Page 14 - aruba-today-20180630
P. 14
Saturday 30 June 2018
Aruba Tourism Authority aligns strategy for 2019
ORANJESTAD ― As entity
of the management and
promotion of destination
Aruba, Aruba Tourism Au-
thority (A.T.A.) is continu-
ally in contact with local
and international partners
and stakeholders with the
goal of always being a step
ahead in the world of tour-
ism and to be prepared to
attend new challenges and
capitalize opportunities in
this industry.
As such, many meetings
were carried out this week
in New York/ United States.
Local and international ex-
ecutives and agencies that
work with A.T.A. sat togeth-
er to go through a series of
subjects including aspects
for the rest of 2018 but also
for 2019. Also a meeting
with the Minister of Tour-
ism was held. Taking ad-
vantage of the presence
of many partners another
meeting was held with the
number 1 airline to Aruba,
situated in New York, Jet-
A.T.A. executives, includ-
ing CEO Ronella Tjin Asjoe-
Croes, CMO Sanju Luidens-
Daryanani, and the North
American crew lead by
Area Director Ed Malone,
gathered with the Minister
of Tourism and its delega- da points, among them Agency. Also they gath-
tion. The meeting also in- meeting with executives of ered with Ansira-Database
cluded sections with agen- the JetBlue airline, followed Marketing and with USIM
cies that represent Aruba in by a meeting with the cre- which is the Media Agency.
this specific market. ative marketing agency for
Aruba, The Concept Farm Before meeting with the
Meeting with Minister in- and also the public rela- Minister, they took the ad-
cluded the following agen- tions company Zimmerman vantage to sit with JetBlue
who confirmed expansion
in their airline services with
Aruba. JetBlue started in diversification with flights region grew. Until May this
the year 2006 with flights coming from Fort Lauder- year markets have shown
Paradise in the Caribbean from Boston. Today, 11 dale. a gain of 7%. The Ameri-
years later, JetBlue has It has been confirmed that can market has shown a
grown and become one of the market coming out of constant growth since 2011
the biggest strategic part- Boston, will be expanded and forward, with a yearly
ners of Aruba, contributing in the last quarter of 2018 average growth of 3%. Last
largely towards our tourism and will continue in 2019. years 6.5% growth in ‘Tour-
industry, covering flights The American market has ism Receipts’ is thanks to
from key destinations like stayed strong. Year 2017 strong push and demand
New York and Boston, but closed with a gain of 10.6%, from the American market.
also making way for more where every market in the q
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