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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 23 OctOber 2020
            Poland's top court rules out abortions due to fetal defects

            By MONIKA SCISLOWSKA                                                                                                have  drawn  condemna-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    tion  from  the  European
            WARSAW,  Poland  (AP)  —                                                                                            Union  which  says  they  vio-
            Poland's  top  court  ruled                                                                                         late  the  democratic  prin-
            Thursday  that  a  law  al-                                                                                         ciple of the rule of law.
            lowing  abortion  of  fetuses                                                                                       Archbishop    Marek    Je-
            with  congenital  defects                                                                                           draszewski,  known  for  his
            is  unconstitutional,  shut-                                                                                        strong  conservative  views,
            ting  a  major  loophole  in                                                                                        hailed  the  verdict  and  ex-
            the  predominantly  Catho-                                                                                          pressed  "great  apprecia-
            lic  country's  abortion  laws                                                                                      tion for the courage" of the
            that  are  among  the  strict-                                                                                      judges in the defense of hu-
            est  in  Europe.  Two  judges                                                                                       man life "from the moment
            in  the  13-member  Consti-                                                                                         of conception to the (mo-
            tutional Court did not back                                                                                         ment of) natural death."
            the majority ruling. Activists                                                                                      But  opposition  lawmakers
            deplored the decision, and                                                                                          lashed out.
            the Council of Europe's hu-                                                                                         The head of the Civic Co-
            man  rights  commissioner                                                                                           alition,  Borys  Budka,  said
            wrote on Twitter that it was                                                                                        on Twitter that the govern-
            a  "sad  day  for  women's                                                                                          ment  used  a  "false"  court
            rights."                                                                                                            of  its  own  appointees  to
            Hours  later,  hundreds  of   Pro-choice activists from "Women Strike" attend a protest in front of Poland's constitutional court,   do something "simply inhu-
            protesters  defied  a  pan-  in Warsaw, Poland, Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020.                                            man."  Council  of  Europe
            demic-related    ban    on                                                                         Associated Press   Commissioner  for  Human
            gatherings  and  staged  a  legal  abortions  in  Poland  The  challenged  law  was  that  1,110  legal  abortions  Rights  Dunja  Mijatović  de-
            protest  before  the  court  —  violates  a  constitutional  introduced   by   Poland's  were held in Poland in 2019,  plored the decision.
            with signs saying "You Have  provision that calls for pro-  young post-communist de-   mostly because of fetal de-  "Removing the basis for al-
            Blood on Your Gowns" and  tecting the life of every in-   mocracy in 1993 as a hard-   fects.                       most  all  legal  abortions  in
            then walked to the offices  dividual.                     won compromise between  In justifying its decision, the  #Poland amounts to a ban
            of the main ruling conserva-  The  court  argued  that  ter-  the   influential   Catholic  court said "there can be no  &  violates  #HumanRights,"
            tive party, Law and Justice.  minating  pregnancy  due  Church  and  the  state  au-   protection of the dignity of  she tweeted. "Today's ruling
            The  police  were  checking  to  defects  of  the  fetus  thorities. It allows abortions  an  individual  without  the  of  the  Constitutional  Court
            their documents.             amounted  to  eugenics  —  when a pregnancy endan-        protection of life."         means       underground/
            The  ruling  party  will  soon  a  19th  century  notion  of  gers  a  woman's  health  or  The verdict was announced  abroad abortions for those
            propose  new  legislation  to  genetic selection that was  life,  or  results  from  rape  or  by the court's president, Ju-  who  can  afford  &  even
            better support women, the  later applied by the Nazis in  other  illegal  act,  and  also  lia  Przylebska,  a  loyalist  of  greater  ordeal  for  all  oth-
            party's spokeswoman said.    their  pseudo-scientific  ex-  in  case  of  congenital  de-  the  right-wing  government  ers.  A  sad  day  for  #Wom-
            The  court's  decision  came  periments.                  fects. Only the last provision  that  is  focused  on  family  ensRights."
            in  response  to  a  motion  It  agreed  with  the  plain-  was challenged.            and  Catholic  values.  Przy-  Former European President
            from  right-wing  lawmakers  tiffs  that  it  was  a  form  of  Even  before  Thursday's  rul-  lebska's  appointment  to  and  Poland's  former  prime
            who argued that terminat-    banned       discrimination  ing,  many  Polish  women  the  court  in  2015  was  one  minister,  Donald  Tusk,  criti-
            ing  a  pregnancy  due  to  when  the  decision  about  have      sought   abortions  of  the  government's  first  cized the timing of such key
            fetal  defects  —  the  most  an  unborn  child's  life  was  abroad.                  steps toward taking control  ruling  during  the  difficult
            common  reason  cited  for  conditioned on its health.    Health Ministry figures show  of the judiciary. These steps  time of the pandemic.q

            U.S. NATO allies still short on defense spending aims

            By LORNE COOK                ing 2% of their gross domes-  Canada and Italy are fore-
            Associated Press             tic product on defense by  cast  to  spend  just  under
            BRUSSELS (AP) — U.S. allies in  2024.                     1.5% this year.
            Europe and Canada have  According  to  the  new  The figures were being dis-
            increased  defense  spend-   data,  France  and  Norway  cussed  Thursday  by  NATO
            ing  for  a  sixth  consecutive  are  forecast  to  join  eight  defense ministers at a two-
            year  but  most  of  them  will  other  countries  spending  day videoconference.
            still fail to achieve a NATO  at  least  2%    of  their  GDP  Given  that  gross  domestic
            spending  ambition  by  the  on defense this year. Those  product  varies  with  eco-
            target  date  of  2024,  ac-  others  are  Britain,  Estonia,  nomic  growth,  the  impact
            cording to new figures be-   Greece,  Latvia,  Lithuania,  of  the  coronavirus,  which
            ing  discussed  by  defense  Poland,  Romania  and  the  has ravaged world econo-
            ministers on Thursday.       United States — which has  mies, probably plays a large
            NATO  countries  slashed  a bigger budget than all 29  part in pushing France and
            their military budgets in the  of its allies combined.    Norway over the 2% bar this
            1990s  after  the  Cold  War,  But  the  other  20  allies  will  year.                In  this  Dec.  4,  2019,  file  photo,  NATO  Secretary  General  Jens
            but they were spurred back  not make the cut, accord-     The  2%  metric  concerns    Stoltenberg, front left, speaks with U.S. President Donald Trump,
            into action when Russia an-  ing to the projections. Their  only national defense bud-  front right, after a group photo at a NATO leaders meeting at The
            nexed  Ukraine's  Crimean  spending  ranges  from  just  gets — what each country      Grove hotel and resort in Watford, Hertfordshire, England.
            Peninsula in 2014.           below  2%  in  Bulgaria,  Cro-  spends to meet the needs                                          Associated Press
            That    year,   the   allies  atia,  North  Macedonia,  of its own armed forces —  of the 30 allies owes NATO  mean  that  countries  can
            pledged  to  halt  the  cuts  Slovakia and Turkey to less  and has nothing directly to  or its members money. But  do  more  together  on  their
            and  move  toward  spend-    than  1%  in  Luxembourg.  do  with  NATO  itself.  None  bigger  defense  budgets  collective security.q
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