Page 29 - Aruba Today
P. 29

                                                                                                                             Monday 30 November 2015

‘Hunger Games’ beats ‘Good
Dinosaur,’ ‘Creed’ at box office 

LINDSEY BAHR                       cuses on the character of       a crowded slate than the         This image released by Lionsgate shows, from left, Liam Hem-
AP Film Writer                     Apollo Creed’s son, Adonis      health of the box office,        sworth as Gale Hawthorne, Sam Claflin as Finnick Odair, Evan
LOS ANGELES (AP) — De-             (Michael B. Jordan) who         Dergarabedian said.              Ross as Messalla and Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen in
spite some mighty compe-           wants his own shot in the       “Rankings are not as im-         a scene from “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2.” 
tition, Katniss and her crew       ring with the help of Rocky     portant this weekend as
dominated the box office           Balboa (Sylvester Stallone).    how these films can play                                                                             Associated Press
once again.                        The film cost $35 million       for the long haul,” he said.
“The Hunger Games:                 to make and has earned          “I haven’t seen this crowd-
Mockingjay — Part 2” held          $42.6 million over five days.   ed of a marketplace in
on to its first-place spot in      Its audience has been           years. ... I don’t know how
its second weekend in the-         largely male and over age       anyone would have time
aters, earning $51.6 million       25, according to exit polls.    to see everything.”
to top “The Good Dino-                                             Estimated ticket sales for Fri-
saur” and “Creed,” which           “This is a movie that played    day through Sunday at U.S.
both debuted Wednes-               broadly everywhere. You         and Canadian theaters,
day, according to Rentrak          expect it to do well in the     according to Rentrak.q
estimates on Sunday.               big markets and even the
                                   medium-size markets, but
The fourth and final in-           the small markets were
stallment in Lionsgate’s           just fantastic,” said Jeffrey
highly successful series has       Goldstein, executive vice
grossed $198.3 million to          president of domestic dis-
date.                              tribution for Warner Bros.
Audiences had their pick           “The boxing element really
of genres over the crowd-          resonates.”
ed Thanksgiving weekend.
Disney and Pixar’s animat-         Paul Dergarabedian, senior
ed dinosaur movie took             media analyst for Rentrak,
second place, bringing in          said the indie sensibilities,
$39.2 million Friday through       critical response and stel-
Sunday, while “Creed,” a           lar cast has made “Creed”
new entry into the Rocky           the movie to see right now.
Balboa canon, came in              “This is a movie that’s going
third with $30.1 million.          to go the distance,” Der-
Families accounted for 79          garabedian said.
percent of “The Good Di-           James Bond film “Spectre,”
nosaur’s” audience. The            with $12.8 million, and “The
film, which cost a reported        Peanuts Movie,” with $9.7
$175 million to $200 million       million, rounded out the
to produce, grossed $55.6          top five.
million in its first five days in  “Victor Frankenstein” was
theaters.                          not so lucky. The $40 million
                                   revival of Mary Shelley’s
“This Pixar group has just         monster classic, starring
                                   James McAvoy and Daniel
been so consistent with            Radcliffe, proved lifeless in
                                   theaters, earning just $2.35
high-quality storytelling          million from Friday to Sun-
that appeals to all audi-
                                   Awards hopeful “The Dan-
ences. This weekend’s re-          ish Girl,” starring Eddie Red-
                                   mayne as the transgender
sult is another testament          artist Lili Elbe, also opened
                                   in four theaters with a solid
to the way they do things,”        $185,000.

said Dave Hollis, executive        No records were broken
                                   this Thanksgiving weekend,
vice president of distribu-        but that’s more of a sign of

tion for Disney. “We are off

and running in a great way

and also set up for a very,

very long run.”

“Creed,”         meanwhile,

came out swinging. The

critically acclaimed Ryan

Coogler-directed film fo-
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