Page 21 - Aruba Today
P. 21
Monday 30 November 2015
Davis CUP careers.” serve for the first time for Team Britain poses with the trophy after winning the Davis Cup
Murray, ranked No. 2 in the a 2-0 lead in the third set. following Andy Murray’s win over Belgium’s David Goffin in three
Continued from page 17 world, is unbeaten in Da- But with nine sets of tennis sets, 6-3, 7-5, 6-3, during their singles Davis Cup final tennis
vis Cup play this year. over two days behind him, match at the Flanders Expo in Ghent, Belgium, Sunday, Nov. 29,
Britain is the only nation to He became only the third Goffin was unable to sus- 2015.
have competed in all Da- player after John McEnroe tain the momentum and
vis Cup editions since 1900 in 1982 and Mats Wilander dropped his serve in the Associated Press
and its 10th title makes in 1983 to achieve an 8-0 very next game. A sizzling
it the third most success- singles record in one cal- backhand cross-court win- big points better.” joy.
ful nation after the United endar year since the in- ner gave Murray two break Murray wasted his first Murray said he stayed up
States (32) and Australia troduction of the World points and Goffin then match point by netting a late to watch fellow Briton
(28). But the last time it won Group in 1981 — and the played a forehand wide. backhand return. But the Tyson Fury win the heavy-
the team competition, first to win eight matches Murray faced a break point final lob was a superb shot weight boxing title, but did
Fred Perry was its star. Brit- that counted. in the next game but hit a to finish the long quest for not need extra motivation.
ain last played in the final in “What he’s managed to service winner and an ace the title as the loud British “I was pumped the entire
1978.After hitting the back- do for the team is astonish- to come out unscathed. supporters — exploded in match,” he said.q
hand lob that clinched the ing,” Britain’s captain Leon Then, as many times during
match, Murray fell on his Smith said. “Absolutely in- the match, he pounced on
back on the clay at the credible, amazing.” Goffin’s second serve to
Flanders Expo arena. After teaming with brother break the Belgian at love
His teammates piled atop Jamie to win the doubles and regain the initiative.
him but Murray was quick on Saturday, he is the first “Andy was very solid to-
to wiggle himself out and player since Pete Sampras day,” Goffin said. “I gave it
ran toward the Belgian in 1995 to win three live all I had, I have no regrets.”
bench to congratulate his matches in a Davis Cup fi- Belgium captain Johan
opponents, before being nal. He is also only the sec- van Herck said Murray
hoisted by the other British ond player to win 11 live “was just a better player”
players and coaches. matches in the same Da- as his team failed to win
Murray, who ended Brit- vis Cup year after Ivan Lju- its first title. “He played the
ain’s 77-year wait for a bicic in 2005.
men’s Wimbledon cham- McEnroe had a 12-0 re-
pion in 2013, then sat on cord in 1982 and Michael
the British team’s bench, Stich had 11 wins in 1993.
his face hidden behind a On Friday, Goffin came
Union Jack flag. He now back from two sets down
has two Grand Slam titles for the first time in his ca-
and an Olympic gold reer to beat Kyle Edmund
medal to go with the Da- in the opening singles. Mur-
vis Cup title. ray then leveled the series
“Nice point to finish off, you by beating Ruben Bemel-
just can’t believe you’ve mans in straight sets.
won a major competi- Goffin, ranked No. 16, had
tion. It’s probably the most not won a set against Mur-
emotional I’ve been at the ray in two previous match-
end of a match,” Murray es on the tour.
said. “Nothing may ever The Belgian appeared to
top this, it’s definitely one get a glimmer of hope
of the highlights of all of our when he broke Murray’s