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A6   U.S. NEWS
                     Saturday 30 June 2018
            New Mormon leaders bring diversity, new perspectives

            By BRADY McCOMBS                                                                                                    abuse.
             Associated Press                                                                                                   "Abuse  is  something  we
            SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — The                                                                                           don't tolerate," Soares said.
            two  newest  members  of                                                                                            "When it comes to light, the
            a  top  Mormon  governing                                                                                           church  acts  and  tries  to
            panel  said  Thursday  that                                                                                         help  and  support  the  one
            they  hope  to  bring  a  new                                                                                       who has been abused and
            perspective as the first Lat-                                                                                       the one who has abused ...
            in-American  and  the  first                                                                                        to help the person who fol-
            person of Asian ancestry to                                                                                         lowed this kind of behavior
            a  previously  all-white  top                                                                                       to repent, to change."
            leadership group that helps                                                                                         Gong  said  most  church
            make church policy.                                                                                                 leaders  are  concerned  for
            Ulisses  Soares  of  Brazil  and                                                                                    children, women and those
            Gerrit W. Gong, a Chinese-                                                                                          who  are  vulnerable  and
            American, made the com-                                                                                             said  Mormon  parents  can
            ments during their first me-                                                                                        be confident that their chil-
            dia  interviews  since  being                                                                                       dren are safe.
            chosen  for  The  Church  of                                                                                        "We take care of each oth-
            Jesus  Christ  of  Latter-day                                                                                       er," Gong said. "When there
            Saints'  leadership  panel                                                                                          are  mistakes,  we  catch
            called  the  Quorum  of  the                                                                                        them  when  we  can  and
            Twelve  Apostles  earlier  this                                                                                     immediately take action."
            year.                                                                                                               ___
            They also weighed on how     The two newest members of a top Mormon governing panel, Ulisses Soares, left, and Gerrit W.   POLITICAL CIVILITY
                                         Gong, right, speak on Thursday, June 28, 2018, in Salt Lake City, during their first media interviews
            the  religion  handles  sex   since being selected to the religion's Quorum of the Twelve Apostles earlier this year.  Gong,  who  worked  for
            abuse reporting and politi-                                                                        Associated Press  the  U.S.  State  Department
            cal civility:                                                                                                       and the Washington, D.C.-
            'WE  BRING  NEW  EXPERI-     than  half  of  the  its  16  mil-  from China.           Gong  and  Soares  both  based Center for Strategic
            ENCE'                        lion  members  outside  the  "The  more  places  we  go,  echoed  recent  comments  and  International  Studies
            The  selections  of  Soares  United States.               the  more  people  we  un-   by top leaders that the re-  before  being  selected  for
            and  Gong  as  new  mem-     "We  bring  some  experi-    derstand  and  meet  with,  ligion  has  "zero  tolerance"  a lower-tier church leader-
            bers of the Quorum of the  ence  from  other  areas  of  the  greater  we  see  that  for abuse and said they of-   ship  panel  in  2010,  spoke
            Twelve    Apostles   during  the world," said Soares, an  love  which  is  a  universal  fering training and support  about  the  current  climate
            a  church  conference  on  accountant  and  auditor  love," Gong said.                 for local leaders about best  of  political  tension  in  the
            March 30 triggered excite-   for  multinational  corpora-  ___                         practices.  The  religion  re-  United States.
            ment  among  many  Mor-      tions  in  Brazil  before  join-  SEXUAL ABUSE            cently  issued  an  updated  "There's never been a time
            mons  who  for  years  have  ing church leadership. "The  The  religion  has  come  un-  set  of  guidelines  for  how  where we needed greater
            been hoping for the faith's  lord  uses  different  abilities,  der  scrutiny  recently  for  the  male  bishops  should  civility,  greater  bipartisan-
            top leadership to be more  different talents to accom-    how it handles sexual abuse  handle  sexual  assault  re-  ship,  greater  vision  for  the
            representative of a religion   plish  his  great  work.  Com-  reported  to  its  local  lay  ports. The guidelines direct  future,"  Gong  said.  "I  think
            has more than half of the its  ing  from  different  cultures  leaders,  including  several  them never to disregard a  it's  in  shared  vision  that
            16 million members outside  may help us to understand  lawsuits that allege church  report of abuse — a more  sometimes we find the ca-
            the United States.           the  specific  needs  or  spe-  officials   didn't   properly  direct  instruction  than  pre-  pacity  to  make  the  kinds
            Soares, 59, said the religion's  cific behaviors that we can  pass  along  the  reports  to  vious  guidelines  —  and  to  of  accommodations  and
            direction won't change be-   address.  We  can  be  more  police.  A  new  lawsuit  was  call  a  church  hotline  that  compromises  that  consti-
            cause that's always led by  sensitive. We can feel more  filed this week by a woman  will help them sort out how  tute  politics.  Politics  is  the
            Jesus Christ, but he said he  empathy for the ways peo-   who says her father sexually  to  help  victims  and  report  art  of  the  possible,  where
            and  Gong  can  enhance  ple feel things."                abused her as a child and  the crime.                     we  give  up  things  in  order
            the  church's  capacity  to  Gong, 64, was born in Red-   that Mormon church lead-     Soares said that the church  to gain things for the great-
            meet  the  needs  of  an  in-  wood  City,  California,  but  ers  allowed  the  sexual  as-  tries  to  support  the  victim  er  good.  If  there's  ever  a
            creasingly  global  religion  his   grandparents   immi-  sault to continue by failing  of the abuse as well as the  time  we  needed  some  of
            that  now  that  has  more  grated to the United States  to report it to police.       person  who  is  accused  of  that, it is now."q
            Vaccination critic placed on probation by medical board

            By MICHAEL BALSAMO           he  wrote  the  letter  after  her to resume vaccinating  must trust our patients, the  manent  revocation  of  his
             Associated Press            the 2-year-old's mother de-  her son and needed a let-    same way our patients trust  license.q
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  A  scribed  an  adverse  reac-     ter right away.              us to look out for their best
            Southern  California  pedia-  tion  to  an  earlier  vaccina-  The doctor said it ended up  interest," Sears wrote .
            trician and outspoken critic  tion.                       taking more than a year to  Sears has authored a pop-
            of mandatory vaccinations  He  said  he  agreed  to  a  receive  the  boy's  medical  ular book on vaccines and
            has  been  placed  on  pro-  settlement  with  the  state  records.                    advocates  a  staggered,
            bation for 35 months by the  medical board, which was  "Isn't it my job to listen to my  alternative   vaccination
            state's medical board.       signed on Wednesday, be-     patients  and  believe  what  schedule  that  contrasts
            Dr. Bob Sears had been ac-   cause "it was likely that I'd  a parent says happened to  with    recommendations
            cused  of  failing  to  obtain  get probation anyway."    her  baby?  Isn't  that  what  by the Centers for Disease
            a  detailed  medical  history  Sears said the child's moth-  ALL  doctors  do  with  their  Control and Prevention.
            before writing a 2014 letter  er was afraid that a judge  patients?  A  patient's  word  The doctor had faced pun-
            excusing a toddler from im-  at  an  upcoming  court  is  often  the  only  evidence  ishments  ranging  from  a
            munizations.  Officials  said  hearing was going to force  we have — as doctors we  public reprimand to a per-
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