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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 23 OctOber 2020
            U.S.: Russian hackers targeting state, local networks

            By ERIC TUCKER                                                                                                      Despite  that  activity,  Rus-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    sia is widely regarded in the
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  U.S.                                                                                           cybersecurity  community
            officials  said  Thursday  that                                                                                     as the bigger threat to the
            Russian  hackers  have  tar-                                                                                        election.
            geted  the  networks  of                                                                                            The  U.S.  has  said  that  Rus-
            dozens  of  state  and  local                                                                                       sia, which interfered in the
            governments  in  the  United                                                                                        2016  election  by  hack-
            States in recent days, steal-                                                                                       ing  Democratic  email  ac-
            ing data from at least two                                                                                          counts,  is  interfering  again
            servers.  The  warning,  less                                                                                       this  year  in  part  through  a
            than two weeks before the                                                                                           concerted  effort  to  deni-
            election, amplified fears of                                                                                        grate   President   Donald
            the potential for tampering                                                                                         Trump's  Democratic  oppo-
            with  the  vote  and  under-                                                                                        nent, Joe Biden.
            mining  confidence  in  the                                                                                         U.S.  officials  attribute  the
            results.                                                                                                            activity  to  a  state-spon-
            The  alert  describes  an  on-                                                                                      sored  hacking  group  vari-
            slaught  of  recent  activ-                                                                                         ously  known  as  DragonFly
            ity from Russian state-spon-                                                                                        and  Energetic  Bear  in  the
            sored  hacking  groups  in                                                                                          cybersecurity  community.
            recent  days  against  state                                                                                        The group appears to have
            and  local  networks,  some                                                                                         been in operation since at
            of  which  were  successfully   In this May 22, 2019 file photo, Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure   least 2011 and is known to
            compromised.                 Security Agency Director Christopher Krebs testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington.    have engaged in cyberes-
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            The  advisory  from  the  FBI                                                                                       pionage  on  energy  com-
            and  the  Department  of  of elections data has been  attacks on networks to im-       port  as  their  bigger  coun-  panies and power grid op-
            Homeland Security's cyber-   compromised.                 pede the voting process or  terparts to fund security up-  erators  in  the  U.S.  and  Eu-
            security  agency  functions  "However,  the  actor  may  the production of spoofed  grades.                         rope, as well as on defense
            as  a  reminder  of  Russia's  be  seeking  access  to  ob-  websites  or  other  faked  U.S.  officials  warned  at  a  and aviation companies.
            potent capabilities and on-  tain  future  disruption  op-  content  aimed  at  causing  hastily called news confer-  Chris  Krebs,  director  of
            going  interference  in  the  tions,  to  influence  U.S.  voters to mistrust the results.  ence  Wednesday  night  Homeland  Security's  Cy-
            election even after U.S. of-  policies  and  actions,  or  to  A broad concern, particu-  that  Russia  and  Iran  had  bersecurity  and  Infrastruc-
            ficials  publicly  called  out  delegitimize  (state  and  lo-  larly  at  the  local  govern-  obtained  voting  registra-  ture  Security  Agency,  said
            Iran at a news conference  cal)  government  entities,"  ment  level,  has  been  that  tion  information,  though  Thursday that the alert was
            on Wednesday night.          the advisory said.           hackers  could  infiltrate  a  such  data  is  sometimes  issued  in  regards  to  scan-
            The advisory does not men-   U.S.  officials  have  repeat-  county  network  and  then  publicly  accessible.  But  ning  of  county  networks
            tion any of the specific vic-  edly  said  it  would  be  ex-  work their way over to elec-  most  of  the  focus  of  that  for  vulnerabilities,  not  spe-
            tims  who  were  targeted,  tremely  difficult  for  hack-  tion-related  systems  unless  event  was  on  Iran,  which  cifically targeting the elec-
            but  officials  say  they  have  ers to alter vote tallies in a  certain  defenses,  such  as  officials linked to a series of  tions.
            no  information  that  any  meaningful  way,  but  they  firewalls,  are  in  place.  This  menacing  but  fake  emails  "There  was  access  in  a
            election  or  government  have  warned  about  other  is especially true for smaller  aimed  at  intimidating  vot-  couple limited cases to an
            operations  have  been  af-  methods  of  interference  counties that don't have as  ers in multiple battleground  election  related  network,"
            fected or that the integrity  that  could  include  cyber-  much  money  and  IT  sup-  states.                     he said.q

              Santa Claus won’t be coming to Macy’s this year

              By JOSEPH PISANI            ning toy trains and elves in  cy's  differs  from  big  mall
              AP Retail Writer            green costumes.             owners,  which  will  still  go
              NEW YORK (AP) — Macy's  Santa also won't be show-       ahead with in-person San-
              said Santa Claus won't be  ing  up  at  its  Chicago  ta  visits  by  banning  kids
              greeting kids at its flagship  and  San  Francisco  stores,  from sitting on his lap and
              New  York  store  this  year  which  have  similar  Santa-  making  sure  they  stay  six
              due  to  the  coronavirus,  lands.  But  he  will  still  ap-  feet away from him.
              interrupting  a  holiday  tra-  pear  at  the  end  of  the  Macy's   has   been   us-
              dition  started  nearly  160  televised  Macy's  Thanks-  ing  Santa  Claus  to  draw
              years ago.                  giving  Day  parade,  the  crowds  to  its  New  York
              More  than  a  quarter  of  a  company said.            store since the early 1860s,
              million  people  come  to  With  the  coronavirus  still  calling itself "The Home of
              see  Santa  at  Macy's  in  raging,  stores  and  malls  Santa Claus" for decades.
              New  York  each  year,  the  are having to rework their  And Macy's had a starring
              company  said,  making  it  typical  holiday  strategy,  role in the 1947 film "Mira-
              hard to create a safe en-   which  had  been  to  pack  cle on 34th Street," where  Santa  Claus  waves  during  the  Macy's  Thanksgiving  Day
              vironment  during  a  pan-  as  many  people  through  a  girl  discovers  the  real  Parade, Nov. 28, 2019, in New York.
              demic.  Before  taking  a  its   doors   as   possible.  Santa inside the store.                                            Associated Press
              picture  with  the  jolly  old  Walmart,  for  example,  is  Macy's  will  be  offering  a  tual  tour  of  Santa's  work-  the magic of Santa Claus
              man, crowds walk in tight  holding  its  Black  Friday  free online experience on  shop and take a selfie with  to children of all ages this
              quarters  through  a  maze-  deals  over  four  weeks,  in-  its  website    at  the  end  of  Santa.           year,"  Macy's  said  in  a
              like  Santaland  that's  filled  stead of one day.      November, where families  "Moving  to  a  virtual  en-  statement  to  The  Associ-
              with  Christmas  trees,  run-  But  the  decision  by  Ma-  can play games, get a vir-  gagement will safely bring  ated Press. .q
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