Page 13 - Aruba Today
P. 13

                                                                                                                                                                      Monday 30 November 2015

PANA’s ‘Sinterklaas On The Streets’ Makes Its Debut in Aruba

Everybody ready to hit the streets together with Minister Paul Croes.

ORANJESTAD - A group of        is all about. As part of this                                  Collections included both old and new clothes, toys and
Venezuelan friends resid-      community, Venezuelans                                         donations of diapers, food and sports supplies.
ing in Aruba got together      as friends/”panas” of Aru-
and created the                ba and its people want
PANA Foundation (“Pa           to give back and thus will
Amor di Nos Aruba”) to         develop and support tan-
promote philanthropic ac-      gible social programs.
tivities in Aruba that show    Their flagship project is the
the solidarity and social re-  creation of classical mu-
sponsibility of the Venezu-    sical centers throughout
elan people.                   Aruba with the support of
PANA, a slang word in          the “System of Youth and
Venezuela for “buddy”,         Children’s Orchestras of
is a good choice of word       Venezuela – El Sistema”
for what the Foundation        with the goal of forming

In true Sinterklaas fashion, a small parade of loaded pick-up  Sinterklaas handing out gifts  Arrival at Casa Cuna where kids got serenated with traditional
trucks went from one donation site to the next.                at Imeldahof orphanage.        holiday carols.

                                                               well-rounded individuals
                                                               not only in classical music
                                                               but as schools for the so-
                                                               cial and personal develop-
                                                               ment of children and ado-

                                                                  Continued on Page 14
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