nestled in Puerto Rico’s 25 percent drop in popula-
accuse them of abandon- of Puerto Ricans rebuilding guilt,” she recalled. “They once-lush central moun- tion from 2000 to 2025, with
ing their homeland when it homes, distributing food feel like, ‘Wow, I gave up. tains. The family lost its 3 million people or less ex-
needs them the most. and water or simply relax- I wanted to stay.’... Of home and car to the storm pected to remain by that
Nilsa Montes, an unem- ing on the beach. Some course they feel hurt.” and is now sleeping on the year, down from 3.8 million
ployed waitress, said her who left or are leaving re- In a recent chain of com- couch of a relative in Provi- nearly two decades ago,
friends and family often spond with messages that ments on Twitter about the dence, Rhode Island, while Villamil said.
talk negatively about those they would stay if someone merits of staying against looking for permanent “It’s a very serious prob-
who have left. found them a job, power going, one Puerto Rican housing and a job for Rodri- lem,” he said. “The demo-
“They always get criticized or water. The “yo no me wrote: “Those of you who guez. His parents, however, graphic transition is the
because people point out, quito” message carries so left are leeing from ca- stayed in Puerto Rico. driver of what happens
‘Hey, you didn’t stay,’” she much meaning that when tastrophe while those of “You have no idea how here economically and so-
said. “I wouldn’t move be- Denise Centeno, who runs us who stay will lift the lag much I would like to be cially.” q
US hits Venezuelans with sanctions in response to crackdown
By MATTHEW LEE imposed following what named are the country’s ple, our message remains rights, inhibit the freedom
AP Diplomatic Writer it called lawed regional former communications clear: the United States will of expression or peace-
WASHINGTON (AP) — The elections last month in Ven- and food ministers, Ernesto not stand aside while the ful assembly, or engage in
Trump administration on ezuela. Those elections Villegas and Carlos Osorio, Maduro regime continues public corruption, unless
Thursday hit another 10 cur- were marred by irregulari- along with others involved to destroy democratic or- they break from Maduro’s
rent and former Venezu- ties “that strongly suggest in organizing elections. der and prosperity in Ven- dictatorial regime.”
elan oficials with inancial fraud helped the ruling Treasury said the oficials all ezuela,” Treasury Secretary The U.S. has targeted doz-
sanctions over corruption party unexpectedly win a had a role in undermining Steven Mnuchin said in a ens of current and former
and abuse of power alle- majority of governorships,” electoral processes, media statement. “We will main- Venezuelan oficials and
gations related to President it said. The sanctions freeze censorship, or corruption in tain our vigorous efforts to companies with sanctions
Nicolas Maduro’s ruling any assets that the affect- government-administered sanction Venezuelan gov- since the government in
party’s crackdown on op- ed oficials have in U.S. juris- food programs. ernment oficials who are August set up a constitu-
position. dictions and bar Americans “As the Venezuelan gov- complicit in Maduro’s at- tional assembly that has
The Treasury Department from doing business with ernment continues to dis- tempts to undermine de- been given virtually unlim-
said the penalties were them. Among the oficials regard the will of its peo- mocracy, violate human ited powers. q