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P. 9

                                                                                                                   Monday 30 November 2015

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EU, Turkey seek better relations at emergency refugee summit 

RAF CASERT                       important for the future of    Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, center, speaks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel,
Associated Press                 our common bond in Eu-         right, and Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann prior to a group photo at an EU-Turkey summit at
BRUSSELS (AP) — European         rope.”                         the EU Council building in Brussels on Sunday, Nov. 29, 2015. At a high-profile summit in Brussels
Union leaders eager for          According to the Inter-        on Sunday, European Union leaders will look to offer Turkey 3 billion euros ($3.2 billion), an eas-
Turkey’s help in the migrant     national Organization for      ing of visa restrictions and the fast-tracking of its EU membership process in return for tightening
crisis cautioned against         Migration, almost 900,000      border security and take back some migrants who don’t qualify for asylum.
promising too much to            people fleeing conflict
their often reluctant part-      and poverty in the Middle                                                                                                     (AP Photo/Francois Walscaerts)
ner at a summit in Brussels      East, Africa and Asia have
Sunday, even as Turkey’s         entered Europe this year       Angela Merkel.                  human rights.                 forEU aid, he said, “we ex-
prime minister declared          seeking sanctuary or jobs.     Others though pointed out       EU  President Donald Tusk     pect to see an immediate
the beginning of a new           More than 600,000 have         that any aid had to be off-     put it straight to Davutoglu  and substantial reduction
era for relations between        entered through Greece,        set by Turkish commitments      during the opening session    of irregular migrants arriv-
the two sides.                   many after making the          on reform and respect for       of the summit. In return      ing to Europe.”q
French President Francois        short sea crossing from Tur-
Hollande said Sunday that        key.
the  EU  will need to moni-      More than 2 million refu-
tor Turkey’s commitments         gees from Syria also live
“step-by-step” to help end       in Turkey, but according
Syria’s political crisis, fight  to Amnesty International,
terrorism and deal with the      only around one in 10 are
migrants crisis. He said any     being helped by the gov-
funds of a 3 billion euros       ernment. The rest fend
($3.2 billion) package to        largely for themselves.
help Turkey deal with the        Even if support for closer
migrants on its territory will   relations with Turkey has of-
be released progressively        ten been lukewarm at best
as the commitments are           in many of the EU member
checked.                         states, the refugee crisis
“For the moment, there is        has forced a drastic revi-
this 3 billion that has been     sion of relations with An-
freed up and it will be re-      kara.
leased bit by bit along          “Turkey is right to expect
with the commitments             that the EU provides relief,”
of Turkey,” Hollande said        said German Chancellor
upon his departure from
the summit. Also part of         Authorities search for 2 Australians missing in Mexico
the new approach toward
Turkey are  EU  promises to      MARIA VERZA                    Coleman’s girlfriend, An-       cords for matching and        Chapo” Guzman, stretch-
make haste with easing           Associated Press               drea Gomez, told The As-        she had “pieces of dread-     es down Mexico’s Pacific
visa restrictions and fast-      MEXICO CITY (AP) —             sociated Press that she and     locks” that Coleman had       coast and would be on
tracking Turkey’s  EUmem-        Friends of two Australian      Lucas’ partner, Josie Cox,      given her.                    the route of most road trips
bership. In return, Ankara       tourists missing for more      will travel to the Sinaloan     The Australians had been      to Guadalajara from Van-
must tighten border secu-        than a week in Mexico will     capital of Culiacan on          scheduled to meet with        couver, where the men
rity and take back some          travel to Sinaloa following    Monday to see if two bod-       Gomez in Guadalajara,         had apparently acquired
migrants who don’t qualify       a report that the men’s        ies reportedly found inside     Jalisco just over a week      the van.
for asylum in Europe.            van may have found in the      the burned van are the          ago but never arrived. She    “They were hurrying to get
“I want there to be an           drug gang-plagued state,       Australians.                    said they put out an alert    here, that’s why they were
agreement so that Turkey         one of the friends said Sun-   “Everything points to it be-    on social media after re-     traveling at night,” she
takes on commitments,            day.                           ing them because the van        porting the men missing.      said, adding that the per-
Europe supports it, and          Dean Lucas and Adam            matches, it had a bicycle,”     She said she was contact-     son who told her about the
the refugees can be wel-         Coleman were traveling         said Gomez. “But nothing        ed by someone who said        sighting in Los Mochis also
comed,” Hollande said.           from Edmonton, Cana-           is confirmed yet. Josie is ar-  the men had been seen         told her about the burned
Turkey’s Prime Minister Ah-      da to Mexico and were          riving from Canada today        on the night of Nov. 20 in a  van being found.
met Davutoglu said he            scheduled to arrive on         and early Monday we are         24-hour convenience store     She said they continue to
was “thankful to all Euro-       Nov. 21 in the city of Gua-    going to leave for Culia-       in the town of Los Mochis,    receive messages from
pean leaders for this new        dalajara but failed to ap-     can to see the bodies and       Sinaloa looking for a map.    people who say they saw
beginning, which is not just     pear. The surfers were driv-   do DNA tests.”                  Sinaloa, home of the pow-     them “but we don’t know
a beginning of a meet-           ing through Sinaloa when       She said that Cox was           erful cartel led by fugi-     that is true and what is
ing but the beginning of a       they went missing.             bringing Lucas’ dental re-      tive drug lord Joaquin “El    not.”q
new process, which is very
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