Page 14 - Aruba Today
P. 14
LOCALMonday 30 November 2015
Continued from Page 13
“El Sistema” has inspired Sinterklaas and Black Petes handing out candy to the Casa
and supported musical Cuna Children.
centers in over 40 coun-
tries all around the world
and has formed people
like Gustavo Dudamel,
Musical Director of the fa-
mous Los Angeles Philhar-
monic (LA Phil).
PANA’s first initiative suc-
cessfully took place this
last weekend was “Sinter-
klass Riba Caya”. A group
Over 50 volunteers between children, youth and adults
coordinated all the efforts.
of over 40 volunteers col- Thousands of Goody Bags
lected and processed were assembled by gender,
both new and second age and need.
hand clothes, toys and
also food. klaas Riba Caya’ event, a
Some of the founding great success.
members dressed as Sin- For more information on
terklaas and Black Petes PANA or regarding the Sin-
led the caravan of stocked terklaas Riba Caya, please
vehicles to visit five chari- contact Alberto Perret
ties. Here they gave away Gentil, tel. 593-4730.q
presents, brought joy and
music to share the spirit
of the holidays with those
who need it the most.
The charities chosen in
close coordination with
the Ministry of Social Affairs
were orphanages Imelda-
hof and Casa Cuna, as
well as Casibari Scouting
Group, Centro Ortopeda-
gogico and several low
income families.
Minister Paul Croes com-
mended PANA’s lead-
ers and volunteers for the
great results in this, their
first endeavor. Leaders Al-
berto Perret Gentil, Franz
Sydow and Domingo Al-
dazoro would like to thank
everybody that contribut-
ed and made the ‘Sinter-