Page 7 - Aruba Today
P. 7
Monday 30 November 2015
U.S. struggling to avoid another The Navy’s stealthy Zumwalt destroyer is seen at Bath Iron Works in Bath, Maine.
(AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)
government holiday shutdown
New Navy destroyer’s seaworthiness questioned
Associated Press DAVID SHARP behind schedule. voiced in the ship-design
WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress is racing to close out a Associated Press Amy Lent, of the Maine and shipbuilding commu-
$1.1 trillion spending bill by Dec. 11 and avoid a holi- BATH, Maine (AP) — The Maritime Museum, which nities about the warship’s
day season government shutdown. largest destroyer built for works closely with the overall stability — and any
At issue are dozens of policy provisions attached to the U.S. Navy cuts an im- shipyard, said taxpayers instability could be exacer-
the 12 spending bills. When a bill has trouble advanc- posing figure. But under- needn’t worry because the bated if there’s battle dam-
ing on its own, lawmakers often try to add it to the neath its exterior is a style Navy and shipbuilder Bath age, said Matthew Werner,
spending legislation. of hull that fell out of favor Iron Works have “tested the dean at the Webb Institute,
For powerful interest groups such as banks, broadcast- a century ago in part be- hell out of it.” which teaches naval archi-
ers and agribusiness, these so-called riders are often cause it can be unstable. The inverse bow juts for- tecture and marine engi-
the last, best chance to push items on their agenda The Navy will soon learn ward to slice through the neering.
through Congress. Republicans have attached provi- how this modern take on waves. But the hull’s sloping sides
sions that take on Obama’s health overhaul, new en- the “tumblehome” hull A composite deckhouse contribute to the Navy’s
vironmental regulations and the 2010 Dodd-Frank law holds up when the first-in- hides radar and antennas, goal of stealth.
tightening oversight of the financial services industry. class Zumwalt heads out to giving it a clean look. Sharp The Navy contends the
If history is any guide, Obama and Democrats — whose sea in December for trials angles deflect radar sig- 15,000-ton behemoth will
votes will be needed to pass the catch-all spending in the rough-and-tumble nals. look like a small fishing boat
bill — will avoid most of them. North Atlantic. Typical of tumblehomes, on enemy radar.
But lots of lower-tier issues are in play. The Navy, which views the though, the hull slopes in- “It’s a true engineering
Anti-Castro forces in the House of representatives ap- ship as an important part ward above the waterline, challenge. They’re trying
pear unlikely to reverse Obama’s moves to loosen of the Obama administra- giving the Zumwalt some- to make a ship with stealth
rules about traveling to Cuba. But supporters of medi- tion’s Asia-Pacific strategy, thing of a pyramid shape. characteristics that requires
cal marijuana are hopeful they can win new guaran- can’t afford a flop after The shape can cause prob- certain shapes. To do that,
tees against harassment by federal authorities. the cost of the first ship bal- lems in certain conditions, they have to compromise,”
Some conservatives are still pressing to use the spend- looned to at least $4.4 bil- critics say. Werner said.q
ing legislation as a way to take away federal money lion and construction fell Concerns have been
for Planned Parenthood, a national organization that
offers women’s health services that include abortions.
They also want to increase scrutiny of Syrian and Iraqi
refugees seeking to settle in the U.S.
What to know about riders and how they make it into
legislation, or don’t:
VETO THREATS MATTER: Presidents invariably do well in
negotiations on riders, and veto threats can force the
removal of the most contentious policy add-ons.
Obama is issuing veto threats as freely as ever. This
time, it means Republican attempts probably won’t
make the cut on blocking rules on power plant emis-
sions, delaying ozone standards and weakening clean
water standards involving mountaintop removal coal-
mining operations.
BIPARTISANSHIP HELPS: Any rider with bipartisan sup-
port has a greater chance of making it.
The financial services industry can claim some Demo-
cratic support for exemptions to some new regulatory
burdens. Watchdogs such as Sen. q