Page 25 - Aruba Today
P. 25

                                                                                                                                 Monday 30 November 2015

Is Portugal about to go down                               Iran lures foreign investors with oil contracts 

the same road Greece is on?                                ALI DAREINI                      ence in Tehran that began      stitutional”, saying they will
                                                           Associated Press                 Saturday. Iran will pay for-   open the way for “infiltra-
BARRY HATTON                                               TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran         eign oil companies larger      tion” of the energy sector
Associated Press                                           unveiled a new model             fees under the new con-        by Iran’s enemies.
LISBON, Portugal (AP) — An anti-austerity alliance         of oil contracts Saturday        tracts to provide greater      “Zanganeh today unveiled
including radical leftist parties takes power. A shaky     aimed at attracting foreign      incentives to investors.       contracts that effectively
economy and huge debts menace the national                 investment once sanctions        Oil Minister Bijan Namdar      transfers the rights of explo-
economy. The rest of Europe watches with a wary            are lifted under a landmark      Zanganeh told the confer-      ration, extraction, exploita-
eye.                                                       nuclear deal reached ear-        ence that under the new        tion and sale Iran’s oil to
Sound familiar? It’s not Greece, but another euro-         lier this year, and said U.S.    contracts, foreign investors   foreign companies for 25
zone country: Portugal.                                    companies would be wel-          will be required to form a     years,” the conservative
A nation that just months ago was hailed as an ex-         come to participate.             joint company with an Ira-     news website, rejanews.
ample of how to follow through with budget austerity       The new Iran Petroleum           nian partner to carry out      com, said.
measures has become a new source of concern in             Contract replaces a pre-         exploration, development       International sanctions on
Europe.                                                    vious buyback model, in          and production opera-          Iran’s oil industry were tight-
A left-wing coalition has unseated a center-right          which contractors paid to        tions.                         ened in 2012 over its con-
government that introduced the deep spending cuts          develop and operate an           “To continue to play the       troversial nuclear program.
and steep tax hikes demanded since 2011 by credi-          oil field before turning it      role (as a major oil suppli-   Western nations have long
tors during Portugal’s 78 billion-euro ($82.6 billion)     over to Iranian authorities.     er), we hope to enjoy work-    suspected Iran of secretly
The developments echo what happened in Greece,             Participants listen to a speaker during Iran Petroleum Contracts Conference in Tehran, Iran,
whose radical leaders this year almost crashed the
nation out of the eurozone.                                Saturday, Nov. 28, 2015. Iran has unveiled a new model of oil contracts aimed at attracting
Led by the moderate Socialist Party, which took of-
fice Thursday, Portugal’s new administration will be       foreign investment once sanctions are lifted under a landmark nuclear deal reached earlier this
backed in Parliament by the Communist Party and
the radical Left Bloc and Green Party.                     year. Portraits of the late Iranian revolutionary founder Ayatollah Khomeini, left, and Supreme
Their rise and rhetoric bring to mind the radical Syriza
party in Greece and its dramatic clashes this year with    leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei hang on the wall. 			             (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)
its eurozone creditors. Syriza initially refused to agree
to more budget cuts and the creditors responded by         Iran has sweetened the           ing with reputable interna-    pursuing nuclear weap-
almost pushing Greece out of the euro.                     terms, hoping to bring in        tional oil companies under     ons, charges denied by
The new government in Lisbon — the country’s sec-          $30 billion in new invest-       a win-win situation,” he told  Tehran, which insists the
ond-largest ever, with 17 ministers and 41 deputy          ment. The new contracts          the conference.                program is entirely peace-
ministers — is taking up a similar battle cry, vowing      last 15-20 years and allow       Zanganeh welcomed U.S.         ful. Under the agreement
to “turn the page” on austerity, which Germany has         for the full recovery of costs.  investment in Iran’s energy    reached in July with the
championed for years to reduce high debts despite          The older contracts were         sector. “We have no objec-     U.S., Britain, France, Ger-
the economic hardship it can create. That kind of re-      shorter term, and investors      tion to and problem with       many, Russia and China,
belliousness alarms investors, who like predictability.    complained of heavy risks        the participation of Ameri-    Iran will curb its nuclear
Greece and Portugal each represent less than 2 per-        and suffering losses.            can companies. The way         activities in exchange for
cent of the eurozone’s gross domestic product, but         Investors who produced           for the presence of these      the lifting of sanctions. Oil
their troubles can re-ignite market fears about the        more than planned                companies in Iran’s oil in-    Ministry officials said 137
bloc’s financial well-being.                               amounts received no com-         dustry is open,” he said.      foreign companies attend-
Analysts at Barclays Research said in a note Wednes-       pensation for the addi-          Mahdi Hosseini, a senior of-   ed Saturday’s conference,
day that Portugal’s sovereign borrowing costs are set      tional barrels. But under the    ficial in charge of the new    including Repsol, BP, Royal
to edge higher as concerns about government sta-           new model, the more they         contracts, told the confer-    Dutch Shell, Total, Technip,
bility make it “likely that the market will continue to    produce, the more they           ence that the new model is     Schlumberger, Eni, Enel,
demand some political risk premium.”                       will earn. Foreign investors     an attempt to repair Iran’s    Rosneft, Lukoil, Gazprom,
The people of Portugal and Greece have both been           will also have an option to      relations with the industri-   Inpex, Statoil and Daewoo.
hit hard by years of budget cutbacks.                      extend contracts an ad-          alized world. Iran is hoping   Iran, an OPEC member,
Greeks have struggled with a surge in poverty and          ditional five years, up to 25    to attract over $150 billion   currently exports 1.1 million
unemployment, with an election last January bring-         years.                           in foreign investment in five  barrels of crude oil per day
ing to power left-wing Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and   Some 50 upstream oil, gas        years to rebuild its energy    and hopes to get back to
his Syriza party.                                          and petrochemical proj-          industry. Iranian hardliners,  its pre-sanctions level of
Tsipras clashed with creditors over the austerity, al-     ects are being introduced        however, condemned the         2.2 million, last reached in
most bringing Greece out of the euro. Since then,          during a two-day confer-         new contracts as “uncon-       2012.q
Tsipras has had to reverse course. He has accepted
the creditors’ demand for tax hikes and dramatic
cuts in pensions and spending in return for a new 86
billion-euro bailout.
In Portugal, a similar anti-austerity backlash was pre-
dictable in a general election last month when an-
ti-austerity parties together collected more than 60
percent of the vote.
Like Tsipras, Portugal’s incoming Socialist prime min-
ister Antonio Costa’s first call is to scale back on the
austerity. He intends to reverse cuts in government
workers’ pay and unblock pension increases from
Jan. 1, as well as ease the tax burden. That, he says,
will put more money in Portuguese pockets and fire
up the economy.q
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