Page 16 - Aruba Today
P. 16
LOCALMonday 30 November 2015
The little jeep tour that could…
If You Are a Thrill Seeker, Jump Into the Deep Blue Sea From a Cliff!
PALM BEACH - The small, both excitement and fun.
family business of ABC The choice of stops is also
Tours continues to prove unique, with ABC Tours tak-
that it is truly the ‘little tour ing guests past the island’s
company that could’. Cre- most breathtaking scener-
ated 20 years ago by the ies, and on to discover the
husband and wife team hidden beauty of secluded
of Marvin and Sharla Kelly, beaches and dramatic
it excels through commit- rock formations as well as
ment to the simple ideal of to well-known sites such as
stellar customer care, while Baby Beach and the Natu-
sharing Aruba’s most spec- ral Pool.
tacular attractions. Today’s To take even greater plea-
excursions are exclusive, sure in the off-road experi-
using top-of-the-line trans- ence, guests also have the
portation, while offering opportunity to drive one of
the same warm, personal our 4x4 Land Rovers for a
charm with the promise pure 4-wheel fun.
of an adventure beyond All of ABC Tours’ Land Rov-
comparison. ers are specially equipped
“We started small, guiding vehicles, with comfortable
the tours ourselves, and seats, that easily traverse
with the goal of sharing island roads, and safely de-
what we love most about liver you to each stop.
our island with guests,” ex- Thrill seekers also have the
plains Sharla. “Nowadays, option to cliff jump at The
we are still very much in- Natural Pool, only available
volved, managing the on selected tours at ABC.
company and making sure The unique ABC Tours
the feeling of being part experience extends to
of the family is intrinsic to the menu, with a home-
each tour. cooked recipe for lunch
What sets us apart is that or dinner as a part of each
our tours are made up of tour. Traditional meals are
small groups so that the sa- provided by Waka Waka
fari stays fun and personal- restaurant, which uses se-
ized, giving our Tour Guides cret, family recipes, passed
the flexibility to honor spe- down through four genera-
cial requests on each tour tions and provided by Shar-
and that means more val- la’s own grandmother. The
ue for your money.” restaurant provides a true
Guests who take part in taste of Aruba, whether en-
any one of ABC Tours op- joying a meal after an un-
tions quickly learn that this forgettable tour or simply
is not just another island stopping by, at any time, to
tour. Each tour is filled with try out any one of “Machi
interesting information, (Grandma) Betty’s” deli-
and presented by enthu- cious offerings, from delec-
siastic guides, whose high table appetizers to scrump-
energy helps provide for tious desserts.q