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sportsMonday 30 November 2015

After beating Klitschko, Fury wants to be ‘great champion’ 

CIARAN FAHEY                           who is expecting their third child.        months. Fury, on the other hand, is    about a potential bout with Deon-
Associated Press                       The build-up to the bout had been          only likely to improve.                tay Wilder to unify the four major
BERLIN (AP) — He threatened to         dominated by  Fury’s  antics and           “I’m a fighter, so I will take on all  titles. The American holds the WBC
walk away from boxing if he lost       trash-talking, as well as disputes         challengers. I want to be a great      title that was vacated by Vitali
to Wladimir Klitschko, or even if he   over the gloves, canvas and finally        champion. So I could do it all         Klitschko to concentrate on poli-
won. Now the always unpredict-         the hand-wrapping before the               again. I came here tonight, took       tics in 2013. The older Klitschko is
able Tyson Fury says he intends to     fight. The next will likely be more of     the world titles, so whatever hap-     the current mayor of Kiev.
be a great heavyweight cham-           the same, with a lucrative payout          pens next is a blessing,” said  Fury,  “Can you not count? I’ve got
pion.                                  for the participants.                      who is of Irish-Gypsy heritage and     four,” Fury said as he counted the
“I hope to have many more              “The interest in the next fight will       comes from a bloodline of bare-        belts. Then: “Why do we need to
defenses of these titles in fu-
ture,”  Fury  said after outpointing   Britain’s new world champion Tyson Fury celebrates with the WBA, IBF, WBO and IBO belts after winning the world
the Ukrainian Saturday night and
taking his WBA, IBF, WBO and IBO       heavyweight title fight against Ukraine’s Wladimir Klitschko in the Esprit Arena in Duesseldorf, western Germany, Sunday,
heavyweight belts in a huge box-
ing upset. “If I could be half as      Nov. 29, 2015. 											                                                        Associated Press
good a champion as Wladimir
Klitschko, I’d be very, very happy.”   be crazy,” said Klitschko’s older          knuckle champions on both sides        mention Deontay Wilder? Let’s
The 39-year-old Klitschko had          brother Vitali, the former WBC             of his family.                         have a laugh at his name shall
reigned for 9 ½ years since beat-      champion. “We know Wladimir’s              “It’s a very great honor for me        we?”
ing Chris Byrd for the IBF belt in     potential and that’s the question:         to be sat here, champion of the        But Fury was keen to pay tribute to
Mannheim in 2006. He defended          In a rematch do we see him back            world four times over. It’s not come   Klitschko, before verbally punch-
the title 18 times and hadn’t been     in his old form or that today was no       easy. Twenty-five fights now, three    ing Wilder again.
beaten since losing to Lamon           accident? Only he can answer this          world title eliminators, so I earned   “This man has been on top for
Brewster in Las Vegas in 2004.         question. I’ll just say that we didn’t     my right to be here. I wasn’t given    so long, he’s reigned as cham-
But the unbeaten Fury — 12 years       see much of Wladimir’s potential           anything for free,”  Fury  said. “Ev-  pion of the world for the lon-
Klitschko’s junior — made the older    (against Fury).”                           erybody wrote us off, said we had      gest,” Fury said. “If Deontay Wilder
man look ordinary at the 55,000-       Klitschko dropped to 64-4 with 53          no chance ... we all believed we       wants a unification fight he’s going
seat soccer stadium in Duessel-        knockouts after contesting his 28th        could do it, we came here and we       to have to wait, because Wladimir
dorf, as the Briton lived up to the    title fight. Time is not on his side with  done it.”                              Klitschko has a round two — ding
promises that few had taken seri-      his 40th birthday coming up in four        Fury  was scornful when asked          ding ding!”q
ously beforehand.
A rematch beckons, a stipulation
the Klitschko camp insisted upon in
the fight contract.
“So, to be continued. But we can’t
yet say how or when or where,”
Klitschko said.
Fury, now 25-0 with 18 knockouts,
said he would happily fight again
in Germany.
“It doesn’t really matter to me
where I fight. If you say I’m fight-
ing in Japan, Turkey, Azerbaijan,
America, wherever it has to be, it
has to be,”  Fury  said. “I’d like to
come back to Germany again to
fight Wladimir. I enjoyed it. I got a
great reception from the German
fans. The German people really
did show me some love.”
Fury  had been entertaining them
all week. He serenaded Klitschko
with his own version of the Bette
Midler song “Wind Beneath My
Wings” on Wednesday, and he
celebrated beating him by singing
Aerosmith’s “I Don’t Want to Miss a
Thing” in the ring to his wife Paris,
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