Page 10 - aruba-today-20180630
P. 10

                     Saturday 30 June 2018

            Malaysian finance minister comments on graft scandal, China

            Associated Press                                                                                                    He  said  most  corruption
            PUTRAJAYA,  Malaysia  (AP)                                                                                          scandals under Najib's gov-
            —  Malaysian  Finance  Min-                                                                                         ernment  have  been  un-
            ister  Lim  Guan  Eng  com-                                                                                         earthed,  but  "there  are  a
            mented on the massive cor-                                                                                          lot  of  mini  1MDBs"  that  will
            ruption  scandal  surround-                                                                                         be revealed over time.
            ing  the  1MDB  state  invest-                                                                                      Lim acknowledged the na-
            ment  fund,  ties  with  China                                                                                      tion's  dire  fiscal  situation
            and  the  country's  political                                                                                      has rattled investors.
            future in an interview Friday                                                                                       "I  believe  in  speaking  the
            with  The  Associated  Press.                                                                                       truth ... what you see is what
            Here are excerpts:                                                                                                  you  get,"  he  said.  "I  think  I
            'KLEPTOCRACY      AT    ITS                                                                                         will end up being the most
            WORST'                                                                                                              unpopular finance minister
            Lim  said  fixing  Malaysia's                                                                                       because  I  am  focused  on
            finances  will  be  an  "enor-                                                                                      fixing up the debt predica-
            mous task," with debts and                                                                                          ment."
            liabilities exceeding 1 trillion                                                                                    SUING GOLDMAN SACHS
            ringgit ($247 billion).                                                                                             Lim  said  the  government
            "We  were  faced  with  the                                                                                         plans  to  sue  Goldman
            magnitude  of  not  just  de-                                                                                       Sachs Group Inc. to recoup
            ceit  but  also  outright  cor-                                                                                     about $600 million in com-
            ruption. I mean this is a dif-                                                                                      missions  paid  by  1MDB  for
            ferent  ballgame.  We  are   Malaysian Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng speaks during an interview with The Associated Press at   arranging three bond sales.
            dealing  with  global  klep-  Finance Ministry in Putrajaya, Malaysia, Friday, June 29, 2018.                       "We are very unhappy with
            tocracy at its worst," he said                                                                     Associated Press  Goldman  Sachs  because
            about  alleged  theft  and                                                                                          they  advised  1MDB  and
            money  laundering  at  the  Razak.                        on loans, amounts to about  that  U.S.  investigators  say  principally  that  got  us  into
            1MDB state fund set up by  Lim  said  losses  at  the  now  50  billion  ringgit  ($12.4  bil-  was  stolen  and  laundered  this mess. They got 600 mil-
            former Prime Minister Najib  defunct  fund,  plus  interest  lion),  including  $4.5  billion  by Najib associates.  lion ringgit as a fee. q

            SKorea says inter-Korean ties crucial for nuclear diplomacy

            Associated Press                                                                                                    sured. Moon met with North
            SEOUL, South Korea (AP) —                                                                                           Korean leader Kim Jong Un
            South  Korea's  point  man                                                                                          in April and May and their
            for inter-Korean affairs said                                                                                       summits   have    opened
            Friday Seoul will try to facili-                                                                                    various channels of peace
            tate civilian-level exchang-                                                                                        talks,  including  ongoing
            es with North Korea in com-                                                                                         military  talks  for  reducing
            ing  months  to  strengthen                                                                                         border  tensions,  Red  Cross
            the  conciliation  process                                                                                          talks that set up temporary
            between the rivals.                                                                                                 reunions between war-sep-
            Unification Minister Cho My-                                                                                        arated relatives, and sports
            oung-gyon  said  strength-                                                                                          talks that led to an agree-
            ened  relations  between                                                                                            ment  to  field  combined
            the Koreas will increase the                                                                                        teams at the Asian Games
            chances  of  successful  nu-                                                                                        in August.
            clear  diplomacy  between                                                                                           Kim  met  with  President
            Washington  and  Pyong-                                                                                             Donald  Trump  earlier  this
            yang.                                                                                                               month in Singapore where
            "(Our)   government     will                                                                                        they issued an aspirational
            closely  communicate  and                                                                                           goal  for  a  denuclearized
            cooperate  with  North  Ko-                                                                                         Korean  Peninsula  without
            rea and the United States,                                                                                          describing  when  and  how
            all  our  neighboring  coun-                                                                                        it  would  occur.  U.S.  Secre-
            tries,  and  the  entire  inter-                                                                                    tary of State Mike Pompeo
            national community so that   South Korean Unification Minister Cho Myoung-gyon speaks during the Korean Peninsula Peace   is  expected  to  travel  to
            the  agreements  between     Symposium in Seoul, South Korea, Friday, June 29, 2018.                                North Korea soon for follow-
            North Korea and the United                                                                         Associated Press  up talks. Cho said upcom-
            States could be quickly and                                                                                         ing between Pompeo and
            completely  carried  out,"  proach is needed."            promote  exchanges  be-      Korean  projects  will  de-  senior North Korean officials
            Cho said at a Seoul forum  Cho  said  Seoul  will  put  in  tween  South  Korean  news  pend  on  whether  appro-   will provide an opportunity
            co-hosted  by  his  ministry  efforts  to  facilitate  inter-  organizations  and  North  priate  "conditions  are  cre-  to shape detailed plans for
            and South Korea's Yonhap  Korean  exchanges  at  the  Korea's  state  media.  Cho  ated."  South  Korean  Presi-    the  "complete  denuclear-
            news  agency.  "While  the  civilian  and  local  govern-  downplayed concerns that  dent Moon Jae-in has said  ization  of  the  Korean  Pen-
            denuclearization  negotia-   ment levels so that "people  improved  relations  will  be  progress  in  inter-Korean  insula and security guaran-
            tions go on, we may try to  from  all  areas  and  levels  accompanied by the eas-     relations will be crucial be-  tee for North Korea," which
            facilitate  the  negotiations  of  society"  could  engage  ing  of  sanctions  and  pres-  cause the North won't give  would  help  the  wartime
            with  efforts  from  the  inter-  in the conciliation process.  sure on North Korea, saying  up its nuclear program un-  foes  kick  off  a  genuine
            Korean level if such an ap-  He said Seoul will also try to  that  the  progress  in  inter-  less it feels its security is as-  peace process.q
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