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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 30 June 2018

            Ringleader of whiskey theft

            operation gets sentence cut

            By BRUCE SCHREINER           gerous offenders.            received  "both  in  and  out
            Associated Press             Kentucky's    top    public  of this courtroom."
            FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — The  safety  official  has  said  the  Curtsinger's  attorney,  Whit-
            ringleader  of  a  whiskey  state's  prisons  could  run  ney  True  Lawson,  said  Fri-
            theft  operation  that's  al-  out of space by May 2019,  day he has "suffered great-
            ready  a  part  of  Kentucky  possibly  forcing  the  early  ly  because  of  his  actions."
            lore  was  sentenced  to  15  release  of  thousands  of  Lawson  said  the  case
            years in prison, but his time  nonviolent  inmates  as  the  amounted  to  a  property
            behind bars is ending after  state continues to grapple  crime, and that Curtsinger's
            a month.                     with  the  effects  of  an  opi-  prior  brushes  with  the  law
            A  judge  on  Friday  short-  oid epidemic.               were limited to a couple of
            ened the jail time for ex-dis-  Curtsinger, a former Buffalo  minor traffic offenses.
            tillery  worker  Gilbert  "Toby"  Trace  distillery  employee,  "This has been a lot of strife,
            Curtsinger  after  prosecu-  was  at  the  center  of  the  a  lot  of  struggle,  a  lot  of
            tors  raised  no  objection  to  bourbon-heist scheme that  hardship ... and he's got a
            a defense request for shock  spirited away tens of thou-  lot of repairing that he's got
            probation.                   sands  of  dollars'  worth  of  to do," Lawson told report-  In a May 22, 2015 file photo, Gilbert "Toby" Curtsinger sits Franklin
            Curtsinger's  release  from  liquor.  The  thefts  targeted  ers after the hearing. "And   County Circuit Court in Frankfort, Ky.
            jail could come as soon as  the Buffalo Trace and Wild  so I think he's eager to say                                            Associated Press
            Sunday  —  30  days  into  his  Turkey distilleries. He plead-  that  this  chapter  of  his  life
            sentence, his attorney and  ed  guilty  to  charges  that  is over and to see what the   priate" due to his ringleader  er's marks.
            a  prosecutor  said  after-  included  theft  by  unlawful  next chapter holds for him."  role, Becker said.        Investigators   said   they
            ward. It's the least amount  taking and receiving stolen  Curtsinger, who is in his late   Curtsinger, who worked on  cracked  not  only  whiskey
            of time someone can serve  property.                      40s, did not attend Friday's   the  Buffalo  Trace  loading  thefts but a steroid-traffick-
            before  shock  probation  is  The  thefts  included  hard-  hearing.  He  had  been    docks, distributed the whis-  ing  scheme  as  part  of  the
            allowed under state law.     to-get  and  pricey  brands  painting  houses  as  a  way   key  through  a  syndicate  investigation.
            During  a  brief  court  hear-  such as Pappy Van Winkle  to  help  support  his  family   that  included  members  One  question  still  looms:
            ing,  prosecutor  Zachary  bourbon.  The  local  sheriff  before his incarceration, his   of  his  recreational  softball  what to do with the confis-
            Becker  said  there  are  too  estimated  the  recovered  attorney said.               team, authorities said.      cated bourbon.
            many  drug  traffickers  and  whiskey was worth at least  Curtsinger  faces  several   The  scheme  was  exposed  Becker  on  Friday  filed  a
            violent  criminals  "who  de-  $100,000.                  years  of  supervised  pro-  after  the  Franklin  County  court  motion  asking  that
            serve  his  cot  in  jail  more  Becker  said  Friday  he  bation  after  his  release   sheriff's  office  received  an  the purloined spirits be dis-
            than he does."               thought  Curtsinger  had  from  jail,  Becker  said  in   anonymous tip that several  posed of in a way that re-
            He added that, "I cannot in  been         "appropriately  an  interview.  Curtsinger   missing  Wild  Turkey  bour-  flects the wishes of the Van
            good  conscience  oppose  shocked  by  this  experi-      has  already  paid  the  res-  bon  barrels  were  stashed  Winkle  family  and  the  Buf-
            this motion," given the cost  ence, so as not to reoffend,"  titution  —  amounting  to  a   on Curtsinger's property.  falo Trace and Wild Turkey
            of  imprisoning  more  dan-  given the punishments he's  couple of thousand dollars    Sheriff's  officers  found  bar-  distilleries.  They  have  sig-
                                                                      —  required  under  his  plea   rels  containing  bourbon  naled  their  wishes  to  have
                                                                      agreement, the prosecutor    behind  an  outbuilding  on  the  bourbon  returned  to
                                                                      said.                        the  property.  The  barrels  them "for disposition as they
                                                                      Ten  people  were  indicted   had  been  sanded  and  deem  appropriate,  includ-
                                                                      after  the  scheme  was  un-  spray-painted black on the  ing destruction" in accord-
                                                                      covered in 2015. Curtsinger   tops  and  bottoms  in  what  ing  with  state  and  federal
                                                                      was  the  only  one  to  serve   authorities believed was an  laws  and  regulations,  the
                                                                      jail time, which was "appro-  effort  to  remove  the  distill-  motion said.q
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