Page 24 - Aruba Today
P. 24


BUSINESSMonday 30 November 2015

In the land of Scrooge, a soft spot for Christmas ads 

DANICA KIRKA                    Romeo Beckham leaping          the University of Lancaster.                     ing each other for a few       issue of loneliness,” said
Associated Press                in the air ala Billy Elliott.  “We know that (stores) sell                      hours to celebrate the holi-   Marianne Hewitt, head of
LONDON (AP) — Forget            “It’s almost like the start-   us stuff, but we choose to                       day together in no man’s       brand at Age UK. “It’s a
Black Friday. People in         ing gun at Christmas,” said    suspend disbelief. It’s the                      land.                          massive platform.”
Britain know the Christmas      Daniel Best, a director at     power of Santa Claus.”                           The ads are shared. News-      It made  business  sense
                                                                                                                papers offer reviews. Ana-     for John Lewis to tap into
This is a still taken from the John Lewis department store Christmas TV commercial made                         lysts who usually spend        changing demographics.
                                                                                                                their time making stock        The baby boom genera-
available on Friday Nov. 27, 2015. Forget Black Friday. People in Britain know the Christmas                    picks offer up scorecards      tion is grappling with how
                                                                                                                on who won the Christmas       to care for their elders as
season has arrived when the big budget holiday ads start to appear. The two- to three-minute                    ad sweepstakes.                parents live longer and
                                                                                                                The ads often say some-        are often separated from
mini movies, which flood TV screens each November, get premiered, rated and analyzed for                        thing about modern Brit-       their loved ones by the de-
                                                                                                                ain. The John Lewis ad in      mands of work and family.
deeper meaning as the U.K.’s biggest retailers vie for customers with commercials that sell the                 particular has been the        And being associated with
                                                                                                                subject of much conversa-      a cause can help a com-
idea of Christmas more than any gift. 					                    (John Lewis, via AP)                             tion this year.                pany distinguish itself from
                                                                                                                Set to a cover of the Oa-      the broader seasonal on-
season has arrived when         Unruly, which tracks the       British retailers first experi-                  sis song “Half The World       slaught of retail promotions
the big budget holiday ads      number of times ads are        mented with longer Christ-                       Away,” the ad features         and offers.
start to appear.                shared on social media.        mas ads — or adverts as                          Lily, a little girl on Earth   “These adverts are giving
The two- to three-minute        “We don’t have Thanksgiv-      they are known here — in                         who looks through her          retailers a voice — the way
mini-movies, which flood        ing, so emotions are riding    the 1970s and ‘80s, but                          telescope and sees an el-      rock stars used to have,”
TV screens each Novem-          high on Christmas.”            they soon fell out of fash-                      derly man emerging from        said Richard Cope, se-
ber, get premiered, rated       Eagerly awaited by con-        ion. The shift from 30-sec-                      a shack on the moon. With      nior trends analyst at mar-
and analyzed for deeper         sumers, retail analysts and    ond spots to today’s visual                      determination, she figures     ket research firm Mintel.
meaning as the U.K.’s big-      media critics — much like      novellas really took off af-                     out a way to connect with      “They’ve got the public’s
gest retailers vie for cus-     Super Bowl ads in the Unit-    ter the 2008 financial crisis.                   him. The spot ends with the    attention. It’s an event. ...
tomers with commercials         ed States— the Christmas       Retailers trying to capture                      tag line “Show someone         It’s not just an opportunity
that sell the idea of Christ-   commercials are now part       the public mood began to                         they’re loved this Christ-     to hawk your goods. You
mas more than any spe-          of the holiday folklore in     experiment with ads that                         mas,” then fades to the        can use it to set the agen-
cific object.                   this island nation of 64 mil-  were a bit less hard sell and                    John Lewis logo.               da as well.”
This year’s biggest hit tells   lion, as much as flaming       a bit more about the spirit                      The retail chain produced      Not everyone loves them.
the story of a little girl who  puddings, mince pies and       of giving, Hallam said.                          the ad in cooperation with     Writing on the Guardian
befriends an elderly man        Ebenezer Scrooge.              One of the biggest ads                           the senior citizens’ charity   newspaper’s television
on the moon and doesn’t         “They have become part         last year, from the gro-                         Age UK, which jumped at        and radio blog, Stuart Heri-
mention the sponsor - de-       of our Christmas tradition in  cery chain Sainsbury’s,                          the chance to piggyback        tage wondered whether
partment store John Lewis       the same way Santa Claus       was set in a trench during                       on the reach that comes        the commercials had gone
- until the final frame. Other  is,” said Leslie Hallam, an    World War I and depicted                         with being part of the         too far.
ads feature the Muppets,        expert in advertising psy-     the 1914 Christmas Truce,                        John Lewis Christmas com-      “Things desperately need
accident-prone cats and         chology who teaches at         when soldiers stopped kill-                      mercial. The firm that pro-    to be brought back down
                                                                                                                duced the ad, adam&eve         to earth next year,” he
                                                                                                                DDB, produced a sequel         wrote. “Part of me hopes
                                                                                                                for the charity for free,      that the big 2016 John
                                                                                                                which includes an appeal       Lewis advert is just the guy
                                                                                                                for donations to help the      from the Safestyle double
                                                                                                                1 million elderly people in    glazing ads standing in
                                                                                                                Britain who go for a month     a branch of John Lewis
                                                                                                                without talking to anyone.     shouting ‘BUY YOUR MUM
                                                                                                                “I think for us it’s about     A KETTLE’ over and over
                                                                                                                raising awareness of the       again.”q

Black Friday store sales fall as Americans buy more online 

C. S. RUGABER                   Bree Stopper, middle, talks on the phone after finishing work at                line shopping, as Americans    saw fewer customer visits
AP Economics Writer             a clothing store in the Willowbrook Mall, Friday, Nov. 27, 2015,                hunt down deals on their       on Thanksgiving and Black
WASHINGTON (AP) — Black         as people shop on Black Friday in Wayne, N.J.                                   smartphones, tablets and       Friday, compared with last
Friday shopping is shifting                                                                                     computers. And many re-        year, according to Kevin
from hours spent in line to                                                           (Carmine Galasso/via AP)  tailers are offering bargains  Kearns, ShopperTrak’s chief
more time online.                                                                                               long before Thanksgiving,      revenue officer. “Shoppers
Sales at retail stores the                                                                                      limiting the impact of Black   are researching products
day after the Thanksgiving                                                                                      Friday specials. Online sales  ahead of time, targeting
holiday fell 10 percent to                                                                                      jumped 14.3 percent on         their store visits, and arriv-
$10.4 billion this year, down                                                                                   Friday compared with last      ing in-store with the inten-
from $11.6 billion in 2014,                                                                                     year, according to Ado-        tion of making a purchase,”
according to research firm                                                                                      be, which tracked activ-       Kearns said. The drop in
ShopperTrak. And sales on                                                                                       ity on 4,500 retail websites.  Thanksgiving Day visits may
Thanksgiving dropped by                                                                                         Email promotions drove 25      also reflect a “social back-
the same percentage, to                                                                                         percent more sales com-        lash” against stores open-
$1.8 billion. A big reason for                                                                                  pared with 2014, the com-      ing on that day, Kearns
the decline is increased on-                                                                                    pany said. Store retailers     said.q
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