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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 23 OctOber 2020
            Cartel battles stun once-peaceful state in central Mexico

            By MARK STEVENSON                                                                                                   present."
            Associated Press                                                                                                    The battle has come to re-
            MEXICO  CITY  (AP)  —  The                                                                                          semble  that  of  Prohibition-
            two  most  powerful  drug                                                                                           era Chicago, with gunmen
            cartels  in  the  hemisphere                                                                                        shooting up homes or shops
            are  battling  over  the  in-                                                                                       where rivals are doing busi-
            dustrial and farming hub of                                                                                         ness, either in drugs or other
            central  Mexico  —  a  state                                                                                        contraband.
            that  has  attracted  gangs                                                                                         "This type of massacre is at
            for  the  same  reason  it  has                                                                                     locations  where  drugs  or
            lured  auto  manufacturers:                                                                                         stolen fuel is sold," Saucedo
            road and rail networks that                                                                                         said.  "They  will  go  into  a
            lead straight to the U.S. bor-                                                                                      store,  a  warehouse,  a  tire
            der.  Guanajuato  was  long                                                                                         repair  shop  and  kill  every-
            a  relatively  tranquil  and                                                                                        one,  destroy  the  location,
            well-heeled part of Mexico,                                                                                         toss in a hand grenade."
            a  state  famed  for  colonial                                                                                      The  Santa  Rosa  de  Lima
            tourist  towns  such  as  San                                                                                       gang expanded into drugs
            Miguel de Allende, the an-                                                                                          after a start robbing freight
            nual Cervantes culture fes-                                                                                         trains and stealing fuel from
            tival  and  sprawling  facto-                                                                                       government pipelines — an
            ries building cars for the U.S.                                                                                     activity that drew especial-
            market.                      In this Feb. 10, 2020 file photo, National Guard patrol vehicles drive through the central square in   ly  heavy  attention  from  a
            But violence has exploded    Apaseo el Alto, Guanajuato state, Mexico.                                              government  furious  at  the
            over the past decade, and                                                                          Associated Press  loss of revenue.
            now  life  or  death  can  de-  town  where  it  originated,  per dose. The home gang,  ly  arrested  leader  of  the  With  police  closing  in  on
            pend on the color of meth-   Santa  Rosa  de  Lima.  The  Santa  Rosa  de  Lima,  sells  Santa  Rosa  gang  is  nick-  him  in  July,  Santa  Rosa
            amphetamines sold on the  conflict has intensified since  cheaper blue-tinged meth-    named "El Azul," or "Blue."  cartel leader José Antonio
            street:  one  cartel's  blue  the local group, weakened  amphetamines for $1.40.       Both  sides  also  mark  the  Yépez Ortiz — known as "El
            meth versus its rival crystal-  by arrests of its leaders, al-  "It  is  a  sure  sentence  of  plasticine  envelopes  with  Marro," or "Sledgehammer"
            clear drug.                  lied itself with what has long  death"  for  a  dealer  to  be  their  brands.  Jalisco's  may  — made a desperate plea
            Mexico's  sixth  most  popu-  been one of Mexico's most  caught with the wrong col-    say  "CJNG,"  the  group's  for  an  alliance  with  the
            lous  state  saw  over  3,400  powerful  cartels,  Sinaloa,  or of meth, said Guanajua-  initials,  or  "Grupo  Elite,"  or  Sinaloa  cartel  to  fend  off
            homicides  in  the  first  nine  which  had  been  alarmed  to-based  security  analyst  have  a  drawing  of  a  skull  the Jalisco group, currently
            months  of  this  year,  more  by the Jalisco cartel's rise.   David Saucedo. "It is almost  with a bayonet and a pis-  Mexico's  fastest  growing
            than any other state in the  And much of that struggle  like  a  script  ...  the  massa-  tol.  Santa  Rosa's  symbol  is  and  most  violent  criminal
            country.                     is for control of the market  cres of street dealers. They  a triangle, with a skull and  organization.
            It  has  also  suffered  the  for  methamphetamines  —  will  attack  funerals,  where  two sledgehammers, a ref-   Jalisco  already  has  rolled
            deaths of more police offi-  both  routes  to  the  United  the  (deceased)  relative  erence to the nickname of  into at least 20 states, some-
            cers in the line of duty than  States  and  locally,  where  had  some  kind  of  links  to  another arrested leader.  times posting online videos
            any other Mexican state.     the color of the meth or the  another gang."              Sophia  Huett,  the  Gua-    showing columns of heavily
            Much  of  the  bloodshed  is  markings  on  the  package  It  is  unclear  whether  the  najuato  security  commis-  armed  fighters  with  home-
            due  to  a  clash  between  in an addict's pocket may  distinct  colors  are  a  result  sioner, said those markings  made  armored  vehicles
            the rising Jalisco New Gen-  determine whether he lives  of different production pro-  may  matter  most.  "It  is  a  and  issuing  vague  and  of-
            eration  Cartel  based  in  a  or dies.                   cesses,  or  if  the  colors  are  brand  concept  based  on  ten unmet promises not to
            neighboring  state  and  a  The  Jalisco  Cartel  sells  intentional;  it  may  be  no  the  label,  more  than  the  kidnap or extort protection
            local  gang  named  for  the  crystal-clear meth at $2.30  coincidence that a recent-  color,  which  isn't  always  payments from civilians.q

            Cuba says U.S. sanctions have caused nearly $5.6B in losses

            By ANDREA RODRÍGUEZ          Rodríguez  said.  He  said  Rodríguez said.
            Associated Press             the  political  hostility  has  Trump  recently  added  to
            HAVANA (AP) — Cuba said  reached "feverish levels."       the  sanctions  by  barring
            Thursday  that  the  island  The  $5.6  billion  loss  oc-  U.S. travelers to Cuba from
            has lost nearly $5.6 billion in  curred between April 2019  bringing  back  Cuban  ci-
            one year as a result of eco-  and  March  2020,  com-     gars  and  rum  or  staying  in
            nomic  sanctions  imposed  pared  with  $4.3  billion  the  government-owned  hotels
            by  U.S.  President  Donald  previous year.               here  as  he  courts  the  Cu-
            Trump.                       The   sanctions,   coupled  ban-American vote in Flor-
            Cuban     Foreign   Minister  with  a  sluggish  economy,  ida ahead of the election.
            Bruno  Rodríguez  decried  the pandemic and increas-      Trump  said  the  sanctions
            what  he  said  was  a  grow-  ingly active hurricane sea-  would remain in place until
            ing  number  of  sanctions  sons, has led to a growing  Cuba  releases  all  political
            suffocating  the  island,  a  shortage  of  food  and  oc-  prisoners,  legalizes  political
            topic that is on the agenda  casional  fuel  scarcity  on  parties, holds free elections
            for next year's U.N. General  the island.                 and  respects  the  rights  to
            Assembly session.            "It's cynical to express sup-  free  assembly  and  expres-
            The  blockade  "is  an  in-  posed  concern  that  this  sion.                         Fishermen sit in the shade as the "Carmita" cargo ship, flying
            creasingly cruel attempt to  policy  affects  only  some  Cuba has rejected any in-    a  Panamanian  flag,  navigates  the  bay  of  Havana,  Cuba,
            deprive  our  people  of  ba-  Cubans, but it's even more  terference  into  the  coun-  Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020.
            sic goods for their survival,"  cynical to try and justify it,"  try's affairs.q                                                Associated Press
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