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Saturday 30 June 2018
New rallying call for 2020 Democrats: ‘Abolish ICE’
By BILL BARROW children from their parents.
Associated Press Marches are scheduled
ATLANTA (AP) — Several across the country Satur-
prominent Democrats who day to protest the policy,
are mulling a bid for the which President Donald
White House in 2020 sought Trump later reversed.
to bolster their progressive The Democratic calls to
credentials this week by scrap the agency under-
calling for major changes score the balancing act
to immigration enforce- the party is facing on immi-
ment, with some pressing gration issues. Such rhetoric
for the outright abolition of could prove unhelpful to
the federal government’s the 10 Democratic senators
chief immigration enforce- seeking re-election this fall
ment agency. in states Trump carried in
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of 2016, where conservative
New York said Immigra- views on immigration pre-
tion and Customs Enforce- vail. But calling for an end
ment, known as ICE, has In this June 28, 2018 photo, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., joins activists at the Supreme Court to ICE could be a winner for
“become a deportation as President Donald Trump prepares to choose a replacement for Justice Anthony Kennedy, in Democrats seeking to rally
force.” Washington. the party’s base in the 2020
“You should get rid of it, Associated Press presidential primaries.
start over, reimagine it and Sen. Kamala Harris of Cali- from scratch” on an im- another run, has stopped Many anti-Trump activists,
build something that actu- fornia over the past week. migration enforcement short of his colleagues’ calls who are driving the Twitter
ally works,” she told CNN In interviews with multiple agency.Vermont Sen. Ber- to dismantle ICE. But he has hashtag #abolishICE, have
late Thursday. outlets, she has said the nie Sanders, who sought also been quick to note his celebrated the moves by
Her comments follow simi- government “maybe” or the Democratic nomina- vote opposing the 2002 law Gillibrand, Harris and oth-
lar sentiments expressed by “probably” should “start tion in 2016 and is mulling that paved the way for ICE ers. Nelini Stamp, the na-
to replace the old Immigra- tional organizing director
tion and Naturalization Ser- for the Working Families
vice following the attacks Party, one of many progres-
of Sept. 11, 2001. sive groups that ratcheted
Housed within the Depart- up its activity after Trump’s
ment of Homeland Se- election, called it a “critical
curity, ICE is in charge of moment” in the early ma-
executing hundreds of neuverings for 2020.
federal immigration stat- “Any Democrats who want
utes. The debate over the to be the nominee needs
agency’s future follows the to stand on the right side
widespread outcry in re- of this,” Stamp said. “Even
cent weeks after the Trump if they don’t say ‘abolish
administration separated ICE,’ they can’t not ad-
more than 2,000 migrant dress it.” q
OAS asks US to reunite migrant
families as soon as possible
By LUIS ALONSO LUGO than the original draft pro-
Associated Press posed by Mexico, El Salva-
WASHINGTON (AP) — The dor, Guatemala and Hon-
Organization of American duras, which had urged
States urged the United the U.S. “not to resort under
States on Friday to follow any circumstance to the
through on President Don- separation of migrant fami-
ald Trump’s decision to lies.”
stop the separation of mi- The resolution was watered
grant families at the south- down after the leaders of
ern border. Guatemala, El Salvador
The 34-nation regional bloc and Honduras met Vice
also called for the U.S. to President Mike Pence in
reunite migrant children Guatemala on Thursday.
with their parents as soon According to Honduran
as possible. diplomat Luis Cordero, the
The OAS resolution was ad- three Central American
opted without debate or leaders “value positively”
vote — or objection from Trump’s executive action
the U.S delegation. It was to halt the policy of tak-
much less critical toward ing children from their de-
the Trump administration tained parents.q