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PEOPLE & ARTSMonday 30 November 2015

‘Gods of Egypt’ studio, director apologize for white cast 

LINDSEY BAHR                        In this March 9, 2009 file          statement, first reported by    ing the model of financ-       outward signs of her ethnic-
AP Film Writer                     photo, director Alex Proyas          Forbes. “In this instance we    ing Hollywood movies for       ity, while also apologizing
LOS ANGELES (AP) — “Gods           attends a special screening          failed to live up to our own    his choices. He told trade     to those who felt it was “an
of Egypt” director Alex            of his film “’Knowing” in            standards of sensitivity and    publication Variety that he    odd or misguided” choice.
Proyas apologized for cast-        New York. Proyas, director           diversity.”                     would not be able to get       “So many of us are hungry
ing mostly white actors in         of “Gods of Egypt,” his              This self-aware response,       the film financed by cast-     for stories with more racial
his upcoming film based on         upcoming film based on               issued well in advance of       ing “Mohammad so-and-so        diversity, more truth in repre-
Egyptian mythology.                Egyptian mythology, has              the film’s Feb. 26 release,     from such-and-such.”           sentation,” added Crowe.
The filmmaker and studio           apologized for casting mostly        comes on the heels of re-       “It’s always  art  against     “I am anxious to help tell
Lionsgate issued separate          white actors in the movie.           cent whitewashing contro-       economics,” Scott told The     those stories in the future.”
statements on Friday ac-                                                versies surrounding films like  Associated Press last De-      Hollywood has a long tra-
knowledging the contro-                               Associated Press  “Exodus: Gods and Kings,”       cember. “As soon as you’re     dition of casting white ac-
versy sparked by the re-                                                and “Aloha.”                    at the higher levels of bud-   tors as other ethnicities,
lease of the film’s first trailer  actress Elodie Yung, who is          “Selma” director Ava Du-        geting, you’ve got to get      but lately the practice is
two weeks ago, featuring a         French-Cambodian.                    Vernay took note of the         the film made and the only     not going unchallenged
cast led by Scottish actor         “We recognize that it is our         anomaly on Twitter.             way to support the film is to  and is often put under scru-
Gerard Butler and Danish           responsibility to help ensure        “This kind of apology never     have actors who can sup-       tiny as soon as castings
actor Nikolaj Coster-Wal-          that casting decisions re-           happens — for something         port the budget.”              are announced, as was
dau.                               flect the diversity and cul-         that happens all the time,”     Earlier this year, Cameron     the case with Joe Wright’s
Australian director Proyas,        ture of the time periods por-        wrote DuVernay on Friday.       Crowe’s romantic dramedy       “Pan,” where Rooney Mara
who was born in Egypt, said        trayed,” read Lionsgate’s            “An unusual occurrence          “Aloha” drew similar public    played Tiger Lily.
it is clear that their casting                                          worth noting.”                  disapprovals for casting       An outright apology prior to
choices should have been                                                Ridley Scott’s “Exodus:         Emma Stone as a charac-        a film’s release in the case
more diverse.                                                           Gods and King,” which fea-      ter who is supposed to be      of “Gods of Egypt” is per-
Lionsgate also said they are                                            tured Christian Bale as Mo-     of Chinese, Hawaiian and       haps a sign that currents
deeply committed to mak-                                                ses and Joel Edgerton as        Swedish descent.               are changing.
ing films that reflect the di-                                          Ramses, was criticized last     In a June message posted       As Blacklist founder Frank-
versity of their audiences                                              year for its predominantly      on his website, TheUncool.     lin Leonard noted on Twit-
and pledged to do better.                                               white cast.                     com, Crowe explained that      ter, Proyas’ and Lionsgate’s
“Gods of Egypt” also stars                                              Director Ridley Scott           the character was always       apologies are both “too
actor Chadwick Boseman,                                                 brushed off condemna-           intended to be someone         little, too late” and also
an African American, and                                                tions at the time, blam-        frustrated that she lacked     “kinda remarkable.”q
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