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Friday 23 OctOber 2020
Wiki Loves Monuments Aruba nominees announced
Aruba (WLM). The ten best Marbea 60 ment behind Wikipedia,
pictures have been select- Jesse Rasmijn the free encyclopedia – a
ed, these nominees will go Seagullbayaruba global collaboration au-
to the next round. Rosewillems17 thored by volunteers. Cul-
Jesse Rasmijn tural heritage is an impor-
A jury of three had a hard Dalopezschipper tant part of the knowledge
time choosing the ten best Wikipedia collects and dis-
pictures out of a total of The ten will continue to the seminates. Everybody can
742 photographs that they next round that will be the contribute images as well
have received. The nomi- international contest. One as write articles. An image
nees are: ultimate winner out of this is worth a thousand words,
group will be announced in every language at once
Xie Marie Larmonie next week. and local enthusiasts can
Aruba Paradise Photos (re)discover the cultural, censed images of monu-
Nosha Photography Wikimedia is the move- historical, or scientific sig- ments that can now be
ORANJESTAD — Wiki Loves nificance of their neighbor-
Monuments is an interna- hood. used in Wikipedia and by
anybody for any purpose.
tional photo contest for In more than 40 countries all Since then, the project
monuments, organized by over the world, a national helped to collect informa-
Wikimedia last September. contest was organized with tion on 1,5 million monu-
This year Monuments fund their national monuments, ments from 76 national
Aruba once again cele- partners, rules, events and competitions − with more
brated our monuments dur- winners. than 1,7 million pictures
ing the monument’s month Every national contest was submitted by over 60,000
of September. Normally able to nominate some of participants, adding to the
they organize activities that their winning pictures for sum of all human knowl-
connect the community the international contest. edge gathered on Wikipe-
with monuments. This year These nominated pictures dia.
due to the Covid crisis they will be judged by the in-
have decided to only orga- ternational jury, which will For more information about
nize Wiki Loves Monuments
then award extra prizes to the competition and to see
the best images from all who the ultimate winner
participating countries. will be follow the Facebook
The contest is inspired by page of Stichting Monu-
the successful 2010 pilot mentenfonds Aruba or their
in the Netherlands, which website www.monumen-
resulted in 12,500 freely li- q