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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 30 June 2018

            Police called suspect in newsroom rampage no threat in 2013

            Continued from Front         out  as  groundless.  Ramos   nicer” to see two of its jour-  and  lives  in  an  apartment
                                         had  repeatedly  targeted    nalists “cease breathing.”   in Laurel, Maryland. He was
            Authorities said Ramos bar-  staffers with angry, profan-  Then  Ramos  “went  silent”  employed by an IT contrac-
            ricaded the rear exit of the  ity-laced tweets.           for  more  than  two  years,  tor  for  the  U.S.  Labor  De-
            office  to  prevent  anyone  “There’s  clearly  a  history   Marquardt said.           partment’s Bureau of Labor
            from  escaping  and  me-     there,”  the  police  chief   “This led us to believe that  Statistics from 2007 to 2014,
            thodically  blasted  his  way  said.                      he had moved on, but for  a  department  spokesman
            through    the   newsroom  Ramos  launched  so  many      whatever  reason,  he  de-   said.
            Thursday  with  a  12-gauge  social  media  attacks  that   cided  to resurrect his  issue  The  rampage  began  with
            pump-action       shotgun,  retired  publisher  Tom  Mar-  with  The  Capital  yester-  a  shotgun  blast  that  shat-
            gunning  down  one  victim  quardt  called  police  in    day,”  the  former  publisher  tered  the  glass  entrance
            trying to slip out the back.  2013.                       said.                        to the open newsroom. Ra-
            Three  editors,  a  reporter  Altomare  disclosed  Friday   “We don’t know why.”       mos  carefully  planned  the
            and  a  sales  assistant  were  that a detective investigat-  The police chief said some  attack,  using  “a  tactical
            killed.                      ed those concerns, holding   new  posts  went  up  just  approach in hunting down
            “The  fellow  was  there  to  a  conference  call  with  an   before  the  killings  but  au-  and shooting the innocent
            kill  as  many  people  as  attorney  for  the  publishing   thorities didn’t know about  people,”  prosecutor  Wes   In this June 28 2018 photo re-
                                                                                                                                leased  by  the  Anne  Arundel
            he  could,”  Anne  Arundel  company,  a  former  corre-   them until afterward.        Adams said.                  Police,  Jarrod  Warren  Ramos
            County  Police  Chief  Timo-  spondent and the paper’s    Few  details  were  released  He  said  the  gunman  had   poses for a photo, in Annapo-
            thy Altomare said.           publisher.                   on Ramos, other than that  an  escape  plan,  too,  but   lis, Md.
            Ramos,  clean-shaven  with  The  police  report  said  the   he is single, has no children  would not elaborate.q               Associated Press
            long hair past his shoulders,  attorney produced a trove
            was  denied  bail  in  a  brief  of  tweets  in  which  Ramos
            court  appearance  he  at-   “makes  mention  of  blood
            tended by video, watching  in the water, journalist hell,
            attentively but saying noth-  hit man, open season, glad
            ing.                         there  won’t  be  murderous
            Authorities said he was “un-  rampage, murder career.”
            cooperative”  with  interro-  The detective, Michael Pral-
            gators.  He  was  placed  on  ey,  said  in  the  report  that
            a  suicide  watch  in  jail.  His  he “did not believe that Mr.
            public  defenders  had  no  Ramos was a threat to em-
            comment.                     ployees” at the paper, not-
            The  charges  carry  a  maxi-  ing that Ramos hadn’t tried
            mum penalty of life without  to  enter  the  building  and
            parole.  Maryland  has  no  hadn’t sent “direct, threat-
            death penalty.               ening correspondence.”
            The    bloodshed    initially  “As of this writing the Capi-
            stirred fears that the recent  tal  will  not  pursue  any
            surge of political attacks on  charges,”  Praley  wrote.  “It
            the “fake news media” had  was  described  as  putting
            exploded into violence. But  a stick in a beehive which
            by  all  accounts,  Ramos  the  Capital  Newspaper
            had  a  specific,  longstand-  representatives do not wish
            ing  grievance  against  the  to do.”
            paper.                       Marquardt, the former pub-
            President  Donald  Trump,  lisher,  said  he  talked  with
            who routinely calls reporters  the  newspaper’s  attorneys
            “liars” and “enemies of the  about seeking a restraining
            people,”  said,  “Journalists,  order  but  didn’t  because
            like  all  Americans,  should  he  and  others  thought  it
            be free from the fear of be-  could  provoke  Ramos  into
            ing violently attacked while  something worse.
            doing their jobs.”           “We  decided  to  take  the
            Ramos  had  filed  a  defa-  course  of  laying  low,”  he
            mation  lawsuit  against  the  said Friday.
            paper in 2012 after it ran an  Later,   in   2015,   Ramos
            article about him pleading  tweeted  that  he  would
            guilty to harassing a wom-   like  to  see  the  paper  stop
            an.  A  judge  later  threw  it  publishing, but “it would be
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