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Saturday 30 June 2018
Trump says he has ‘good relationship’ with chief of staff
By KEN THOMAS, CATH- former Fox News executive
ERINE LUCEY and JILL COL- Bill Shine, who is expected
VIN to join the administration
Associated Press as deputy chief of staff for
MORRISTOWN, N.J. (AP) — communications.
President Donald Trump Kelly has often joked pub-
said Friday that he gets licly about how working
along well with his embat- for Trump is the hardest job
tled White House chief of he’s ever had, including
staff but doesn’t know how those on the battlefield.
long John Kelly will remain Trump has discussed re-
in the job. placing Kelly before, and
Kelly has been back in the any personnel changes
spotlight this week as word should be considered ten-
surfaced that the president tative until he carries them
has been sounding out out. Rarely does the presi-
allies about potential re- dent directly fire anyone,
placements for the retired frequently letting out-of-
four-star general. Kelly is favor aides dangle in limbo
credited with bringing or- for months.
der to the West Wing but Mulvaney on Friday told
also grates on the free- Fox Business Network he’d
wheeling president. “heard those same rumors
Asked about all the specu- In this June 6, 2018, photo, President Donald Trump’s Chief of Staff John Kelly attends a briefing about three times now
lation, Trump told reporters on this year’s hurricane season at the Federal Emergency Management Agency Headquarters in in the last 12 months. I’ll
aboard Air Force One that Washington. start dealing with that issue
“we’re getting along very Associated Press when the president actu-
well.” But he added: “Look, Ayers, according to two The long list of White House late July. ally raises it with me as op-
at some point, things hap- people with knowledge of staffers who have recently The latest speculation posed to the meeting that
pen but I will tell you ... we Trump’s thinking. The sourc- left or are planning to go in about Kelly comes as he hasn’t happened yet.”
have a very good rela- es spoke on condition of the coming weeks includes has seen his White House Ayers did not immediate
tionship. He’s a wonderful anonymity because they legislative director Marc role diminished in recent respond to a request for
man.” were not authorized to dis- Short. months. Trump and Kelly comment.
Asked if Kelly was leaving, cuss personnel matters. Kelly has told confidants have drifted apart, as the Trump, fielding questions
the president said, “That Trump often openly muses he currently has no plan president has chafed at the from reporters en route to
I don’t know. I like John a about replacements for to leave and has made retired general’s attempts a weekend getaway to
lot. I like him and I respect his aides without follow- no formal preparations to to impose order. The presi- his New Jersey golf course,
him.” The president spoke through, and speculation do so, according to one dent has increasingly fol- suggested it’s possible that
en route to a weekend at has bubbled up about Kelly person with knowledge lowed his own counsel and Hope Hicks — who was a
his golf club in New Jersey. and other aides in the past of his thinking. But he has added more like-minded top campaign and White
Two possible replacements without action. also told people close to aides to his staff, many of House aide before leaving
for Kelly: Trump’s budget The White House has pre- him that he’d be happy if whom have direct access in March— could someday
director, Mick Mulvaney, viously denied talk of im- he made it to the one-year to the Oval Office without return. “I’ll bet you Hope
and Vice President Mike pending staff shake-ups mark in the position, which going through Kelly. misses it. I think everybody
Pence’s chief of staff, Nick that later came to pass. would mean he stays until That list will soon include misses it.”q
Man accused of threatening to kill FCC chairman’s family
By MICHAEL BALSAMO one of the emails, accord- fere with the official’s du-
Associated Press ing to court documents. ties. He could face up to 10
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Cali- The same email listed the years in prison, if convicted.
fornia man who told investi- names and addresses of A telephone number listed
gators he was upset about several preschools in Ar- for Man in public records
the repeal of net neutrality lington, Virginia, though rang unanswered Friday.
rules was arrested Friday the chairman’s children did It wasn’t immediately clear
and is accused of threat- not attend any of them, of- if he had an attorney who
ening to kill Federal Com- ficials said. could comment on the al-
munication Commission When federal agents legations.
Chariman Ajit Pai’s family, traced the emails back to The FCC voted last year to
authorities said. Man and questioned him repeal the Obama-era net
Markara Man, 33, of Nor- in May, he acknowledged neutrality rules that said all
walk told investigators that sending them and provid- web traffic must be treated
he sent three emails to ed law enforcement offi- equally.
Pai in December 2017 be- cers with a written apology In this Dec. 14, 2017, file photo, Federal Communications It gave internet service
cause he was angry over that he sent to Pai, court Commission Chairman Ajit Pai arrives for an FCC meeting in providers such as Verizon,
Pai’s role in repealing the papers said. Washington. Comcast and AT&T a free
regulations and wanted to “I’m sorry I made a threat Associated Press hand to slow or block web-
scare the chairman. against your kids. That was Man was charged in fed- U.S. official’s immediate sites and apps as they see
“I will find your children and crossing the line,” he wrote eral court in Virginia with family member with the in- fit or charge more for faster
I will kill them,” Man wrote in in his message. threatening to murder a tent to intimidate or inter- speeds.q