Page 27 - Aruba Today
P. 27

                                                                           Monday 30 November 2015
                        Classifieds DOCTOR ON DUTY
Kims                                                                                                                                                              Oranjestad
                                                                                                                                                           Dr. Wijngaarde
                                                                                                                                                           Tel. 588-2992
Continued from Page 10                                                          San Nicolas

During the Joseon Dynasty,      TIMESHARE FOR SALE                                Dr. Harmse
which ruled from 1392 to                                                          Tel. 5248816
1910, the aristocracy grew      RENAISSANCE
from less than 10 percent of                                        EMERGENCIA
the population to as much       Week room    price
as 70 percent, in large part                                             911
because of forged jokbos,       wk 36 room 130 $2,250
said Park HongGab, an ex-
pert on Korean surnames         wk 38 room 529 $4,750
at the state-run National
Institute of Korean History.    wk 40 room 336 $3,750
When Japan colonized the
Korean Peninsula in the         wk 40 room 105 $5,000               POLICE            100
early 20th century, it forced
every Korean to have a          wk 42 room 338 $4,000
surname. Slaves took their
masters’ surnames and the       wk 43 room 329 $3,250               ORANJESTAD        527-3140
poor often picked ones
used by high-level aristo-      wk 49 room 144 $5,500               NOORD             527-3200
crats: Kim, Lee and Park.
“There were slaves, many        wk 48 or 49 room 119 $4,750         STA. CRUZ         527-2900
slaves in the past. But now                                         SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
there’s no one who says         wk 48 or 49 room 551 $5,500         POLICE TIPLINE 11141
they are the descendant
of slaves,” said Kim Jin        wk 49 or 50 room 203 $5,500         FIRE DEPT.        115
Woo, a specialist on Ko-
rean surnames. “This is why     wk 49 542 room $3,000               FIRE DEPT.        582-1108
many people don’t trust
jokbos.”                        wk 21 or 22 room 347 $4,000         HOSPITAL          527-4000
Those who want a promi-
nent lineage can still hire     wk 51 room 347 $12,500              DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
jokbo brokers to fabricate                                          AMBULANCE         582-1234
genealogical books. The                                             CENTRO MEDICO 523-8833
forgery of the books is         Contact Brian Cell: 593-0200
linked to Korea’s traditional                    PHARMACY
reverence for family back-      _______________________2_0_3_66_7_
ground, which has long                                              Oranjestad: Oduber Tel: 582-1780
determinedbusiness, social      GOLD COAST PROPERTY
and marital success. More       For Sale                            San Nicolas: Seroe Preto Tel: 584-4833
prominent ancestors boost       1 Towhouse
status.                         1 Apartment                         INFORMATION       118
Some records, however,          Sunset Residences                   TAXI-TAS          587-5900
would be quite difficult to     1 apartment for sale                PROF. TAXI        588-0035
fake. Historic clan villages    For info call 594-1496              TAXI D.T.S.       587-2300
keep centuries-old gene-                                            SERVICE ARUBA     583-3232
alogical books that they        _______________________2_0_4_17_6_
say have been handed                                                CRUISESHIP
down from generation to          Time -Share for sale
generation. The Hwangs           by owner                                          November 30
in Paju have a two-volume        Divi Village                                        AIDADIVA
book written in 1723; the        wk 46 1 bdr, rm 117. M. Fees                           Azura
Yun family in Paju keeps         pay only when used. Gold
woodblocks used to pub-          season, mid nov special asses      Aruba Aiport      524-2424
lish its family tree from 1630   due 2475 below mrkt price          American Airline  582-2700
to 1863; and Kim Sun Won         Local 565-9394 until 11/23 or      Avianca           588-0059
has a modern version of          508-651-0016                       Aruba Airlines    583-8300
genealogical books at his        e-mail:            Jet Blue          588-2244
home.q                           ___________________2_04_15_8       Surinam           582-7896
                                                                    Tiara Air         588-4272
                                                                    Venezolana        583-7674

                                                                    Aruba Foundation
                                                                    For those Visually Incapasitated

                                                                    Tel: 582-5051


                                                                    (FADA) Tel: 583-2999


                                                                    Tel: 582-4433

                                                                     Centro Diabetic Arubano

                                                                      Tel: 524-8888

                                                                    Narcotics Anonymous

                                                                    Tel: 583-8989

                                                                    QUOTA Club

                                                                    Tel: 525-2672

                                                                    Women in Difficulties

                                                                    Tel: 583-5400

                                                                    Bloodbank Aruba

                                                                    Tel: 587-0002
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