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world NEWSMonday 30 November 2015

Syrian opposition: Russian strikes kill 18, wound dozens 

Syrian citizens help an injured man after airstrikes believed to be carried out by Russian                                           strikes in Syria two months    for the ultraconservative
warplanes in the center of Ariha town in the northwestern province of Idlib, Syria, Sunday, Nov.                                     ago. Opposition activists      Ahrar al-Sham group in the
29, 2015. Syrian opposition media is reporting that airstrikes believed to be carried out by Russian                                 say more than 400 civil-       town of Saraqib.
warplanes have killed and wounded dozens of people in a northwestern Syrian market.                                                  ians have been killed by       The LCC reported airstrikes
                                                                                                                                     Russian strikes since the air  on a hospital in Idlib, the
                                                                                                               (Ariha Today via AP)  campaign began on Sept.        provincial capital, and oth-
                                                                                                                                     30.                            er targets in Saraqib.
BEIRUT (AP) — Airstrikes be-   including four children,        page that covers events                                               An amateur video posted        Russia says its airstrikes are
lieved to have been car-       and wounding dozens             in the town, said the air-                                            online showed several men      aimed at the Islamic State
ried out by Russian war-       more. The Local Coordina-       strikes were carried out by                                           being treated on the floor     group and other “terror-
planes killed at least 18 ci-  tion Committees, an activ-      Russian warplanes, killing                                            of what appeared to be         ists,” but Western officials
vilians and wounded doz-       ist collective, said the air-   40 people and wounding                                                a clinic. Blood stains could   and Syrian rebels say most
ens more on Sunday in a        strikes struck a busy market,   more than 70. Conflicting                                             be seen on the floor’s white   of the strikes have focused
northern Syrian town held      inflicting heavy casualties.    tolls are common in the                                               tiles. On the street outside,  on central and northern
by insurgents, Syrian oppo-    The Observatory, which          chaotic aftermath of vio-                                             four men could be seen ly-     Syria, where IS does not
sition media reported.         relies on a network of ac-      lent incidents in Syria.                                              ing near the building, with    have a strong presence.
The Britain-based Syrian       tivists inside Syria, said the  If Russian warplanes car-                                             several young men weep-        In the capital Damascus,
Observatory for Human          airstrike destroyed three       ried out Sunday’s strikes it                                          ing over them.                 state media quoted Presi-
Rights said the airstrikes     buildings in the center of      would be one of the dead-                                             Shortly afterward, an am-      dent Bashar Assad as say-
struck the town of Ariha,      Ariha.                          liest incidents since Mos-                                            bulance arrived and a          ing that he is determined
killing at least 18 people,    Ariha Today, a Facebook         cow began launching air-                                              wounded man in a wheel-        to continue fighting “terror-
                                                                                                                                     chair was carried into the     ism in all its forms” because
                                                                                                                                     clinic.                        Syria and its allies are “con-
                                                                                                                                     The video appeared genu-       fident that eliminating ter-
                                                                                                                                     ine and corresponded to        rorists is the main step in
                                                                                                                                     other AP reporting of the      bringing about stability to
                                                                                                                                     event.                         the region and the entire
                                                                                                                                     The Observatory reported       world.”
                                                                                                                                     several other strikes in the   The Syrian state news
                                                                                                                                     northwestern province          agency SANA said Assad
                                                                                                                                     of Idlib believed to have      made his comments dur-
                                                                                                                                     been carried out by Rus-       ing a meeting on Sunday
                                                                                                                                     sian warplanes on Sunday.      with Ali Akbar Velayati,
                                                                                                                                     It said that an office of the  a top adviser to Iran’s su-
                                                                                                                                     Turkistan Islamic Party, a     preme leader Ayatollah
                                                                                                                                     group that consists main-      Ali Khamenei, who arrived
                                                                                                                                     ly of fighters from Asian      in Damascus earlier in the
                                                                                                                                     states, was hit in the town    day. Iran has been one of
                                                                                                                                     of Jisr al-Shughour and that   Assad’s strongest support-
                                                                                                                                     planes struck a relief office  ers over the past years.q

Israel defense minister says Russian plane breached airspace 

IAN DEITCH                     troops downed a Russian         out airstrikes to support                                             rael later opened a chan-      “Russian planes don’t in-
JERUSALEM (AP) — A Rus-        warplane.                       Syrian President Bashar                                               nel for coordination with      tend to attack us and
sian jet recently pene-        Defense Minister Moshe          Assad.                                                                Russia “to prevent misun-      therefore there is no need
trated Israeli airspace but    Yaalon said the plane           Yaalon told Israel Ra-                                                derstandings.”                 to automatically, even if
was not shot down thanks       entered about a mile            dio that after Russia an-                                             He said there has been         there is some kind of mis-
to an open communica-          (1.5 kilometers) into Israeli   nounced its air campaign                                              one incident so far of a       take, shoot them down,”
tion system between the        airspace by “mistake”           in Syria, Israeli Prime Minis-                                        Russian plane entering Is-     he said.
two countries, Israel’s de-    and immediately turned          ter Benjamin Netanyahu,                                               raeli airspace and it was      Yaalon’s remarks come
fense minister said Sunday     around back to Syria            along with his military chief                                         “immediately corrected         amid a crisis between An-
as tensions continued to       when the Russians were          of staff and other officials,                                         in the communications          kara and Moscow after
flare between Ankara           notified. For two months,       met with Russian President                                            channel.” He didn’t say        Turkey downed a Russian
and Moscow after Turkish       Russia has been carrying        Vladimir Putin. He said Is-                                           when it occurred.              warplane.q
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