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U.S. NEWSMonday 30 November 2015

Republicans see little political cost in targeting Muslims 

RACHEL ZOLL                     Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson delivers a speech to supporters in Phoenix. Some                                      cording to a Gallup poll
ADAM GELLER                     leading Republican presidential candidates seem to view Muslims as fair game for increasingly                                      released just before Thanks-
Associated Press                harsh words they might not dare use against any other group for fear of the political cost. So far,                                giving.
Some leading Republican         that strategy is winning support from conservatives influential in picking the nominee. Carson said                                Singling out Muslims is
presidential candidates         allowing Syrian refugees into the U.S. would be akin to exposing a neighborhood to a “rabid dog.”                                  not new. Before the 2012
seem to view Muslims as fair                                                                                                                                       presidential election, Re-
game for increasingly harsh                                                                                                           (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)  publican candidate Newt
words without fear of the                                                                                                                                          Gingrich called for a fed-
political cost. So far, that    to a “rabid dog.” Former rected at Christians in the by the Pew Research Cen-                                                      eral ban on Islamic law. But
strategy is winning support                                                                                                                                        candidates at the top of
from conservatives influen-     Arkansas Gov. Mike Hucka- Middle East and angered ter, Republicans view Mus-                                                       the field stayed away from
tial in picking the nominee.    bee said, “I’d like for Barack about restrictions their mis- lims more negatively than                                             such rhetoric.
Many Republicans are                                                                                                                                               “The kind of things that Don-
heartened by strong rheto-      Obama to resign if he’s not sionaries face in predomi- they do any other religious                                                 ald Trump and Ben Carson
ric addressing what they                                                                                                                                           are saying today are things
view as a threat to national    going to protect America nantly Muslim countries.      group, and significantly                                                    that Mitt Romney would
security by Islam itself, ana-                                                                                                                                     have never said,” said Farid
lysts say. Because Muslims      and instead protect the im- The potency of comments worse than do Democrats.                                                       Senzai, a political scientist
are a small voting bloc, the                                                                                                                                       at Santa Clara University.
candidates see limited fall-    age of Islam.”  criticizing Muslims was ap- A different Pew poll last                                                              Romney was the Republi-
out.                                                                                                                                                               can nominee in 2012.
“It’s highly unlikely to cause  Such statements appeal parent even before re- year found that 82 percent                                                           Criticism of Muslims is hardly
a political penalty, and        to Republicans who think cent attacks by extremists of Republicans were “very                                                      limited to presidential cam-
there is no evidence that                                                                                                                                          paigns. In recent years,
it has,” said Steve Schmidt,    Obama and Democratic in France, Lebanon and concerned” about the rise                                                              there have been ads by
a Republican political con-                                                                                                                                        anti-Muslim groups and
sultant who ran Sen. John       front-runner Hillary Rodham Egypt.                     of Islamic extremism, com-                                                  well-organized campaigns
McCain’s 2008 presidential                                                                                                                                         against the building of
campaign.                       Clinton, the former secre- Carson’s campaign report- pared with 51 percent of                                                      mosques, along with pres-
Since the attacks that                                                                                                                                             sure on state legislatures to
killed 130 people in Paris,     tary of state, have not done ed strong fundraising and Democrats and 60 percent                                                    ban Shariah law.
Republican front-runner                                                                                                                                            American Muslims make
Donald Trump has said he        enough to fight jihadis, said more than 100,000 new of independents.                                                               up just under 1 percent of
wants to register all Mus-      John Green, director of the Facebook friends in the 24 Today, 84 percent of Re-                                                    the  U.S. population, Pew
lims in the U.S. and monitor                                                                                                                                       estimates.
American mosques. He has        Bliss Institute of Applied Poli- hours after he told NBC’s publicans disapprove of                                                 The Muslim Public Affairs
repeated unsubstantiated                                                                                                                                           Council, a policy and ad-
claims that Muslim-Amer-        tics at the University of Ak- “Meet the Press” in Sep- taking in Syrian refugees,                                                  vocacy group based in Los
icans in New Jersey cele-       ron. tember, “I would not advo- most of whom are Muslims,                                                                          Angeles, sent letters in Oc-
brated by the “thousands”                                                                                                                                          tober to all the presidential
when the World Trade Cen-       The sentiment also plays cate that we put a Muslim compared with 40 percent                                                        candidates asking them to
ter was destroyed on Sept.                                                                                                                                         attend the organization’s
11, 2001.                       well for evangelicals con- in charge of this nation.”  of Democrats and 58 per-                                                    public policy forum. The
Rival Ben Carson said al-                                                                                                                                          candidates either did not
lowing Syrian refugees into     cerned about violence di- According to a 2014 poll cent of independents, ac-                                                       respond or declined, coun-
the  U.S. would be akin to                                                                                                                                         cil spokeswoman Rabiah
exposing a neighborhood                                                                                                                                            Ahmed said.q
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